hello I am new to the group
I am asking for help for anyone who would know how I could go about this. My husband has been diagnosed for 6 years but was in a fog for 3 years before that before we go the diagnosis. He is moderate to severe state, cannot drive, dress himself, walks with walker and not good at that, has trouble with speech. He was a…
Touring memory care - Plan B
I visited two memory care places and it is difficult for me to think about placing my DH. Both places stressed that no one is ever ready to place their love one. Just don’t wait too long before he has declined to the point where he will not be accepted. Not sure what stage that would be. My.DH can still care for himself,…
Xmas decorations everywhere...
Just need to vent - my DH was diagnosed recently with MCI although I believe that he is further along and we will be getting further evaluation. In the meantime, I am really struggling with his "organization" skills and insistence that he does not need help. DH has always taken great pride each year in setting up full size…
Expectations of Employed Caregivers
My wife is stage 5-6 AD and at home. She is mobile, can communicate, although usually not correctly, still uses utensils to eat, is not incontinent, enjoys social time with others (not so much with me but that is not unexpected), exhibits confusion, anxiety and agitation. Medication has helped with the agitation and…
Sad caregiver
I am sure blue. I work so hard to stay cheerful, keep my spouse occupied and happy. I can never meet his needs, I am always a step behind.
Delusions or Dreams
I'm not sure if what my DH is having are delusions or something else. The episodes seem to occur after sleep or a nap. I think that he is having very vivid dreams and when he wakes up instead of realizing that he has had a dream he incorporates the dream into his waking stage. For instance the other morning he woke up…
Televising Without Sound
My DH will sit by the hour and watch television without the sound turned on. Has anyone else had this experience?
Me, I am living with it!
Anybody that has ES and is talking about it, instead of me hearing what we are putting people through. Hearing it through a care givers lens is depressing. I am struggling with how to process it myself. Thanks Anybody ES age 53?
I’m angry and resentful!
The past few weeks I have been angry! I’m angry at my husband for having a disease he didn’t ask for I’m angry at myself for losing it and being frustrated and thinking I have a handle on things and realizing I don’t! I’ve been very short tempered and sad. Both of which I’m not!Our marriage has been one where he was never…
God’s promises
My SIL sent me this and I thought I’d share it. I especially liked the thoughts in the first paragraph. I hope the picture is readable.
My journey so far
Here’s my story. About 2 years ago I began to notice changes in my husband’s memory and behavior. We were big outdoor enthusiasts, travelers and longtime birders and my husband loved photography. He began to complain about his binoculars and camera, they were not working he said and replaced them. I discovered he wasn’t…
New skills
My wife was a home maker so she did all most all the cooking and cleaning, then about 3 years ago I was doing all the house work. I bought her some new pants and just yesterday I figured out how to thread the sewing machine and hem her pants up. No big deal but I never thought about doing all those things. My wife is in MC…
Talking merciless nonsense
Why when we are in company does my OH, who is moderate/severe stage of dementia, not utter a word, but when he is with me or his sons, he talks relentlessly. Nothing makes sense. All day long he wants to go home, Within seconds of me telling him we are home he starts again. i've tried every way suggested to distract him…
LO Depression in Early Phases
we are in the earlier stages where my DH is very aware of his decline. He feels “stupid” when he can’t remember things or people. He has told me since the diagnosis that he wasn’t going to stick around for the whole journey. He is taking anxiety medication now but I think we need to add an Antidepressant. Have any of you…
Newly diagnosed DH with early onset Alzeheimers
My DH was diagnosed with early onset ALZ November 2023 at the age of 62. We are doing a trial drug through Lily in Plymouth Meeting, PA. He'll have been in the trial for over 15 months as of Feb 2025. I am wondering what early symptoms I should look out for. He has a bad short term memory, finds it difficult to find words…
Eating everything
husband with Alzheimer’s has no sense of being full after eating a meal. Goes directly for refrigerator for something else to eat. He has no sense, which I know is not his fault. I do all shopping, cooking, bills, pills, reminders for showers, wearing clean clothes, etc. It sets me off when he cuts off a big hunk of Romano…
Declining leg strength and postural instability
My husband has VD and osteoperosis, both progressing. His has a shuffling gait, forward lean, and its difficult for him to walk or stand. He uses a walker when we leave the house but refuses to use one in our home. His osteoperosis causes back pain and standing for more than a few minutes is impossible. Has anyone on this…
Has anyone tried Lorazepam for anti anxiety med with donepezil
HWD is becoming increasingly agitated, angry and just plain mean. I messaged his PCP and she recommended Lorazepam…he is taking donepezil at the moment. I am a little frightened by the side effects especially dizziness since he is moving so slowly and is a bit unsteady already. Have any of you tried this med? I've gotten…
Alcohol and guns
Hi, I am new to this community and have been desperately trying to find a support system while caring for my partner. we were both widowed 16 years ago when we met. Timing was perfect and we have enjoyed many years of companionship. 3 years ago I notices he could not retain complicated problems. In August he was diagnosed…
What happens if you can't afford AL anymore?
