Should my mom still work
My mom (77) has Alzheimer’s (stage 4 diagnosed by neurologist). She’s been a beautician since out of high school. The neurologist said she shouldn’t work anymore. There were some issues last summer with scheduling her appointments and with time management and leaving wax on too long, etc. her boss even started mixing her…
My mom hasn’t heard diagnosis yet but her doctor told my brother
My brother brought my mom for a visit in the state we live (a good ways away from her) to look at retirement homes here and during the course of her visit finally made contact with her doctor who confirmed the diagnosis we suspected. She flies back home next week and has an appointment with her doctor. My brother feels we…
my mom is in a prison she says
Well, my mom is in skilled nursing after her decision to be in a living situation that was dangerous, well she was angry I thought it wasn't the best idea. So, she took her medication wrong or ran out and didn't let me know that happened, and the doctor sent it to costco not walgreens. And now she is waiting for me to find…
Good bye and Thank you!
I want to thank this wonderful group for their support over the last 3 1/2 years. My mom died early Tuesday morning under hospice care. She had been on hospice care for 2 1/2 years. I pray for everyone who is still on the journey. Best, Shannon aka Books4fun
Breaking point
Hello everybody. I’m caring for my mom now 24/7 and I’m at my breaking point. I’m a 55 yr old male, disabled myself being partially paralyzed in my legs from a spinal cord surfing injury in 08’. My mom’s getting worse and my two brothers aren’t much help because they cannot handle her for more than a day. She only has…
How important is it to have a current Government issued ID?
I posted this in the other driver's license topic but it did get me thinking about this problem again. Put in context, mom is in MC. She will never drive again. I'm her DPOA and HCP. She has very little understanding of anything. My mom's driver's license expired October 2020. A good month before it expired I mailed it…
Revocation and stepmom
Today was pretty rough. My stepmother of 20 years submitted a revocation and had me temporarily removed from my Dad's bank account that I had setup to pay his bills and where I have DPOA. All for $26k. I made the mistake of putting her on the account as a joint account holder. We'd been using it together to pay bills. I'd…
Recent cognitive losses
Mom couldn’t remember her social security number today. She also didn’t recognize it when I found a card in her purse that had it written on it. This is new. She has never not been able to recite it when asked. She’s been calling me and asking for permission to do things, such as to go out to eat with my dad. I feel like a…
Fecal incontinence - easy to change diapers?
My LO is my father who is 67, and the biggest issue we have is with fecal incontinence. He lives with my mom, 71, who is the primary caregiver. He is completely incontinent, has been for over a year. My mom has to change him at least three times a day, and it's always a struggle to get him into a new diaper. He needs to…
Dealing with someone that does not want to help themselves.
Hearing and sense of smell loss-is it related to dementia??
Is hearing loss and a loss of sense of smell related to dementia?? My mother seems to have lost acuity in hearing and smell.
New to full time caregiving(1)
Hi all, My name is Chip. I'm caregiver for my mother, Ferol, who is 93 and one of the kindest people I know. She has been there for me my whole life, 65 now, and I intend to be there for her and if at all possible to keep her in her home. Mom was recently diagnosed with moderate brain atrophy with fluid pressure on the…
OT--question for Dussing
What is that on your dog's head? Iris L.
Question on the need for a continuous care facility
We are looking at senior communities for our mother who has early stage Alzheimer's. It seems most senior living communities have AL and MC but do not have LT Care. Do Alzheimer's patients typically need to go to a continuous care community that has LT care or can they be cared for properly in MC all the way to the end? I…
Expetations from Memory Care prior to meeting with them
I've posted several times about issues my mom has related to panic attacks when her delusion is telling her that she's not where she lives but is somewhere else like the train station and needs me to "Come get me right away" when she is actually in her own room. She needs me and me alone to help her to recognize her…
After ER last night....more delusions, nurse calls me
After my topic on the ER trip yesterday, https://www.alzconnected.org/discussion.aspx?g=posts&t=2147556926 and mom' unexplainable injury and delusions, today I called mom in the morning and she was OK. But at 5:30pm i got a call from the nurse. She put mom on the phone. Mom was insisting I come get her and bring her home.…
I think that I just witnessed my LO's first sundowning experience. I video called her at 7:30 pm and she was eating dinner. She said it wasn't a bother, she was "just eating breakfast" and "my aren't you and your kids up and ready to go so early! What are your plans for the day?" Obviously she mistook 7:30 pm for 7:30 am…
Need Fiblet Suggestion for Mom
My mother who is between mid to advance stage alzheimer has been waking up most mornings feeling sad that her parents passed away 40+ years ago. I tried to listen to her but she will usually end up crying because she miss them, and feeling sorry for herself. Sometimes this will continue randomly throughout the day. I don't…
Any financial aide for respite care in MN or tips on private pay?
