Worsening symptoms with loved one in Assisted Living
As this disease continues to narrow our loved one's mind and ability to process fundamental information, she is getting increasingly panicked. She was doing very well in her assisted living atmosphere but recently has become more combative about 'wanting out' and 'forgetting and losing things.' General confusion. And she…
Let Her Sleep!
It's always something at my house! Now it's the night time sitter and Dad. The hospice nurse has told us to let mom sleep when ever she wants to. Fed her when she's hungry and change her diaper when needed, otherwise let her sleep. Night before last the sitter arrives and is upset that mom is sleeping because she thinks…
Seniors and Driving originally from Michael Ellenbogen
Michael has sent me this informative video on seniors and driving and some background on those interviewed: https://alzheimersspeaks.wordpress.com/2023/07/28/seniors-and-driving-what-you-need-to-know/
Psychosis Paranoia
Hello - my aunt is 96.5. She lived on her own until 95, but now lives in a nice assisted living. Everything was fine until a few months ago when she started having extreme paranoia and psychotic episodes. She thinks people come in her room at night, beat her, and tell her they are going to kill her. It is progressively…
Ginseng For Alzheimer's Disease
The most recent study on ginseng for Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia discusses why this treatment may be effective for these two types of dementia. Abstract: Dementia has become one of the most important diseases threatening human health. Alzheimer's disease (AD) and vascular dementia (VaD) have the highest…
Great Article on Palliative Care (Comfort Care)
I ran across this article today, had not seen it before and it is really good. Clearly explains several things and highlights some of the most important ideas I wish more people knew. There is such a need for dementia education, just generally for our society. The information in this article is a good start. Palliative…
spouse caregiver support group - early stage
I am interested in forming/finding a support group of spousal caretakers ideally people who are encountering great resistance to any acceptance of what is happening both due to psychological denial and I assume panic at what it means. My wife still works, but in every other area of life which includes recording keeping for…
Link for Tam Cummings Staging Tool
I am having trouble with every link for Tam Cummings site and am unable to find the staging tool on Wellmedcharitablefoundation.org. Her 8 minute video on YouTube mentions the tool but I just can't locate it to print it and use. Any suggestions are welcome!
Information from Michael Ellenbogen (via Lane)
Here is some valuable information from Michael. The first is from the Global Council on Brain Health and discusses multiple ways of enhancing brain health. I have been running into some problems posting external sources but the full title is Building Better Brain Health for All People: GCBH Recommendations on Removing…
Advice for DH re: positivity
Hopefully without going into too much detail, we are struggling with my DH's anger and frustrations more and more. We are 4 years into this journey and he is just starting to exhibit some early Stage 5 characteristics. (he is 71 years old so on the young side) He is still independent in many ways, can even drive locally to…
My husband has had personality changes for years. Now, I feel like his very "self" has vacated
My husband was identified this year Early Alzheimers through a lumbar puncture. His symptoms have manifested for at least 18 months. He basically stopped talking beyond the basics. Prior to this big change, he had many personality changes- did not want to travel, said everything was too expensive, always saying "that's…
I was told by the young lady that “don’t call yourself a caregiver until you start to care“, I was called a thief and a liar. All this in one week. And I had to walk away because it’s a lot and I have been doing this for over 30+ years and this is the first time it is gotten to be a bit much. I’ve been with this person two…
Deleted this is just too much
DH started on Respiradone night before last...
The Neurologist started my DH stage 5 on Risperidone for agitation. He started .25 night before last. Slept better the first night and yesterday was OK but today was hell. He has ranted and raved almost all day. Does it take awhile to work? The Neurologist referred him to a Neuro Psychologist to monitor and adjust his meds…
Sundowning and wanting to go home
I know that wanting to go home is fairly common amount our LO with dementia. My mother is no exception. However, things have gotten extremely difficult at night (around 6pm on the nose). For most of the day my mother does fairly well with a few bumps in the road here and there, but over the last several weeks her…
Prevention and Slowing of Dementia
Hello everybody, I'm new to this forum and I've been reading a lot of posts over the past few days. I've been seeing a lot of people who have unfortunately been recently diagnosed with Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment and are unsure of what steps they can take to reduce their risk or slow progression of disease.…
Thank you Lickityglitz
I was able to meet LG this past weekend and view her film at the film festival in Waco TX. Wine, Women and dementia. My HWD was with me but I do not think he followed the topic very well. It was such a wonderful film. When I first started reading posts on this forum Lickity glitz’s journey with her mother was “winding…
Husband is newly diagnosed. I'm curious about the prescriptions and treatments that are highly recommended
FDG-PET scan does not support clinical FTD diagnosis
Hi, Before I get into the reason for my post (my first), I want to express how much this forum has helped me over the last 5 months. I have learned so much from all of you. Without getting into too much background (because it would be 10+ pages), my 64-year-old husband was diagnosed, separately, by a neuropsychologist and…
Dementia medications
I am curious if anybody in this forum uses donepezil and memantine for their loved one. My mom has been on it for 3 years now and not sure if it's working or if I should take her off of it. I should also mention that she has vascular dementia. The donepezil really has bad reviews and comments from people who are actually…
Coping with Grief
Hi Friends - this is my first post. This is pretty long, I appreciate anyone who reads it. I am 31 years old and my mother is going to be 75 in September. I noticed over the last several years a slight decline in her memory but thought nothing of it. Last summer, my sister finally convinced my mom to see a psychiatrist who…
How to help my friend navigate dementia.
My 77 yo friend has signs of dementia. Her family is ignoring it. She drives her car to and from destinations > 30 miles. I am so worried. How can I help?
Informations Alzaimer
Bonjour, je m'appelle Cristina actuellement je suis en formation contrat pro,auxiliaire de vie. Lundi je commence travailler avec des personnes vulnérable et avec deux personnes attends de la maladie Alzheimer.(début et avancée)Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît me conseiller quel comportement je dois avoir pour accompagner…
Medical Alert/ICE
Someone else asked about the best medic alert for themselves as a solo caregiver. My question is a little different. My mother has never worn any jewelry other than her watch her entire life. I purchased her a simple medic alert bracelet a while ago because she's allergic to penicillin. She wore it briefly but then once…
Electric Stove Safety
I’m a care giving for my mother-in-law from a previous marriage. Lost the son kept the mom. It’s an unusual situation but I love her so much that I think I got the best part of my divorce. This morning she woke me up by coming into my room and saying she could not find her lighter. She smokes obviously and now isn’t the…
Absorbing the news
Hello community - I posted not too long ago about having trouble getting an appointment for my mom to get a diagnosis. Everyone was giving us appointment dates a year+ out, and I could not imagine waiting that long as my mom has been worrying us for a while. I did finally find a private practice that was able to take her…
Acknowledging Tony Bennett
On the old version of this site I would have put this in "musings", but we don't have that anymore so I thought I'd put it here. I saw the news this morning that he passed away at age 96. From the article: He wrote on Twitter: “Life is a gift – even with Alzheimer’s.” It was revealed that while his cognitive function was…
I’ve received a lot of comments from my family and coworkers in the last couple of months. “You must be a saint!” “If I lose my memory, I’ll probably kill myself.” “Maybe the kindest thing would be if he died quickly.” And my favorite, “you need to get a man on the side- you’re still a young woman!” I feel angry hearing…
Leqembi does not help most women with Alzheimer's Disease
The latest news (actual old news that has resurfaced) is that most women with Alzheimer's disease do not benefit from Leqembi: "Third, the most troubling aspect was no statistically significant result – let alone clinically meaningful outcome – in women on the primary outcome or any clinical secondary outcome…