My Mom is so worried that she cannot afford to keep my Dad in AL. What happens to people who cannot afford to place their LO in facilities but can't take care of them themselves? Is going on Medicaid the only option? What if they don't qualify for Medicaid?
I finally got the paperwork done for durable POA and Guardianship over my 45yo EOA boyfriend. I have been taking care of him for the last year and a half so why not. His one side of the family you know the ones who say "if you need anything I'll be there for you or let me know" yeah they are gonna be upset. I had my…
Packing up to go to other home
My DH is packing up the car to go to his house. When I ask him where that is, he says our address. I have him look outside to see the neighbor's house, the street we live on, the yard, etc. He will agree this is the address, but there is another place. He has been going in an out so much the house is freezing! ( it is 21…
One year MC anniversary
Today marks the one year anniversary of my DH going to MC. One of the worst days of my life. I knew the day was coming. I just didn't know it was going to come the way it did. He had pneumonia and was in the hospital and so weak he couldn't stand by himself. The doctor told me he couldn't go home. He said I could no longer…
DH says he feels worthless
It breaks my heart when he told me he feels worthless because he can’t do the things he used to do. I reaffirmed the things he’s doing right but that’s not enough. He still says he feels useless and good for nothing.🥲
My LO has FTD and struggles with accepting support
We have important financial and other things that need to be resolved and my LO can’t seem to get anything done herself and refuses to let me take on the tasks. How can I convince her to accept the situation and let me take control? Just reminding her and getting her to write things down hasn’t worked. Now she is getting…
I ask myself why I am putting off getting help at home for my DH Why is such a simple decision so hard for me to make. It would help me so much to know I can go out and someone will be with him. Give myself piece of mind. But yet I put it off ! Do I really want a stranger in my house , I’ll be tied to their schedule or do…
Wants to talk to his parents
I’m posting again on this issue because it came up again but worse. He wants to see his parents again. I said they were staying with his sister for a while. He wants to call them to talk to them. I pretended to call his sister and that she didn’t answer - and I would try again later. Distraction wasn’t helping at all. Then…
Wants to go home to his parents
My DH has asked off and on over the last few months if his parents are alive, and I’ve said no they are not and he’s been fine with that. Over the last couple of weeks, around 6:00 or so, he mentions he needs to go home. I tell him you live here with me so you can just stay here - again he’s been fine with that. Today at…
Do some MCFs accept those who can no longer transfer?
The one I toured told me no, once they get to the stage of not being able to transfer themselves out of bed to a walker for example, they won’t accept them. And if they are already in their MC when they get to this stage, they put them in their SNF, which is like a hospital. No private rooms. Can you all tell me your…
Why do I always feel like I'm waiting on something? My DH has VD and alz. Plus multiple other problems copd cad ect. . Now he almost seems normal. I keep waiting for something to happen. WHY? WHY CANT I JUST ENJOY THE PLATUE HE IS ON?. What is wrong with me?