Well, That Didn’t Go Well
Oh, ya’ll. I had such success in getting someone in to clean the house as the cover to getting someone eyes on my DW while I work. That’s just one day and I’ve found I’ve run myself ragged trying to balance working from home, going to the office for a few hours, racing home, etc. Totally unsustainable. So, I tried today to…
What stage and how long will it last?
I know every one is different but just wondering what stage and how long will this last. MY DH has gone from being angry and obsessed about driving to wanting sex all the time. He will not leave me alone and is always asking me if we are husband and wife. When he doesnt get his way he sulks and make comments under his…
Is hoarding typical of ALZ? When my mother started hoarding I thought it was because she realized what she had lost and didn't want to lose more, even though things have little to do with cognition or mobility. My DH was a child in Budapest on WWII and suffered real malnutrition and deprivation. Now he not only hoards…
Personality changes
so my husband was diagnosed with early onset within the last year. I (and the kids) have noticed some personality changes, only word I can think of is silly acting. Before we told my son (adult) he said on more than one occasion “why is dad acting weird”? Is this “normal”? Thanks and Merry Xmas
Finding something for her to do
Lori is 69 years old 5ft tall 110lbs a very healthy women other than the Alzheimer's. She was diagnosed six years ago, now she has no memory, she can't read or write or watch any programming on TV or listen to books. She has a hard time with simple directions and her brain does not recognize or identify simple objects like…
Wife won't let others know
My wife tells me not to tell anyone that she has Alzheimer's. Her mother had it for decades and told everyone. They were very sympathetic. How do I deal with this?
Merry Christmas
Wishing all of you a Merry and Blessed Christmas Day. I know things may not seem very merry right now but I hope that each of us can find something to be grateful for today and know that you are blessed and loved. For me, I am grateful that my DH is being well taken care of in MC today even though I can't be with him due…
Delusion medication
My wife has had delusions for over a year, but I have been able to deal with them, but now she is in Memory care. I see her every day. Her delusions were getting worse and she thought one of the other residents was trying to kill her. She was scared so we started her on some medication and now she is noticeably weaker and…
It’s not all black-and-white
We are still in the early stage of all this. When I give clear instructions that he seems to understand I go over it again, but then when he acts on it he either has forgotten the instructions or he just determines to do his own thing. So the next day, we had somewhere to go. I gave him clearance instructions, but I didn’t…
24 hours of crazy
My husband has had a slow progression of Alzheimer's. Normal behaviors currently are frequent repeating the same questions, excessive sleeping, gets angry if I want him to do something like take a shower or brush his teeth. a day ago, out of no where…his speech was all jumbled, he was saying crazy things, didn't think he…
Apparently dementia can cause Grinchiness
DH took down the Christmas tree I put up last week while I was in the shower. He had been complaining about it being up. He took it off the table and put it by the back door. It was a small fake tree. I am so thankful that none of our beautiful ornaments were broken. I put the tree away but left some ornaments out and hung…
Alzheimer’s with infidelity delusions
My DH has ongoing infidelity delusions. There are so many stories he comes up with of me being unfaithful I feel they are graphic and they are intensifying. Stories are of me being unfaithful with coworkers, contractors, neighbors, and even participating in a group. He claims I have been unfaithful our entire marriage…
I Hate Christmas
My OH goes to the Alzheimer’s Activity Center five days a week seven hours a day . Naturally, this gives me a big break to do all the chores without having to look over my shoulder to see what my OH is up to…. folding toilet paper , rearranging her closet etc Unfortunately for me, the Center will be closing for almost 2…
Lack of showering
Our father has been going for extended periods (40 days at a time) without showering or changing his clothes, which has led to skin lesions. He also has incontinence issues on top of it. We are limited in our ability to intervene due to legal restrictions making these challenges difficult to address, especially when faced…
On-going hygiene issues
My DH won't shower unless he had to go somewhere which is now once every week to ten days. I can try all the tricks I've read about setting up the bathroom or offering to help and it doesn't make a difference. He doesn't want to go out to eat, or shop, or for a drive so bribing him with those events doesn't help. He may…
I have Covid and DH in MC is on the verge of pneumonia
