What really happens to someone who has no family and alone with Alzheimer’s???
This is TBE checking in from Stage 8
It's been a long time since I have posted on here. It's 15 months since dw passed, but never forgotten. Today I walked by a craft section and she was there, grief, just not as bad. So I would like to recap for some who may not have ever read any of my posts. Dw had alzthiemers for 15 yrs the first 9 were not very bad. For…
Financial crisis in the making
My dh was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s in May 2024. He is 52. He was a partner in a law firm. He made a lot of money….then. Due to his disease, he had to leave work and now he has nothing to do but spend money. He gets daily deliveries of things that he doesn’t use. Sometimes , he doesn’t even open the packages.…
Poem - When I am older...
I read this poem today and it touched me. I know my husband Lonny knew he loved me and that I loved him until the end. The last sentence he said to me before he passed in August was "I love you too Babe"… When I am older I might not remember I might get confused And I might lose my temper And there may be times When I…
DH Died Last Night
My beloved husband died last night. Roger was a kind, gentle soul and was well loved by the facility staff, residents, and our hospice team. His hospice nurse and I thought he had a few more days, but his progression accelerated very quickly, and he was gone within an hour. I was there, holding his hand and talking to him,…
Moving to Memory Care
I have been agonizing over how I will move my wife of 65 years to memory care. I know it will come unless I die first. Friends of ours live in an assisted living apartment. She needs assistance with many things but he does not. This is expensive but they are still together. I've been thinking this could be a solution for…
Planning for Future Young moderate Early Onset Alzheimer
My DH was diagnosed with young moderate early onset Alzheimer's at the age of 57. He lost his job one year ago. He was also diagnosed with LADA Type 1 Diabetes at age 55. Needless to say, it has been devasting. We have been fortunate to finally secure Social Security Disability. We are now planning for the future. I am…
DH in nursing facility
I haven't posted for awhile. A lot has happened. My DH is in a nursing facility due to falls at home. After being in the hospital for two days I received a call from his Dr stating he needed 24/7 care which I was unable to do. The decision was made for me that he needed to go to a nursing facility. He has been there 2…
Need advice on companion care
My DW is 60. She was diagnosed with EO ALZ several years back confirmed with a PET scan. She is deep in stage 5. I work from home. I would like to hiring some companion care so I can go into the office a couple days a week and get some time away. I need to prepare for a future in which I am not doing this alone. However,…
I'm too proud to ask....
Hi y'all. My bf 45yo eoa is my person. I love him with all i got. He has 2 sides of family. His adopted mom (aunt) and his uncle have been a blessing for me. His mom will take my bf maybe once a month or every few months for a few hours so I can go do some errands. I try not to ask too much tho as she is older as well and…
Reversed sleep patterns
My DW was diagnosed in 2021 and at our last visit with the neurologist he said she was at Moderate/Severe stage. According to what I have read that would be Stage 6 somewhere. She has always been a night owl and almost always went to bed long after me. There was a period where she was overdoing the wine so she would stay…
Starting incontinence
I know this has been discussed many times before but I am hoping for some suggestions. My DW is still very functional. She does almost all of her ADL's alone. She was diagnosed 4 years ago and the progression has been slow so far. Recently however, she has had a couple random episodes of urinary incontinence. This is after…
Watching TV is a challenge
I know this is the least of our problems, but since we stay home a lot we watch TV, all the time 🤦♀️problem is he absolutely cannot follow any new program, so we continue to watch all the old shows we’ve seen a dozen times. They are new to my LO but I just can’t continue to watch them. He says turn on anything but then…
walker suggestion
Does anyone have a suggestion for a walker for a 6'2 person? Looking online there doesn't seem to be much. I think it would help with the very arthritic knees and bad alzheimer's balance!
