Looking for MC
It has been 11 days since my DH was admitted to the hospital. After 3 days, he was admitted to a Geriatric Psychiatric unit an hour away from our house. I go every day to see him and he wants to go home . He has no memory of his violence, but I am afraid to have him home. I have been looking for a decent available spot for…
Getting desperate
Hi all. I care for my partner who has dementia and has only just recently been diagnosed even though it has been obvious for two years. He has no idea of the day/date/year nor even the season. He goes to daycare three days a week, thank God, but it's costing us a fortune. My main problem is he's so nasty now, and a…
DH has the flu
My husband is stage 6. Started coughing, fever- I took him to the urgent care today, yes he has the flu. It seems his dementia has gotten so much worse when he started showing flu symptoms. I’ve heard that can happen. He has had 2 bowel accidents today, very unstable on his feet, talking to himself. The dr said the…
New territory and things are changing
Facing facts here. Thought I was dealing with things the best I could as they continue to evolve. DH fell about a month ago when he got up at night to pee. Luckily he wasn't injured too much, just a cut on his hand that bled a lot. A few days ago he stubbed his right little toe, again when he got up in the night. He said…
Toured a few memory care facilities
My DH is in moderate stage and I plan to take care of him as long as possible, but been told to have a Plan B. I never realize the memory facilities are so competitive with each other. And, they are a little pushy at when to admit him. They told me they would not be able take him if I wait too long. My DH is doing good and…
New to this group
Hello, I'm new to this group and Just looking for support I guess. My husband has been recently diagnosed with what the doctors are calling "Alzheimer's-Like" dementia. He's due to have NeuroPsych testing in late May. So maybe we'll have more answers after that about his condition. He's been having memory difficulties for…
Wandering outside
My partner has been wandering every day now. The police were called six times in a month. She hallucinates and has delusions that there are other people inside the house besides us that want to harm her, or that her "children" are being held captive. She becomes angry and goes out the door, sometimes without her phone,…
Cereal ..... Again
HWD is reaching the stage where he will wander off during a meal, and he is starting to lose weight. So foods that hold up (no cereal for him) to long meals and high calorie snacks are prominent in our house. But for me, by the time I have him in bed (if I can keep him up until 6:30 that's a win) I'm too tired to make a…
Did I Over React?
Hello All - I haven't posted here for several months but wanted to check in as I got such great advice last time. My DH had a massive shift in personality last year that lasted for about 10 months. He became angry, with explosive outbursts and was emotionally unstable. I became very concerned that it was some form of…
In need of guidance
My DH has a caregiver come twice a week to take some of the pressure off of me. The agency which we get them from had a 5 star rating and I always only read the bad ratings…which they didnt have. The problem is the agency doesnt let us know when the caregiver calls out for whatever reason or if they are sending anyone…
From Spouse to Nurse
I've seen many here who are further down the road than me and my DW, who mention how moving mentally from spouse to nurse or captain helped the caregiver find a different set of patience and ability to manage. I feel like I could use that more in my approach, but how in the world did that finally click with you all? Early…
They really have no idea!!
My DW has had EOAD for a little over two years now. I am finally realizing that my family and friends have no idea what we are going through. I welcomed their wanting to help with suggestions or articles they found to help us. As my DW’s symptoms have advanced, everyone has given their opinion on placing my DW in MC. I…
Financial questions related to care
Hello. I'm sure this comes across as ignorant. I'm not, and probably just looking for affirmation of my expectations, but if anyone has any feedback - without judgement please - I would appreciate it. DH has been diagnosed at age 62. I work very part time. Young teens. House is not paid for and definitely don't have even…
Learning to be patient.
