After the fall(1)
Hi all, and hope you are as well as is possible. I’m sorry to say that my mother fell on April 17 and fractured her hip. We will not pursue surgery and she is now bed bound. Due to the pain it causes, they cannot get her out of bed and only move her as is needed for care/hygiene. Obviously it’s been very stressful and I am…
one of the best Teepa Snow's
POA and VA affairs???
I need some advice... My dad, 69, just got diagnosed with Alzheimers. His brain has "significant damage" and is not doing well. He lives in another state and his only other child lives out of state too. We both are going to see him in a week. I am not too familiar with POA. Is it a good idea to have both of us kids as his…
Update on Mom's Anger and Broken Heart at AL
It's been a crazy 3 weeks. After getting my mom moved in, I started packing her house, putting things in storage, and getting the house ready to sell. Then from 6/15-6/22 we took a family vacay to Florida (live in CA). House was listed today. The first four days at AL my mom was angry and lots of crying. Then, I went to…
How to handle mom's... I want to go home..., anger, and broken heart at AL
I did it. I got my mom into AL at Park Merced yesterday at about 3:30. The whole process was hard and a lot of work but I got it done. Mom was not happy about her apartment and staying as I knew she wouldn't be. This evening I got a call from PM asking if it was ok to have her call me. Sure, of course. As expected she was…
Care Coverage after year is coming to a head
Struggling with my siblings to cover care for my mother who has been diagnose with dementia, most likely symptomatic Alzheimer disease. Guessing she is in the moderate phase of this disease. My sisters and I are not even talking, this disease has driven a wedge between all of us and we are not able to talk and coordinate…
Recommendation for in home care
Hello,Any recommendations for and in home caregiving service that you love?! Finding it hard to choose just any. Would appreciate some recommendations from people who have had similar experiences as me. Thank you!
Lexington KY memory care facilities
Hello, I am looking at Highgrove at Tatescreek as well as Liberty Ridge for my father who has moderate dementia. Does anyone have a family member at either of these places and could share their thoughts/opinions? Thank you, Wendy
I feel like my marriage is crumbling…
My mother in law has advanced Alzheimer’s and was only recently diagnosed. I’m really starting to resent and hate her. I’m sure it makes me sound like a horrible person. She’s never been very nice to me. She had only sons. When I first met her, she paraded another girl during one of our first meeting and told me “this is…
Transport chair?
I’m thinking of purchasing a transport chair for my wife. It’s hard on her to walk long distances although she uses a rollator. We have a wheelchair but it’s getting too heavy for me to be lifting. Do any of you have suggestions and/or recommendations for a transport chair? I know I want one with brake levers on the…
GCM references
In a previous post, I received a recommendation that I seek out support from a Geriatric Care Manager. Are there quality reference sites? When I Googled, I ended up on some of the paid reference sites...value this community's referrals more than what I can find by myself. Thank you in advance....
It is one of THOSE days.
My FIL is restless, not sleeping well, and delusional. My spouse desperately needs time to get some daily tasks finished which have been piling up, as they do. We are tag-teaming care as usual. We are both tired. FIL is having severe memory problems, did not recognize his wife in a photograph that has been in his house…
Beginning to eat less
LO has been a great eater for us for the last two years that we've cared for her. Just in the last couple of weeks I've noticed she's not eating all of her meals. She's also started to pick apart her food or play with it, much like a two year old. Then, just a few minutes later, she'll announce she hasn't eaten all day and…
Trying to get help for father when mother won't and in denial
My husband and I are concerned about my father who obviously either has dementia or Alzheimers. His doctor did a scan and just said it looks pretty typical for an older person. My mother (his wife) is in denial. She leaves him alone all the time and gets frustrated when he doesn't help with the basic things he used to like…
Bittersweet Father's day
I celebrated father's day at dad's house. I did notice he kept the candy (Turtles) I'd sent. My stepsister was conspicuously absent. My stepmother refused to acknowledge or speak to me at all. There is another rabbit's hole in play now. Apparently, stepsister was deactivated by Door Dash as a "dasher." I don't know the…
HHA Agency Referral Needed SE FL - Palm Beach
Hi All, This month marks 7+ years as caregiver for Mom. Coming out of complete isolation due to covid, we just started trying to bring in help again - help that has experience with Sundowners, and separation anxiety/fear, and bereavement of almost all her friends and relatives, as well as the physical issues - Fall risk,…
No interest in food or eating
Hi! I’m new to this group, my DH was diagnosed with Dementia about a year ago. These past months it’s progressing faster then I can wrap my mind around it & have so many questions. He has lost so much weight due to his lack of interest in food, he is never hungry & if I don’t remind him to eat, he doesn’t. My question…
pros & cons of being tested for Parkinsons when already have dementia
My mother is in her early 80s. She has been diagnosed with vascular dementia. She has an appointment in July with neurology to be tested for Parkinsons. What benefit is this? When I search online for treatments of Parkinsons, I find recommendations of exercise and good diet. But my mother refuses this "nonsense." My father…
What is the most important factor when choosing an AL/MC facility?
