Vascular dementia(8)
Does anyone have experience with vascular dementia? What is the rate of progression, is there a possibility of improvement, is excessive sleep a symptom? I would know what to expect with Alzheimer’s but vascular dementia is a little different . DH’s short term memory is not too bad but his thinking is sooooo slow and he is…
DH on hospice. Do we need medicare supplemental and part D?
I'm doing my research and am including this group, because you are the experts! DH has been on hospice for over a year and is in a MC facility. He's late stage 7. Bedbound, hand fed, losing weight, sleeping more, has everything done for him. He has medicare A and B, supplemental plan F and part D for Rx. He also has a DNR…
Ativan vs. Cannabis
NB: This is not a recommendation, just sharing of experience. My husband with mixed dementia has periods of severe agitation, especially when in unfamiliar places. I have noted the triggers and given him Ativan and cannabis edibles (not together!) and noted the following. Ativan seems to slow everything down and make him…
M1, have you visited lately?
Just wondering how it went for you. The last I heard, you had a reasonably good visit. Hoping you can say the same or better.
Natalie Edmonds and the holidays
She has a new 5 day series workshop for caregivers handling the holiday season. https://tinyurl.com/48the6h5
Most difficult times
DH has been in Memory Care for 2 months. In the past 3 mo he has been taken 4 times via EMS to the hospital to the ER and admitted to the hospital 2 times. ( broken ankle, falling out of bed, falling in the bathroom and the other day for Covid ) He was diagnosed with Covid on Monday and the hospital kept him over night as…
Stressful days ahead.
My mom, 85 and is showing signs of dementia as well, will be moving back in with my DW and I in a week or two. She doesn't know how to deal with my DW's dementia so it was very stressful the last time she lived with us, 6 months ago, and will be stressful this time as well but we'll get through it.
I could use a little feedback
After my wife passed, I investigated the possibility of volunteering my time so other caregivers could get a little time for themselves to get a cup of coffee with friends, do some shopping, or whatever. But after talking to others, including a relative who is a lawyer, I decided against that. I was not interested in…
And now?(1)
Almost 1 month… I took the 3 days leave could have for » familial event ». I used them to prepare the ceremony and the next morning because my mother was still home. Since then I have worked a lot. I have moved a lot for my work (now I can). I was late I most of my tasks… and I am still late. I am also in my souvenirs. On…
Hospice Accepted My Husband
After my DH's evaluation yesterday, hospice accepted him as a patient. The nurse said that his loss of weight, sleeping more, being tired after small activities, increased agitation, and choking at times were some of his contributing factors to his acceptance. He does present well with strangers, so I was worried he'd have…
Eoad Timeline
I know that it is a question when you begin this journey and I also know that each Alzheimer is different, but I just wanted to draw my partner journey in this disease that lasted 3.5 years from diagnosis to death. We learnt at the end that it was a frontal form. 2015-2017: first signs May 2019: diagnosis, MMS=20 From mid…
So much has happened
The week before last we were planning a visit with my soon to be 103 year old mother, in Iowa. DH started coughing about four days before we were to leave. Our son and his wife, an RN were going and driving our son's car. I was concerned, but in May before a trip to my mother's, DH had a less serious cough, which did go…
Update to kicked out update
DH is still in geri psych—day 11. Still not taking his meds regularly. He called me yesterday and we spoke for the first time. He knew who I was and said he missed me. Tuesday night I went to hear a doctors speak who specializes in dementia. He was fantastic! He believes in really helping families by determining a more…
What happens with bad behaviors
As I’m about to place DH in memory care I am so worried about “behaviors that can get him kicked out.” If he is overly sexual or aggressive and gets kicked out what happens next? Where can he go?
