Hospitalized dad update
Dad's been home for about half a week now after a stroke. He's basically back at his normal but the doctors are concerned about arrhythmia and sleep apnea. As much as he bugs me, I'm so glad he's home and finally getting his health back in order.I got in contact with a CELA law firm and we discussed my situation and…
Moved in - Sundown syndrome
Hello. New member and looking for some advice. My mother will be 81 this year and was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2017. For the last few years, I've lived nearby and gone to her apartment to check in, make meals, meds, shopping, etc. I was over several times a day as needed, all while fixing up my temporary home so I can…
Weight Loss(2)
My ADLO has been losing weight - especially as her disease progresses. Most days, she eats like a bird...picking at her food. Her desire for sugar (aka ice cream) remains consistent. We have talked about her nutrition, but obviously this is difficult information for her to retain. I have tried preparing her meals and…
Ques. on getting a diagnosis
One of the things I've been struggling with is the lack of a diagnosis. I had my mom into a neurologist 2 times last year and they were just beginning to diagnosis her with Parkinson's. I believe she has Lewy Body Dementia. I am new here and posted recently about the dysfunction in my family and that my mother sees me as…
Financial abandonment hates me vicious spouse
My spouse of 40 years hates me And. Is being coached by a son that just showed u- after 40 years and a caregiver. He has decided that I a, stealing from him; and that he is not going to support me financially and has closed all the joint accounts and left me with nothing. Every Sunday is the worse. He does something more…
Getting her to go to the DR???
So I super appreciate the support on here! More than I can say! Just seeing that we're not the only ones helps tremendously! So the reason for this post is because we tried "tricking" my Gramma into going to the Dr. Needless to say it didn't work. What else can we do???!!! She really needs to be seen. Thank you in advance!!
Hoarding and moving
Hi! I am new to this thing. My boyfriend and I moved in his grandma, 92, last year. I see her progressively getting worst with memory issues, taking showers, changing clothes, and hoarding. We are suppose to be moving and her room is cluttered with trash and clothes etc. We already got rid of somethings during the initial…
Strokes and not the nice kind
Just posting bc there is no one else to talk to about it. Mom was doing ok in assisted living, though totally not getting why she was there- no inkling that I have spent 14 months of my life caring for her and no way can she function independently anymore, but I had to go back to my own family, job and home in another…
I have been in recovery from alcoholism for 23 years and caregiver for 3 years. But stress from caregiveing is about to break me. Any thoughts out there?
Mom doesn’t want to be alone but refusing care givers
My mom has moderate dementia and recently had to leave her community, her home and her friends due to need for more care. She is physically very able and young (74), but has become very depressed and is dealing with a lot of grief. We are adjusting her meds, she will be seeing a psychologist, and has a planned move to…
Mom can't remember she agreed to move to AL
Hi Everyone. You all are so helpful and reassuring, and I'm hoping some of you can help me with this. My mom has VD, and it's basically her short term memory that's pretty non-existent. She reluctantly agreed to move to AL and now moving day is coming up. I have to remind her everyday that this is happening and we go over…
Turmoil of Decision
I am not sure if writing this will help or make give me more turmoil. My mother is stage 7a dementia - she still has good days. Her feet are swelling, she had edema. Her legs are seeping water. She has heart issues, kidney issues. She is cold all the time. The lasix are causing her blood pressure to drop, so they have…
Dementia Spouse Hates Me
My relationship with my husband has gone down hill since he got diagnosed with cognitive impairment. He is extremely unhappy and anxious to the point where he developed BFRB in the last 16 months. This weekend I saw that he was googling "I hate my wife". He has little support than me and friends that I have made and…
hubby can't sleep been almost three days
hospice told me to start lorazapam and haldol each every four hours not working. He looks sooo very tired. He is hallucinating badly. Sees people that are not here, thinks he is in a hospital, is picking at his skin. His speech is somewhat garbled. This happened a few weeks ago they ended up giving him morphine it finally…
Refusing to eat and sleeping all day.