As we continue to research and tour a handful of AL/MC communities, we are evaluating a number of aspects through our RFP of questions, one-on-one questions with various management personnel, tours of the communities, reputations in the industry, etc. I understand that each Alzheimer's resident has specific needs and there…
transitioning from contact lenses to glasses = loss of control
DW around stage 5 has worn contact lenses (actually just a single lens in one eye) for a long time but in last 6 months has had increasing trouble. It gets lost. She cannot remember if it is in or not. She cannot remember when to replace - normally 30 days but she will think nothing of discarding one after 5 days if it is…
What to say?(2)
My 88yo mother moved into assisted living a week ago. My 90yo passed in March and he had taken care of lots of things in the home. When he went in the hospital I stepped in to take care of finances, check on her, etc daily. She has dementia. I did not realize how bad she was as my Dad did not discuss her medical conditions…
lots of good info correct site
Mother In Law wants to go home
Good afternoon: My mother in law has been living with us for a year now. We moved her here from her home in South Carolina about 7 weeks after my father in law passed away. She has a house to sell in South Carolina and insists on going back. My husband and his 2 brothers are against it as she has early to midrange…
Mother's driver's license expires soon.. silver lining?
Hi my mother who is probably a stage 4.5 in her Alzheimer's log ride, still drives on her own. She can drive to a couple place near by, and we thought she had the sense to not venture off too far driving until yesterday when we found out she went for a longer ride, and without her mobile phone. It is just a matter of time…
Dad in shower with woman from memory care
Dad is 93, in Independent living and was diagnosed with AD last year - his disease is rapidly progressing. Although I have DPOA, he does not allow me to make any decisions for him. He is extremely difficult: paranoid, arrogant, mean, disrespectful, aggressive. With the help of a social worker who specializes in…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 6/20/21
SABBATH From Exodus 20 The Message "Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Work six days and do everything you need to do. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to God, your God. Don’t do any work—" * me: Online or in person, let's remember this speciall day that the Lord wants us to celebrate for Him and for ourselves. If…
Just finished a trip to see Mom. I hope it's the last one.
She's in the end stages now. Extremely limited verbal ability (maybe one word or two), unable to walk or stand, mostly keeps her eyes open even when she's awake, sleeping maybe 14-16 hours a day. Her body has become much, much more rigid. She still smiles and laughs, and is in the best possible care she could be in. In a…
Guilt of conservatorship
I recently started the conservatorship process and I'm racked with guilt. I'm guessing I'm not the first person to experience this. I'm in MN, my aunt is in CA. She had no children and became estranged from all of her family with the exception of me (my father, her brother, died 50 years ago) and to a lesser degree…
Do I correct or allow it to be
My mother is living with us now and has for the last 6 months after taking a fall. She is not officially diagnosed with ALZ but there is no doubt that she has it. Many signs and symptoms as well as "confirmation" from her GP. This has been a learning experience and will continue to be. Question that I keep mulling over: If…
Grieving no matter what
My father died of COVID in January. He and my mother lived in assisted living. He had physical disabilities and my mom has dementia. They helped each other immensely and were married 63 years. At the time of his death, assisted living asked us to hire a sitter 24/7 or move her. They did not have memory care and did not…