Any luck with caregivers?
My DH is in early stage 6. I’ve tried 4 caregivers. Every time he starts off positive with their visits and by the 4th or 5th time he’s agitated that they are there. Follows me everywhere to get away from them. Granted not one of them has done what I expected to bond with him. They start off very conversational etc and…
I am curious to know if anyone is experiencing what I am with my DH. Clearly he has Alzheimer’s, all the symptoms, probably stage 6. Occasional incontinence, even bowel, no memory, small shuffling steps, layers clothes, doesn’t want to shower, agitation, shadows me, beginning to struggle with using utensils at dinner, all…
Forgot to title my post!
Sorry everyone, that last post- I forgot to title! Should have been titled Aphasia.
Visiting a stage 7 patient
DW has not had the slightest cognitive reaction for 3-4 years. She can still swallow but reacts to nothing else. She has excellent care. So why do I visit? It is no practical use to her and emotionally very trying for me. But I do.
Suggestions on "sedatives" please
My HWA at stage 6 needs a sedative to help with increasing agitation and sleeplessness. He tried seroquel and trazadone but he reacted very poorly to both. They made his wakefulness and confusion worse and caused a couple of falls due to increased "wobblyness". Basically, they reacted just the opposite and made his…
Incontinence Underwear….Depends v/s Always
Not knowing of any other brand I got my LW to use Depends at the onset which was 7 months ago. I recently found out about Always. My question is which one is better or are they basically the same.
What to do?
Last few days DH has taken $600 out of his bank account, answered a phone call at 8:15 am from some scam place asking for his Medicare # because they will pay for a back and knee brace. Thank goodness I intervened as he was looking for his Medicare card! He woke up and called the house phone at 5 am! Not sure what to do .…
How often does this happen.???
my wife apologized for getting upset with me!!!
Missing at @M1
I know people come and go and life changes, but I can’t help missing @M1s comments. I’ve been a member for years. I mostly read and learned, rarely commenting until more recently. I looked forward to the almost daily responses to members postings. Funny how that happens. You form an attachment of sorts on this forum to…
Cleaning their bunn?
Is it easier to clean their bottom with them standing or sitting? Sitting, meaning still on the commode. Thanks
Incontinence Diapers
Not knowing of any other brand I got my OH to use Depends at the onset which was 7 months ago. I recently found out about Always. My question is which one is better or are they basically the same.
CBD to help manage symptoms
Any one have experience with CBD to help manage anxiety and agitation in your loved ones?
Nonstop Singing
Hello I am new to the group. Been caring for my DH with vascular dementia for about 3 years. Recently he has started singing and humming non stop. Sometimes I can drown it out but other times it is very un-nerving. He attends an adult day service program twice a week where he has also started the nonstop singing. Any…
Slipped right into Stage 7
At the beginning of October my husband lived in a memory care, could walk on his own, feed himself, and say several words, sometimes even a whole sentence. He was partially incontinent. His agitation/aggression landed him in a Geri-psych unit, and during his time there, he had aspiration pneumonia. After that, he gradually…
Holiday celebrations
Hello Friends, My DH is moderate - late stage ALZ. He is not oriented to date/place/time, he is basically non-verbal. He is very unsteady on his feet. He requires help in the bathroom. He recognizes family when he sees faces, but I’m not sure if he knows our names. I am struggling with depression and dread the upcoming…
Care Givers and Spouse Online Communication
Looking for an easy way for our two care givers and myself to share daily information regarding the experiences with my wife. Would like to be able to privately post information such as meals consumed, surprises, issues, helpful tips, questions among the group, etc. Has anyone used an app or program they might suggest?
Three Years in Memory Care
Today marks 3 years since I placed DW in Memory Care. I have been blessed as DW acclimated immediately to MC & has been happy and well cared for there. This morning I made her blueberry pancakes and brought them to her for breakfast. At this point she needs to be hand fed and no longer communicates but since she cleaned…
The Long Goodbye is Over
My dear husband passed away early Monday morning. He was at home and with me and our two children. He was diagnosed 3 1/2 years ago and had been slowly progressing over time. He was always cheerful and I am so thankful for that and for all of the support that we had. About three weeks ago, he was becoming so weak that we…
New member
Just signed up today! Hope to get a better understanding of what is yet to come.
How to respond
My LO has recently taken a large turn for the worst. I am 12 years his junior and still work full time but have homecare during the day. It is getting much more difficult at nights. He keeps asking every ten minutes for me to take him home or he needs to go home. I say ok lets go and a lot of times I will drive around the…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 10/27/24
Dear Caregiver, there are many verses here, so my suggestion: Read a bit now, pray and think about it, and come back later to read a bit more. It is always worthwhile rereading and meditating on familiar verses especially these about love. You give up and do so much because you choose to help someone who needs you. That is…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 11/19/24
THE LORD BLESSES US Psalm 29:11 New International Version 11 The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. me: When you and I love and obey the Lord, we too are among His people. Lord, You are my God. Thank you for always being with me and giving me the strength and peace I need each day.…
"Ants in his pants"
Has anyone experienced what i call "ants in his pants"? My DH can not sit for more than 10 minutes. He keeps going to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator, freezer, kitchen cabinets looking for something to eat. He just won't sit. It is so exhausting as I have to get up and see what he is up to? Any suggestions?
I'm ready for adult day care
I have concluded that I have to have help with this. My wife has stage 5 AD and my 50 year old son has a stew of cognitive disorders, and I am the caretaker for both. He lives in an RCF and she lives with me. Taking the two of them anywhere is very stressful for me and them, because they trigger each other. DW needs 24/7…
Diagnosis Difficulties
Hello everyone, I'm new to this site. I guess for me as a caregiver for my husband is knowing what the diagnosis is. He was recently hospitalized and I was given three possible diagnosis. (Ubspecified pyschosis, frontotemporal dementia, paranoid delusions). He was hospitalized several times within a short span of time and…
Do they need to take any responsibility???
Everything I read says that a person with Alzheimers can't help how they act and react. As a caretaker I am encouraged to be calm, take the blame for whatever, and always be patient and never argue. But my question is, do they lose all obligation to try to be positive and kind? I'm so tired of the negativity. I get it, but…
DH has severe rash since taking Donepezil
DH was diagnosed with early onset alz about 6 months ago. He is tolerating Donepezil, although he did have headaches initially. He does have a severe rash on his chest and back which the VA has diagnosed as Grover's Disease. I am wondering if this could be a side effect of Donepezil. Anyone else experiencing this?
Where to start??
I'm new to this community and struggling with the obvious cognitive decline of my DH. We're just beginning this journey and I'm a bit overwhelmed with the challenges of getting a true diagnosis and establishing the best quality medical team for his needs. His primary care doctor did not seem to take his symptoms seriously…
Total incontinence would be a blessing
DH still uses the toilet, usually with my guidance but occasionally he will try to do it on his own when I’m not watching. I have caught him going in places he shouldn’t, including a wicker trash can (wicker doesn’t hold liquid) and the corner of the bedroom. He will pull it out and start peeing even while walking to the…
Agitation and Demands
Help....My DH demands ALL my attention and wants me with him ALL the time. Triggers are: me on the phone (without it being on speaker phone), me doing anything I'm interested in, me watching any TV program I like...etc... Just today he was fine until I would not go outside in the pouring rain to get the pressure washer out…