What a way to end the year! I came down with Covid this week and the Dr. prescribed Paxlovid. Unfortunatley, I am having a reaction to it and have had to stop taking it. Meanwhile, DH has a deep cough and his lungs are filling up. The nurse said he is heading into pneumonia. His oxygen level is still good though so he is…
Something I have never seen discussed here
We all know there are conditions that mimic dementia, and when caught early can cause the symptoms to be a thing of the past. But one thing I've always wondered is what percentage of people being tested for dementia are found to have a condition that is treatable, and therefore dementia can be avoided? I've never seen any…
DH diagnosed in Moderate Stage
Our first appointment with Geriatric doctor today was good and i was happy with time she spent with my DH. She did some testing and after 3 years with MCI, was not surprised that he was diagnosed in Moderate stage. It is the longest stage, but can move faster with illness or life events. Since he is not displaying any…
Daughter helping care of DW
I searched all over for comments about my daughter helping me care for my DW. Most of what I saw were complaints/concerns about lack of help. So is it reasonable for me to think that we can do it? And for how long? DW was diagnosed MCI in 2016 and AD 2018. Age 73. Behaviors don't perfectly fit a stage, but it is probably…
Where do I get simple help for meds and eating
My mom is still at home. She is doing physically very well. She is active in the community, volunteers, plays bridge, goes to church and drives. However, she has meds for diabetes, memory and high blood pressure that she won't take on a consistent basis, mostly out of defiance. This, along with not eating well, leads to…
Eating less & sleeping more
I guess this is “normal” progression, but my DH has been eating half as much for a while and has been sleeping a few extra hours a day for a couple of months now. I put him somewhere in stage 6. Today, he put himself to bed at about 7 pm and ate very little. I guess I’m freaking out a little b/c I’m seeing (maybe a faster)…
Hi - I really need input about end of life
My sweet husband is nearing the end. I feel so alone. We’ve been married for 24 years. No kids. What family he has walked away when he got diagnosed 6 years ago. He resides in a memory care facility in Los Angeles where they take really good care of him and love him. He was only 59 when he got it and now he’s 65. Had a…
Zoom or online chats
Is there place to go to be on a live support group chat or zoom call? The posts can be helpful it would be nice to talk to people in real time. I don't have the energy to go through all the posts. Thanks
sensitivity extremes
Does anyone experience LO being overly sensitive to things like light, noise,temperature? My DH complains when I get a pan out of cupboard that I am making too much noise. He gets upset when lawn guy runs the mower or blower. Everything is too bright, too loud, too hot, too cold when they are not that bad. Thanks for input
Approaching stage 8
My DH, who has been on hospice in a nursing home for a month, had a big downturn last night. He can no longer swallow and is aspirating on his saliva. Hospice has discontinued all food and drink, and now it is a waiting game. He’s getting morphine and Ativan every four hours and seems to be comfortable. It’s hard to…
This is fantastic! 5 day course from Dr. Natalie Edmonds
A few years ago I took a 5 day course from Dr. Natalie Edmonds. I was told I could share it. This was supposed to not be available anymore, but I was cleaning out my emails tonight, and decided to try the links. They are live. I thought the class was excellent!! If you watch the first one, you'll know if it's for you. I…
Am I being overly concerned?
My husband is in the mid stage Alzheimer. He showers 3 times a week. On the days he doesn't, he will get dressed before he comes out of our room. I am usually up hours before him. He will put his clothes over his PJ's, won't change his underwear, socks or tee shirt. It drives me crazy. Should I just happy he does it 3…
Memory Care Activities
My wife has ALZ Stage 4-5. One of my big problems in caring for her is finding things for her to do. She has lost interest in many things and depends on me to fill in her time. We go to our Senior Center often, go for walks and have lunch out at shopping malls. In the evenings we watch TV together. While she is at home now…
Help Please
Hello everyone - I am hoping you can help direct me on next steps. We just got back from an appointment with my husbands general practitioner. I spoke with the Dr outside of the exam room about my concerns about my husbands change in behavior and attitude. While I didn't expect him to fix it at this appointment I was…
Hearing aid use and dementia
Another paper found to be wrong. I just read an article about hearing aids aiding in the fight about staving off dementia. I posted a link, but I received a message that their robot would not allow the link. First time I've seen that. I'm sure you could find it with a search. the original paper, “Association between…