Forum itself
I was noticing that I have to log in each time I come back to the site, did a search and see that this has been an issue for a few years. Quick view of "View Source" and it appears that this appears to be a custom forum / job. Running on .NET (C# Background ?) If so, I've got a few years of C# .NET coding experience, and…
In-home care advice needed - first post
My 78yo father is in the middle stages of Alz/dementia. He’s undiagnosed at the moment but my sibs and I are planning to bring him to his neurologist for a diagnosis in the near future. About 5 months ago, his previous neuro didn’t think he needed a diagnosis yet. But here we are: depression, irritability, dressing,…
No POA - Options?
I'll try to be brief. MIL has dementia. We got a diagnosis in Feb. via MRI. She wouldn't stay in to narrow it down as to what kind of dementia, but we do know she had a stroke at some time. She has been showing signs for a number of year prior, but it wasn't affecting her life much. repeating stories during the same…
I spoke too soon - he's graduating (no more hospice)
Oh well. This is just another one of those things. Seems they were waiting for his formal internal review to discuss and make a final decision with new team members. And he is going to be discharged next week. I think it was bound to happen now or in 60 days unless something major occurred with his AD, in the meantime.…
Stage 7 New Development???
Hi Folks, Have you seen a phenomenon with your advanced stage LO in which they seem fine sitting up in their wheelchair (or wherever) one minute, and then they sort of just crumple and become unresponsive, and are then completely dead weight getting them back into bed? This seems to be a regular occurance for us now. My 89…
Need advice on how to proceed
Sorry for this being long. New here so don’t really know the short cuts for words. Let me say first my LO is my husbands aunt and uncle. Aunt has dementia and uncle has Alzheimer’s, they live alone, still drive, and have children but no one has POA or anything so they can make decisions. Don’t think any of the actually…
I just posted last night about what a horrible week I had. I took it down. It was not very nice and very discouraging. I still want everyone to know that despite what you all are going through, you are soldiers. Whether you are struggling or knowing what to do, you all deserve anything and everything good coming to you.…
What do I tell him about the people he’s seeing
Dad Hallucinations continue and he wants to know how these people are getting in the house and how we get rid of them. Telling him it’s his Dementia no longer works. He does not believe that. We been to the point of anger which we were able to fix with meds. I’m asked about every hour what can we do to get rid of these…
Need Advice on how to handle not wanting to bathe or change
My father is in late stages of dementia. His demeanor has changed so much. Issues arise now that he doesn't want to bathe at all and gets very agitated. It's now been a month since he has bathed but has had a kind of sponge bath. Today he had an "accident" and refused to be changed. When this happens most times it becomes…
Things to Remember
I am a brand new joiner and I have no idea why I didn't do this 3 years ago. Everyone battling this disease with a love one please remember that our loved ones did not ask for this and they can't do anything about it. Therefore, it is left to the ones that pull up their boots and dive into the situation, at times with no…
Rocking and crashing into things
I made a lighthearted comment the other day that I needed to wrap my FIL’s geri-chair (and furniture) in bubble wrap, but it is really gotten worse and I’m wondering if there is an underlying issue. We did manage to get a urine catch yesterday with a condom catheter so waiting on the results of that. Anyway, if the wheels…
Their awareness
My LO is stage 7a; that’s the best guess by hospice. She still seems to know that I’m significant, but sometimes thinks that I’m her sister, niece or one of my other sibling. The other day she directed a question at both me and my sister, she said, “which one are you?” We do not look alike. But that day she was adamant…
New, 1st Post & Exhausted
I'm exhausted dealing with my Mom. A year ago I moved her to the house at end of driveway. She seems to be changing fast, at least to me. Saw Neuro & she has normal pressure hydrocephalus. Did not pass 5 min memory test but did ok. Will now have 4 hour memory test then back to dr. I don't know what that test shows. I'm…
Mystery Solved - Stomach/Bowel Issue Since Hospital
Hi all that chimed in to help me with a previous post. Turns out the problem was not the iron pills (although will keep watch once back home hopefully). We tapered down, we changed to a slow release, and we eliminated for a few days and problem still not solved. Yesterday, while I was there, it got even worse although he…
How To Know Where A Loved Ones Head Truly Is
I'm sure much of what I'm going to say is redundant to so many here. Its been about 6-8 months since my mother has been, somewhat, diagnosed. Its been a real struggle learning the best way to care for her, and keep myself grounded. One of the most difficult aspects I deal with, is knowing where her mind is. There are…
Enacting POA
My mother has undiagnosed dementia. Recently she is having significant paranoia and delusions. She refuses to go to memory care clinic for evaluation and diagnosis. She lives on her own with my brother living about 20 minutes away. We are her HCP's and POA's but only if she is considered not legally competent. What do we…
Help with juggling children and my mother who has Alzheimer’s, dementia, macular degeneration, and c
I’m new here. My 89 year old mother was just diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and dementia. She also hasmacular degeneration in both her eyes. She had 3 compound vertebrae fractures in her lower back back in February. Now she thinks she can’t walk or do anything for herself. I moved in to take care of her with my 3 young…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 6/9/22
A WORTHWHILE LIFE Mark 12:28-34 Good News Translation The Great Commandment 28 A teacher of the Law was there who heard the discussion. He saw that Jesus had given the Sadducees a good answer, so he came to him with a question: “Which commandment is the most important of all?” 29 Jesus replied, “The most important one is…
Visiting in AL
I moved my mom into AL on Monday. I had her go out with family members for the day and then drop her off at the new place, we were there to help her get settled. We had dinner with her and got her settled. She has been more busy in the last 4 days than the last 4 years. She is so happy and positive. We get great calls…
Pick my Battles?
