"Help! I'm stuck with deranged people (in MC)."
what does one say to this plea? My mom is in stage 4 of Alzheimer's and went to memory care at a facility that has a program for mild to moderate dementia. She is on the younger side, early 70s. She is physically active a healthy physically. She is only moved to memory care a few weeks ago. It seems like memory care has…
Safe Cold Cough meds for Alz and LBD LO?????
Hi. There are long list of unsafe drugs formy LO with Alzheimer's and LBD, but I need to know what folks CAN use. And some experiences you may have had with otcs for these symptoms. I'm following all the "dont take"lists I can find (none of which seem to be full lists...aaaargh!). Is there anything safe to use to help with…
Mom thinks we move her daily
Mom is in an AL and has been living there since November. Daily she tells me “I am just so tired of being moved to a new place every day”. Any suggestions on what to say to this? When I try to reassure her she will stay in that room, she never believes me.
New to the group
So I’m new to the group and not sure this is where I need to be but we had to put Mom in a memory care unit last May after her living with us for one year. I have so much guilt that I wasn’t able to keep her at home with me especially being a nurse, but it was just a lot. there anyone else going through this?
New to group
Hello I am new to the group. I’m not sure if this is where I need to be. My mom was diagnosed with dementia caused by chronic drinking. She also has bone cancer and other health issues. Recently, she was placed in a nursing facility because it was unsafe for her to remain home alone. She was falling a lot and she didn’t…
Electric Shaver recommend for Dad who likes straight Old Razor?
Dad's new memory care home doesn't want him to use his Classic Beloved straight razor (blood thinners + Dementia + Razor = not good). Any recommendations for something that's EASY he can handle? Is rotary better than the straight ones? Am thinking maybe the straight electric razors might LOOK or Feel closer to his…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 2/8/25
THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD Psalm 23 Amplified Bible A Psalm of David. 23 The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me], I shall not want. 2 He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still and quiet waters. 3 He refreshes and restores my soul (life); He leads me in the paths of righteousness…
Dreading visit to mom in MC
So…I am starting a new job next week (with people I know), and winding down my current job, and thus much busier than usual. I have seen my mom maybe 1-2 times a week instead of 3-4. She’s not unhappy but her disease is progressing. It sucks. I am now at a weird point. I find myself dreading seeing her. I hate that her…
Decorations for Dad
My dad, 89, VD, is finally in assisted living. He is completely bed bound due to multiple fractures and has severe cognitive decline. The walls in his room is bare and only has 2 family pictures on his bedside table. What kind of things could I decorate his room with?
Moving Mom with Dementia…Again
We are considering moving my mom from her assisted-living place to another assisted-living due to how tiny her room is currently this will be the fifth move in three years. Does anybody have any experience with this?
Mix Dementia Stage 5
Hi Everyone,, I did received my father folder from doctors , He is on stage 5 with mix AD and vascular. He did have ST Lukes Charity program , now he need to do a lot of therapy . He live with me and he only have a green card. My question is if anyone know how should i apply for disability medic ad or any other program…
Having a massive attack of guilt
My parent is going to be placed in memory care and it's going to have to involve some fiblets. I didn't expect to feel so guilty about this as ltc has been my goal for several months now. There is no feasible alternative and we selected the very best memory care in the area after a comprehensive search. I also feel guilty…
Not sure what to do
My mother has dementia, pretty advanced in my opinion, though maybe not for others. Her primary care giver is my father who has recently been diagnosed with Diabetes. My mother will not leave the apartment, she is argumentative with my father specifically and she is becoming more incontinent, having accidents. My sister…
Mom berates dad
my dad is trying to care for my mom. She hasn’t been diagnosed but we are all sure she has dimentia and with that paranoia. She accuses him of having a girlfriend and says very mean nasty things to him and gets very angry at him. What kind of advise do you have for my dad who is trying to do the best he can.