Confusion in transition from sleep to awake
I have been searching for information on this site, but cannot find much about this. My DH is developing a pattern of confusion or ??? During the period of coming awake. The duration varies, from a few minutes to half an hour. During that time, he does unexpected things like needing to empty the dishwasher unclothed, or…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 2/2/25
LOVE John 3:16 NIV For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who…
What if I get sick?
DH was worried last night about what would happen to him if something happened to me. He asked who would take care of him? Honestly, I don't know. Do others have a plan in place? If so, what is it? We have no family to call upon. Friends can only do so much. I'm hearing about flu outbreaks and even that could take me out…
Financial assistance
Hello Everyone, my husband (82) was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I (57) have worked most of our marriage but am no longer able to as I have to be home to take care of him. It is a significant drop in our monthly income. Can anyone tell me if there is financial assistance available. Thank you in advance for your…
Respite/In Home help
My LO is late stage 6 and I need a break. How do I go about getting help. He has Medicare and BCBS. I have a hard time asking for help but I'm getting so anxious and depressed. I don't need help with housework, just need a break from the 24/7 care. Suggestions?
How and when should I tell my DH I am placing him in MC
Thanks to encouragement from people on this forum, I have decided to put my DH in a Adult Family Home dedicated to memory care. A bed will open up in about one month. I can't decide when to tell him he will be living somewhere away from me. If I tell him the day before placement, I am afraid he will refuse to get in the…
Dementia... a word I have come to loathe. It has been horrible to watch my talented, brilliant husband experience the horrors of this horrendous disease. Being aware of what Alzheimer's or likely Lewy Bodies stole on a daily basis was so difficult and sad to observe. Medically the support we received was to treat the…
If it seems like a cold
Hi my bf 45yo eoa has been having a cough. Yesterday he had a fever, cough and I can hear junk in his chest. His voice is hoarse too. To me it seems like a chest cold. With his eoa do I need to be overly cautious when he gets sick like this? Which is rare. I ask him if he feels fine and he says yes. I tried to take his…
Just venting, I guess
It's been almost 9 years since we first noticed Jenny having trouble with forgetfulness. I don't guess it really matters when, "they" say to exercise the body and mind? If any of you knew or know her, you know she definitely did both. The first few years no one really noticed, maybe we didn't want to see, but it was there.…
To those with LO in memory care
My wife has been in memory care for about 9 months. She had a stroke 10 months ago. Our marriage has not been close for a long time, but she doesn't remember what our problems were. I would like to know how others are dealing with their spouses being in memory care. I feel kind of trapped. I can never go back and don't…
What now!!
Well today’s events knocked me for a loop. My DW became very anxious and kept saying that she wanted to go home. I tried to comfort her and tell her that she was already home. Of course she didn’t agree. She told me she was going to take a walk which she has done occasionally by herself. Never had a problem before. After…
Care documents
I tried enrolling my DW in day care a couple of days a week. After all paperwork was completed and just a couple of days before she was to begin, her enrollment was denied due to possible fecal incontinence. (The facility did not have a shower). This information is being mentioned because of things I may have subsequently…
The Laugh & Cry Moment of the Day
Ok, just venting here, but…DH leaked a bit into the multiple pairs of pants he wears (still trying to find some sort of disposables he will tolerate). He didn't say anything; I found them over on the air purifier and threw them into the laundry. This happens frequently, no big deal. I then asked if he would wash himself…
Treatment for AD with Lecanemab injections
Has anyone undergone treatment for AD with Lecanemab injections which are given via infusions every 2 weeks? If so, I'd like to know how it's going, the length of time the treatment has been going on, and the efficacy of it. Do you see any improvement in cognition and memory? Has cognition and memory remained about the…
What to do in emergency!!
I asked my wife if I collapse and was unresponsive what would you do. She had no idea who to call I told her 911, 15 min later I asked her again had no idea. This does worry me as shit happens. Has issues using phone. ANY IDEAS
tracking watches
Does anyone have experience of tracking watches? My husband can get slightly lost when driving so I would like to get ahead of the game. We are not terribly well off so am looking for something simple but effective.