My Mom is 91 with early late stage Alzheimers. We have been able to keep her in our family home. I have a full time live in care giver to help me. She's no longer ambulatory, verbal but seldom makes sense and is very hard to transfer because she really doesn't want to be touched. My Dad is 94 and still lives in the home as…
I don't know what to do(6)
I thought Hospice Pallitive Care was a good thing, until now. I am the daughter of an 81 YO Alz Mom. She lives with me and has been going to a day program. She has no major issues besides Alz. I got Hospice because I thought I would get some relief. Her anxiety (severe itching) was off the charts. They were going to give…
Tricks, resources for keeping up on medicines
My 76-year-old mom has been diagnosed in the past year with a mild cognitive impairment and inoperable lung cancer. She has medicines to take in the morning and in the evening. My question: Is there a service I can use to make sure she is taking her medicines? I am in Idaho and she is in Maryland. She doesn't want full…
My grandma has dementia. She was diagnosed by her primary and she needed to go to s specialist to see just how far along she is, needless to say she DOESN'T want to do that because she doesn't think anything is wrong with her... My dad and step mother who moved in with her to help her with bills since she only gets her ss.…
Forgetting how to inhale breathing meds
Starting a new thread to continue the emerging discussion from our Hospice Recert - good news posts. https://www.alzconnected.org/discussion.aspx?g=posts&t=2147561124 Others dealing with chronic respiratory conditions may want to chime in if their PWDs have gone through the issue we are having — DH is no longer…
Can someone help me figure out how to convince my wife to work with me on detecting and establishing
My wife’s father passed away 10 years ago from ALZ after struggling and declining for almost two decades from his first diagnosis at age 63. My wife is now 63 and I believe she is beginning to show similar symptoms as her father had: increased agitation, declining ability with time/dates/money, irritation. Memory is still…
Struggling with care plan - first post
I've seen a lot of similar stories posted here but....I hope I can get some good advice and feedback from the group. My mother (currently age 86) started down the Alzheimer's path several years ago, but the decline has been especially precipitous in the past year (due to a combination of a fall & fractures, and the COVID…
I need to vent
Let me start by saying this, I do not have time for smart comments or any rudeness. Hence why I have stopped posting on here before. I’m very frustrated, My Aunt is getting worse. Today while at the nailery she became enraged because she didn’t want the nail tech to cut her natural nails down short and started cursing,…
Should she go to the dermatologist?
My mom has a suspicious growth on her back. Originally the hospice doc said, from pictures, that it looked like a cutaneous horn, which is most likely a benign lesion. Well it’s changed and grown and looks like a melanoma to me. I’m not a doctor and will have them look again. My mom has had a few cancerous and…
Trying to solve a mystery here - stomach issue since hospital.
Dad has been back in his home for a week now and we have been dealing with an all-day-long upset stomach issue. The next day after getting from the hospital, I came in to find dad in a dirty diaper and stressed to sister that we have to try and keep him changed although I know the nursing home and hospitals were not doing…
Full Code Hospice Patients and Nurse Responsibilities
Many people do not know that their Loved One can be on a full code resuscitation status; the following link discusses that and also has detailed information for nurses regarding their responsibilities especially addressing biases: https://www.myamericannurse.com/innovative-care-approach-hospice-patients/ J