Hi, I'm 74 and my wife is 76. How does everyone learn to hold their tung? My wife has had Vascular Dementia for almost 2 years. She contently for what day it is. Our Daughter is now making up her pills. I have to dress her am/pm. Help her shower, bathroom needs. I'm now cooking all meals. I have hired a person to clean the…
Federal Alzheimer's Research Defunded
The Roy Blunt Alzheimer's research center at the National Institutes of Health has had its budget slashed as part of the ongoing random cost-cutting program. The center does research on what now-retired Senator Blunt (R - MO) called "our most expensive disease."
New to this group
Hello, I'm new to this group and Just looking for support I guess. My husband has been recently diagnosed with what the doctors are calling "Alzheimer's-Like" dementia. He's due to have NeuroPsych testing in late May. So maybe we'll have more answers after that about his condition. He's been having memory difficulties for…
What is the function of a neurologist after Alz diagnosis
I have searched for this topic and can't find anything related. My question, more exactly, is what can a neuologist do for my DH other than prescribe varioius meds or give him experimental meds? We have been through the non invasive meds and DH has had a reaction to each. We will not do the newer intravenious meds. So, is…
Blood Test for Alzheimer’s
My DH has a test last week- Quest Ptau 181. It came back at 1.19 where anything higher than 1.07 indicates Alzheimer’s. Was wondering if anyone else has experience with this test?
Rx question for the medical folks...
DH has knee arthritis, pain in the knee and back from his back, and now apparently arthritis in both his feet. The foot pain seems to be even worse than the other and sometimes so bad he can barely walk. The ortho doc prescribed a compounded cream for the knee, and several months later the podiatrist has prescribed a…
Feeling Fragile
I feel so sad. My DH of 54 years has VD stage 5 or 6 our partnership over the years has been so strong, we've worked together in our own business, sailed together, flown together, had our children together, and always relied on and supported each other, and now it's just me calling all the shots. I love him dearly and I am…
Understanding the number system ?
Hi, I see numbers discussed like 5-6. Are theses years or stages of disease? Thanks , Sandi
Same meals
My DH who is 45 ye EOA. He is stage 6 transition to stage 7. He is starting to not like lots of foods he used to love. Is this normal? He will eat cereal, pb and j, chips, salad (sometimes) or meat sandwich It is also hit or miss if he will eat anything in a day. Or skme days he will graze all day on chips and trail mix.…
How to tell your teenagers
my DH was just diagnosed with EO at 57…we have three teenage kids (20, 19 and 17). Any recommendations on how to tell them?
Just need to talk to my friends (202)
Iris, cutting ice is a really important chore when it's freezing, otherwise either the cows won't have water or they'll walk out on the ice and break through into the icy water and freeze. I remember Charles cutting ice on the pond and when he would cut a big piece he would slide it under the unbroken ice. Usually would…
DW just diagnosed with Early onset Alzheimer's
My DW (63) has recently been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's so we are in the beginning stages of dealing with it. We've been through 5 months of testing. Her mother is in assisted living and soon to be in memory care for alzheimers so she sees and knows the likely progression. We have 3 grandbabies and more on the…
Docs are suggesting electroconvulsive therapy. I’m old school and I don’t hear any news flashes. Concerned but cautious about going to Oregon for treatment.
Memory card financing
hi community, just wanted to get advice on how to finance your DH staying at a memory care facility. Does insurance cover that?
Steps to take legally
Caring for DH. Have wills and standard forms. What do I do in case I pass first. dH unable to carry on. Legally should I change titles now, rewrite my will, move finances immediately to sons? Will currently states goes first to spouse, should i change that? Worried.
NIH funding update- the truth…
I saw a post on social media this week that there were cuts being made at the NIH. My husband died in August from Alzheimer's and I have been fighting cancer since 2017 so this worried me greatly. Also my daughter works for a major cancer hospital that receives funding for cancer research So I decided to look into it…
Our Last Mile
Well forum mates - friends, there have been many near-misses and false alarms on this long journey. My beloved DH has fooled us many times, or let's say trickster dementia has. Some of you will recall I saved his life at least a couple of times, knee-jerk reaction and loving instinct. And he was thought for sure to be in…