Shower and BM
Hello there My mom is in the moderate stage of dementia. She's been in AL for almost two years now. Hospice has been visiting her since April. I saw her yesterday and she was just exhausted, she was laying almost flat in her Broda Chair and covered with a blanket. I spoke to an aid and she said when my mom has a big BM and…
Mom and Vascular Dementia
New to the community. I moved in with my 81 year old mother when she started missing meds, forgetting to eat, constant repeating stories within minutes. She was diagnosed with Vascular Dementia. She does not drive anymore and does not wander. She does stay at home by herself while I work, I watch on cameras and my sisters…
The Guilt? Sorry for this being SO LONG.
My Mother was diagnosed a few years ago and is now mid stage, I guess. I live with my parents and my older brother. (Long story.) My parents are in their 80s. My brother is mid 50's and I am 48. I'm divorced (and single) and have 3 children of my own ages 15, 21 and 22. I work full time and commute an hour each day. I…
COVID Isolation at MC
I saw my mother on Sunday (Jan 26). She was in good spirits and more like herself than she has been for a long time. We had a nice visit. I hugged her goodbye, and everything was fine. I got a call from the MC unit at work this morning, Monday (Jan 27), and they said she tested positive for COVID. I was shocked. The more I…
Hello all, Does anyone have issues with the person they care for getting UTIs consistently? We’ve been using wipes and cranberry pills, but my mother keeps getting them. Any other remedies that worked for anyone would be helpful! Also she had been consistently constipated. She has Metamucil every day as well as a glass of…
Thank you so much!
I am so grateful to this group for having given me advice and directed me to resources to help get my parent to a safe place where she is well cared for and seemingly content. This is a small miracle to me seeing as this journey started out with her living on her own states away from family, very isolated, in denial or…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 2/2/25
LOVE John 3:16 NIV For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who…
Drivers License / State ID
Hello - My Mom's drivers license is expiring next month. She currently is in Assisted Living with moderate symptoms. She is under Hospice care and Broda chair bound so there is no way I can get her to renew the license or really change it to a state ID. Does she need a State ID? I checked and the only thing I can find is…
Vascular Dementia
Hello everyone, Im new in this group and i just find out about my father that he is diagnose with Vascular Dementia and this is new in our family. Since i decide to be his caregiving for him i would like to know more what support i need! He is 77 years old .
Accusations - how to handle
Hi all, I’m new to this forum. I read many posts from others and felt this is a safe place to ask my question. My Mom is beginning stage dementia and has been accusing me of something. Everyone in our family knows it isn’t true and so do all of her friends. My question is - what do I do when she accuses me? I’m not a liar,…
Reading comments
I can’t seem to see people’s full messages? It doesn’t open, how do I see a full message what people have written please?
Need advice about my mom with Dementia
Hi, my mom is 74 years old and has moderately severe multi infarct dementia. She lives alone with her two little dogs. In the past few months, she has declined and I fear she is not safe to live by herself anymore, but, she is also verbally aggressive and mean. She has told me she will not go to an "old folks" home. I have…
They give her the phone daily!
My MIL has alz and moved into a MC facility a few months ago. It was a rough start with her getting acclimated there. She had an issue w/ her meds and became rather violent w/ staff. She was also constantly packing her things and going into others' rooms taking things. It's gotten better. I think they figured out her meds…
Best medication to help symptoms?
Learning from someone else's experience is invaluable. Just curious what is the best medication and what benefits did you see? Thanks Again!
My Mother has Passed and I Want to Say Thank You
Hello, I have never posted on here before, but I have been reading posts since October when my mother with ALZ fell and broke her hip (at probably stage 5/6, at the time…though my brother and I did not know that), which moved her out of my brother's home and into MC. Our mother was a phenomenal woman and our best friend…
A long road ahead…
I just joined this discussion group. I had a difficult night with my mom. It started five years ago when I begged my mom to see a neurologist. After reading the report from the neurologist, and hearing what I had told him from my experiences with her, my mom hand wrote a three page letter firing the neurologist because “he…