Hello everyone, It's my first time here. I am feeling frustrated. My grandfather is refusing to eat and sleeps all day. I know as dementia progresses it will only get worse. Wondering if there is any way to get him to eat and stay awake. I've been sneaking in boost in his coffee, but he's still losing weight and getting…
Helping ease worries during episodes
I am a caregiver to my nana. She’s struggling and so am I. I’m 23 and I have two young kids that I take care of as well. Most days she’s fine with me. We laugh and have fun but lately she’s been angry. Always worried that I’m putting poison in her food and water. Worried that I’m not taking care of her. It hurts. I bathe…
Checking in from the twilight zone
Forum mates, I have not been able to gather my thoughts to share a couple of updates from our weekend adventures. Another close call which DH (and I) have survived. I will post about it later as it helps to share the learning, may help someone else, and often someone here has additional advice which is priceless. In the…
Newly diagnosed mom won’t speak to me
Hello! My mom was ‘diagnosed’ in April - I’m Canadian, and because of covid the wait times to get her in to a specialist are extremely long. My family doctor is 95% it’s Alzheimer’s, so I’m going forward with that. She has not been told that she has Alzheimer’s, just that she has some cognitive impairments. (By our family…
Toilet Behavior
My Mother has Dementia, and we are having trouble with her throwing things in the toilet. We have had to pull the commode several times to clear items out. We have locked all her belongings in her closet to prevent her from trying to flush them. If we leave a full role of toilet paper in the bathroom she will use the whole…
4th move in a year
My 87 year old mom was placed in MC last June by her husband who could no longer care for her. That lasted 4 months. The facility was brand new and beautiful but the care was horrible. Short staffed, incorrect med. given, multiple falls with transports to ER/cat scans. So in October she was moved to a residential care…
Night time problems
My father starts yelling, shouting, talking shortly after he goes to bed EVERY night. He is a different person once he goes to bed. I talk to him when he starts to get loud but it doesn't help. He is another person after he goes to bed. Talks in a different halting voice, makes no sense, says YEAH, YEAH, YEAH alot. Gets…
Should we move in with my parents?
Hello caregivers! I'm a secondary caregiver to my mother who has moderate dementia. My father is her primary caretaker (he is in relatively good health), but Mom rarely knows who he is and gives him quite a bit of grief because of it. I live only 15 min away and help out near daily. Part of me thinks that if my husband and…
Between a rock and a hard place(3)
I am taking care of my dad with dementia all by myself, and he is getting worse and worse. He will not let me out of his sight, he shadows me constantly, and he backs me up into corners. He will not sleep or let me sleep. I really need to put him in a nursing home, but I depend on him for a home and income. I cannot work…
Can't give up
She's my mom. And its getting worse. And its all in her head. No matter how many thousands of times during the day, I tell her what's really happening... absolutely nothing. And to please relax. She has this drama in her head, first its "Where are the children?" I ask for names and she can't give them to me. "They're…
Do they really adjust to MC?
It’s only the second night for my mom in MC. The move day went beautifully. Today was really hard. Mom is mad. Said we set all this up behind her back. She goes back and forth thinking she is in her old apartment then realizing she isn’t and is in a MC facility. She was ok. then anxious. Then sad. She called me tonight and…
Too many visitors!! Vent
Just needed to get something off my chest about the afternoon at home. So just before my family and I were going to church, my aunt texted my dad that she and two of my uncles (mom's siblings) were going to be stopping by around 2 to visit with my dad after him being in the hospital this past week and to see mom. They came…
Selling mom's house....feeling guilty
I moved my mom from NY to SC to live with me in September 2021. In NY she wrecked her car at 1am which caused this move. Since living with me she has improved, but has been diagnosed with moderate Alzheimer's. I decided to sell her home in NY as we haven't been there since I moved her down. She doesn't want to or know that…
Obsessive Episodes
My FIL (cared for by my MIL), had another concerning episode today. He continues to say he wants to go home (even though he is at home). He went to the garage, got in the car (he only has a fake set of keys), and said he was leaving. Although he could not leave, he began to threaten my MIL verbally. As he tends to respond…
Very dysfunctional family with no support
Hello, I am new to the group and have a very difficult situation. I have spent the day reading posts and am glad to see some commonalities with others. No official diagnosis but my mother hits almost every symptom. Very likely Parkinson's with Lewy Body dementia. My parents are very dysfunctional with a horrible marriage.…
Dear abc123, We are thinking about you. Sending good thoughts and prayers for your health and strength. Let us know how you are when you get a chance. This thread is from some of your friends on the other forum too https://www.alzconnected.org/discussion.aspx?g=posts&t=2147561260