Are there any aide, grants, or scholarships out there that can help pay with at-home respite care or companion care? I've tried the Senior Link Age link for MN and the County. They have low income requirements to qualify. I also tried Hilarity for Charity. There is nothing for the local Alzheimer chapter either. When she…
Question about smartphones
I have a two year old LG smartphone that is paid for. The company is now sending me ads to turn in my phone and get a new one. I have no desire for another phone. I have not learned all the features of this phone yet. Is there any need to retire a working phone after two years? How long can a phone be functional? Do we…
My mother was recently diagnosed. Need some advice
Hi There, My 75 yr old mother was recently diagnosed with Alzheimers. Her dr prescribed Aricept. I noticed improvement with my mother immediately. She seemed more engaged in conversations and more confident about daily activities. She then experienced side effects and decided to stop the medication. She is currently living…
OCD about schedules and tasks - bvFTD
Hi all, My dad was diagnosed with bvFTD in January 2021. He is 77 and lives with my mom quite a long distance from me. I went to visit them for a week in early May. My dad had insomnia for 25+ years and since then, started going to bed very soon after dinner, so usually around 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. Since his neurologist…
Geri chair pillow
Any recommendations on a pillow for my mom’s Geri chair? We have been instructed by hospice to put her in her chair if after being medicated at night she continues to be restless and doesn’t want to go to sleep. Eventually she does fall asleep in her chair but then I’m the morning I see her slumped over to the side. That…
New Here! Any advise is appreciated
Hello All! I'm new here. My mom was diagnosed with dementia in February. I knew this was happening. I took her in 2 years ago for testing but she did great on the tests.. Fast forward to February and was diagnosed. I am married with 2 middle schoolers on top of taking care of my mom. She still lives on her own but I help…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 6/1/21
Sometimes LOVE is easy. Sometimes LOVE requires sacrifice. 1 Corinthians 13:4a * Amplified Bible: "4 Love endures with patience and serenity..." * Easy-to-Read Version: "4 Love is patient and kind..." * The Message: "Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self." * New King James Version: "4 Love suffers…
Bed available much fast than expected
Hi all, I have posted in the past about placing my Mom on a waiting list for a facility. I did so a month ago after finding a local one I liked, with great staff and beautiful rooms. It was newly built around 4 years ago. They have a lot of activities and amenities that I really was impressed with too. At the time I placed…
Excited! Miserable. Impressed!
Heroism is endurance for one moment more. ~ George F. Kennan Happy Memorial Day, you everyday heroes! I'm excited! https://www.stumpedtowndementia.com/post/lights-camera-action I'm miserable. https://www.stumpedtowndementia.com/post/i-see-dead-people-s I'm IMPRESSED!…
Aggressive behavior w/ Aides
Hi everyone - I posted a message a few months ago re: my 96 year old Mom threatening one of her aides. At that point she had not put her hands on anyone. At the suggestions of some in this group, we put her on Risperidone and 50 mg Trazodone. She seemed to be doing better, but lately she seems to be entering a new phase as…
How do you grieve?
My mom is 68 and in late stage 6. My parents are separated so it's up to my sister and I to care for her, although my dad is contributing financially. Mom is in a memory care facility that's doing a fantastic job but... watching your own mom decline in slow motion right in front of you is still so hard. I hadn't realized…
How to change a pull up w/o removing pants
Another member posted this video a while ago on the "Spouse or Caregiver Forum"...I am thinking maybe Ed1937. Many here are already aware of the technique but I wanted to re-post for those who haven't seen it. With a little practice, it is fast and easy to do. Now that my DH is urinary incontinent, I am getting a lot of…