Neurologist’s visit
My husband had a follow up Neurologist visit yesterday. His last one was at the beginning of July when they had noticed some improvements over the previous visit which we had attributed to an increased dosage of Memantine which he had been taking for about 2 years, 5mg in the morning and 5 at night. They had added an…
I don't understand his thought process
I really want to understand my husband's thinking. For example, he watches the neighbors and makes up scenarios he believes are true. For example, he doesn't see a particular neighbor (who has had many surgeries) drive by our house recently so he figures he must be in the hospital having surgery. Every time the wife drives…
Arm Measurement
Today the palliative care nurse practitioner visited. He does arm measurements since my husband is unable to stand and be on a scale. Does anyone know that a significant arm measurement drop is? The circumference of my husband's arm dropped from 37 cm to 34.5 cm in two months. That equals to about an inch. He is going to…
is marijuana helping or hurting the situation
DH has smoked marijuana for much of his life beginning in his teens. Recently he has increased his intake of marijuana. I think it is making his balance worse and I am frustrated. He senses my frustration and becomes agitated. Historically the weed has helped his anxiety and agitation. I have witnessed the improvement in…
IS Spouse Grief Counseling Needed? I Think so.
Has anyone heard about grief support resources after the passing of a spouse. I believe many years of caregiving create very unique needs for support after your spouse's passing. Perhaps individual counseling is the best approach. However, I learned much and greatly benefited from my years of caregiver support groups. I…
Those mean people
I have a living room camera and an Alexa echo device so all I need to do is an Echo Drop-in if I'm away for a little while. She doesn't have to worry about trying to answer a phone, I just speak to her directly through the echo. I can always tell something is up by the tone of her voice. She's been crying because…
The long haul
We are all in this for the long haul.
My first post from 6+ years ago
I'm just home from visiting DH, and in a reflective mood. Not a good, reflective mood. I looked up the date I joined here - 5/22/2016 - and realized that there are very few people who have been here longer than I have. Crushed comes to mind, and Gig Harbor has been here about as long as me. I remember saying, when I first…
Recall Of Top Name Dry Shampoos
Kicked out of house
My DH woke me up this morning with a flashlight shining in my eyes. He said it was time to get up. So, I put on a robe and came downstairs. He asked me what I was doing and why wasn’t I leaving. I said I would after breakfast. He told me I was psychotic and he would call the police if I didn’t leave as I had no right to be…
Discouraged. Just a vent.
For a brief interval I thought we had made progress, I was able to visit twice a week, taking lunch, and we would have good visits lasting 60-90 minutes. She wasn't upset when I had to leave. But three weeks ago my 3 yo granddaughter gave me a bad cold from daycare (not covid), and I've been sick since then--just now…
It's Time for Memory Care Placement and I'm Heartbroken
My DH and I just celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary. Love of my life! He is 73 years old and was diagnosed with AlZ in 2016 (and in hindsight I realize that he was exhibiting symptoms for a few years before that). He was in a very active day program for 1 1/2 years, and it was wonderful. When he began needing a little…
Still struggling with a decision
So here we are at the end of October and my DH has been doing well at mc since June. He is very happy there but enjoys going out with me as well. The NP has managed to get rid of all voices and he has no memory of them. I have taken him to dinners, family functions and all behaviors are entirely appropriate. He helps staff…
An update and a question
I wrote awhile back that I had hemorrhagic gastritis. Thankfully, that is getting better and I am able to add back in some foods the Dr. had told me to avoid. Unfortunately, the pain has not gone away. Last Thursday, I had a gallbladder ultrasound to see if the pain could be coming from there. The gallbladder looked fine…
Can’t make a decision
It has been a while since I have posted. Since then, I had taken my dh home from memory care and he was doing fine for three months. He then started getting anxious and hearing voices. He told me and therapist that the voices were telling him to hurt himself and that the bad guys were coming to get him. Therapist added…
What a weekend, and it's only Sunday
Started out Saturday morning with a phone call from our SIL that DH's mom had fallen again. They found her nude, face down in her living room with the bookcase on the ground as well. They took her to the hospital and found nothing was broken but she did have pneumonia and Covid. I asked my BIL to not say anything to DH…