Memory Care after 3 months
This has been a strange 3 months. The things I thought would be important in a memory care were a nice outdoor area, long halls to walk down and activities have turned out to not be important. My husband shuffles, sleeps a lot and is not interested in going outside. He is on medication to control anxiety and inappropriate…
What Has Happened To Access For: Understanding The Dementia Experience.
Wow. For the first time, Smashwords has changed the access to Jennifer Ghent- Fuller's brilliant writing, "Understanding The Dementia Experience." Horribly difficult to access the link and confusing . . . . what the dickens I wonder. This is such an important document which the author intentionally wanted to provide free…
Frontotemporal Dementia Resource
While researching FTD, I came across this helpful resource. My husband has MCI due to probable chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), with damage to the frontal and temporal lobes. I wonder how many PWD diagnosed with FTD also have a history of head trauma. https://www.theaftd.org/what-is-ftd/faqs/
DW needs to see a dentist
Hi, my wife is stage 6 memory care in Fresno Ca. She needs to see a dentist in the area. Is anyone on here from the Fresno area that can recommend a dentist that treats elderly (she's 91) dementia patients?
Husband sent from memory care to psyc hospital
My husband has been in memory care for about 3 months and because he is combative when they try to change his clothes and get him to shower they called me this week and said they were sending him to a hospital 25 miles away to try to find the right meds to control him. They said it would take about 2 weeks and they would…
I quit my job to beome a full time caregiver
My wife has early onset dementia. The progression has been slow enough that for long time I was able to be sure her needs were being met while still running a company. As her needs became greater, I did more at home and tried to still put in meaningful hours at work. I tried changing my hours, splitting my days, and even…
And now, my turn to announce…
My husband passed early this morning. The suddenness of his decline was shocking. He was surrounded by his cousins and me, helping him on the painful path to his next adventure. Thank you all, my special friends, for your support. I wish you peace. I will be going dark for a while.
I'm in a real mess here
DH had a spell with very weak legs and fell out of bed. He is 6'5 and 235 lbs. He was face down on the floor......he could not get up. could not get up on his knees or pull himself up with his arms. I had to call rescue to get him back into bed. Later on in the night he needed to go again, I was helping him, got him in and…
just an update
DH went into a facility in July. He went in not walking and is still not able. He was pretty good in the beginning then started getting very agitated. Hospice is adjusting his meds once again. These seem to be working but he sleeps alot. I was told that once his body gets use to the meds he should be awake more. My visits…
Trying to figure out how to live until my DH dies
Yes, terrible, but true. My IBS is over the top lately due to my husband's catching Covid, then falling, ending up in the ER who said he cannot return to memory care as he can no longer walk, then post covid pneumonia, then trying to find a skilled nursing place for him and no one, no one within 75 miles of the hospital…
Daja vu
For the last three days every morning my dw says this is Daja vu. How much she can remember from day to day? She says it is like a dream. This makes me wonder how far along is she? Why do I question myself. She doesn't remember me being here if I leave for a few hours. It is a pretty solid routine everyday. I come and…
Memory Care 3 Weeks in ...
I posted before about how flawlessly DW's placement went. Overall, things are as good or better than I expected, with a few disappointments too. But the disappointments are pretty minor given the scope of care DW is receiving. Visits are always good. Ending visits and saying goodbye, not so much. DW always wants me to stay…
Question about 1) stress and 2) internet use
Hello all, my DH is not yet diagnosed but is definitely showing signs/symptoms. He does not have insight. I joined this forum a short time ago and I am learning every day. Lately, I've noticed that when DH and I do something out of our usual home routine, he gets quite agitated and super annoyed about a variety of things.…
Women's sizes
My wife lost the ability to know her size in things long before she lost the desire to shop for clothes. Ergo, I had to learn what her sizes were. I had no idea that you ladies had such an insane and illogical system for measuring yourselves! Why is it that jeans can be in inches for waist/inseam (like men) or sizes 8, 10,…
Dinner in Berlin
We had a small dinner after my talk . Next to me was the wife of one of the professors. I was told she was in early dementia . We conversed slowly and carefully in my best German (which has been described as similar to a small child ) She said (in German) "I was told were an American! But you speak German very well" I said…
Something a little different, but may be appreciated
I know we have a couple of members who have pets that may not live much longer. The loss of a pet can be devastating. My daughter told me about a place that provides counseling for people who have lost pets, and are having a hard time. She had a dog that had to be put down, and she grieved quite a long time with that. She…
I never see mobility issues discussed anywhere I search. All I see is the mental aspect. Prior to her falling and breaking her hip, she had balance issues and cognitive problems as well. After hip replacement surgery her cognitive state immediately got much worse and she hasn''t been able to walk or get up alone since. I…
How much to tell DH about his diagnosis
I have been reading posts for several weeks, learning so much. This is my first post. DH was diagnosed a few months ago, confirming my concerns about his Stage 1/2/2+ behavior. He is not a medical nor scientifically oriented person and has no concept of what ALZ will do to him. He does not have anosognosia at this point.…
My thought
In age we must become lawyers, to faithfully defend those contracts we so ardently made when we were poets.
Melatonin dose
Hi all, I’m sorry if this has been discussed recently, but my search only turned up old posts. (Is there a way to sort results by year?). I started taking melatonin myself this week, to counteract my 2 am wakefulness. It seems to be working, as I only wake up now if I need to use the toilet, but go right back to sleep. The…
2022 National Alzheimer's Summit Alzheimer’s Prevention, Detection, and Treatment The Power of Us
Please donate to this great organization. They are the ones bring much of the change you see today. https://www.usa2summit.org/?sourceid=1073707&emci=9da55103-2a47-ed11-b495-002248258d38&emdi=cb12a20e-e148-ed11-b495-002248258d38&ceid=5966765
DW's hair is turning gray
I'm in Berlin to lecture. I face timed DW and for the first time saw a whole shock of gray hair about half an inch long. Ive had gray hair for 30 years but for some reason it made me incredibly sad. She is 70 and the last birthday that she comprehended was 65. Our life together "froze" in 2017. I have had to go on without…
CStrope, I'm answering your question
CStrope wrote: I'm wondering if those who are dealing with EOD think more about future relationships than others. Maybe. Or maybe we just think of relationships differently. I am easily old enough to be your father. It's going on four months since my wife passed on. I still visit her grave once or twice a week, and I still…
Fracture vertebrae
DH fell down the basement stairs last night. Concussion 4 fractured vertebrae in ICU waiting results of tests to determine next step! I assume the trauma has exacerbated his dementia! He can’t remember what happened can’t understand what is going on etc. Keeps repeating the same concerns and question! Will this improve…
Question for those who sold their home and downsized.
I have listed my home for sale and I am looking for a place closer to where my dw is placed. I was wondering if you have done this, is there anything you would do differently? The next question is for those who have or might be thinking of placing your lo. I found a piece of prime property within a 1/4 of my wife's…
Grateful DH understands he’s great-grandpa
Last night my grandson and his wife became first-time parents and DH & I became first-time great grandparents. When I visited my husband yesterday, I told him that the baby was about to be born. He was very happy. I had to remind him which of our grandchildren was expecting but when I told him he was very much aware of the…
How much harder does it get?
My DH is in stage 5. The hardest part of caring for him is keeping him happy. A lot of the time he’s fine, other times he feels the grass is greener and he wants to go to our other home in Florida with our dogs. Not possible. Our dogs are large, our home in Florida is near town, we’ve always used a house sitter for pups…
calling my name
My dh calls my name constantly even when we are in the same room which is most of the time. He will pace and say my name, and if I don't answer he will just say my name louder! Anyone have this issue and if so how do you react? It really is driving me crazy and know that this is a sign of anxiety but having such a hard…
Incontinence alternative
I just learned about the PureWick external female catheter system used in hospitals now. I hope this could be useful for some members. My neighbor used it after her surgery and said it was great! Iris
Dinner Guests
Before COVID my husband and I had frequent dinner parties, small ones 2-4 guests. We both really enjoyed it. I think the socializing would still be good for my HWD. In the past, we used the dinner parties to welcome new neighbors and new people in our religious community. We are wanting to start inviting guests once again.…