Korsakoff Dementia
Is anyone in here caring for a spouse that has Korsakoff dementia? I have so many questions
Weight loss
My wife Jenny has been losing weight. 6 months ago she weighed 183 lbs today she weighs 151. She had started eating less and less but the last month or so seems the weight loss has sped up. She gets unstabled if she walks very far but can walk. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's almost 4 years ago. My question; what should…
Snipe Hunt
back when, the s outs always had snipe hunts on camp outs. Seems I’m at it again. So far i have been hunting for 5 kids that were left at day camp and should be walking along the highway in the rain,(try explaining to the police wheyyouare doing 15mph in the breakdown lane) later it was two college girls (since we were in…
Locks: what brand
I want to add a lock in our bathroom so I can put jewelry, wallet in a cabinet. I'm thinking this would be more protection against theft than keeping DH out…..he does not rummage through things, and doesn't see well enough to get into anything with a lock anyway. The problem is, the width of the door that overlaps the…
FTD - Idea to help with lack of impulse control with eating for your loved one
Hello all. My friend I've been giving care to I believe has FTD. He has a short term memory issue and a lack of control with eating, especially sweets. I found out that he likes my cooking and will eat nearly anything I cook. Instead of buying him his usual sweets he wants, I make it something that has some kind of health…
Help with how to have the driving discussion . . .
I am new to the community so if someone can point me toward prior posts on the topic, that would be great. My DH is only 65 and moving toward the far end of moderate in his journey, of course he won't admit there are any issues. He has been really good about letting me do the driving (he has only driven a couple of times…
Driving concerns
my DH was diagnosed with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. He has been taking Aricept for about a month. We recently went on vacation and his driving was erratic. He had to stop very quickly many times because he didn’t realize cars were stopped or braking. He also turned around to talk to the backseat people for way…
Therapy maybe?
My DW has been in MC for 4-5 months now and I still can't get over the guilt I feel for not visiting on some days and for having to leave her looking sad and dejected when I do leave after a visit. She is always looking for me and when I visit she starts crying saying she's been looking everywhere for me and couldn't find…
Adult Day Care
Has anyone tried Adult Day Care? Was it successful? My DH is so agitated and restless unless he has something to do. His behavior is better now that we have added Seroquel to his list of meds, and I think he might enjoy the activity. There are several around here, but I was just wondering if it helped any of you. I am…
You may have already addressed this, but I noticed that several of your responses were duplicated three to five times in different threads. Presumably a software glitch. Iris
Filing for SSN
Does anyone know if you file for regular SSN benefits or do you file for disability with early onset alzheimers. And how long does it take to get benefits and insurance? What do you do about insurance in mean time while filing?
You don't like me much anymore
Hello, all. I have been ill with 4 or 5 recurring this past 4 months (seeing a urologist in early August). This week it was really bad. Not the usual painful symptoms, but so cold I couldn't stop shaking and shivering, and then feeling dizzy. Again to Urgent care..Again with antibiotics. This time I slept for 4 straight…
Best type of doctor
we are in the earlier stages of this journey and as I read messages from those of you much further along, I wonder what kind of doctor is your go to when things come up? Do most of you use your primary, a neurologist or geriatric psychiatrist?
Getting answers through traumatic medical event
I began noticing cognitive and behavioral changes in my husband several years ago. After experiencing one frustration after another in my attempts to get help, I came to the conclusion that the changes were most likely due to underlying medical conditions he has been diagnosed with (type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, and…
Rapid Decline - Not a UTI
Has anyone seen a rapid decline of their spouse? My DH is having hallucinations, wakes up at night and gets fully dressed, has fallen once, communication is challenging, voice is weak, intermittently doesn't shower, wears the same clothes and is generally confused. He was checked for a UTI and it was negative. I know this…
Not My Home
Each evening after dinner, y LO Ned’s to go home for a wide variety and very creative list of reasons. Redirection or distraction does not work, it only delays the request until after…our daughters will come visit about the time we finish diner and as soon as we are done with the visit, she will request to go home. Most…
Looking for feedback with early stage DW
My DW is 14 years my senior, 86, and is early stage dimentia (my diagnosis based on criteria from here) Her short term memory is very bad, can't keep day straight even for minutes. Asks same question multiple times a day (ex. son is visiting from out of town. "When is Cam leaving", 5 to 10 times a day). Also we used to…
When to stop ?
Doctor says “Keep him active, mentally and socially. Keep him involved etc.” Well I’ve been doing this . Writing to do lists ( 2-3 things), trying to have conversations with him, asking for his advice opinion help. But now he gets annoyed when I ask him to do something or says I will and doesn’t do it. Then he complains he…
Fine, I'll cave ...
After 3 messes and running out of plastic bags I will cane and join the Blue Glove Club. I did learn this morning that I CAN clean the mess (corner of toilet, remove lid, wash sink and counter, hands 10,000 times get him showered and dressed and make it to work with one minute to spare.) Sit back and enjoy the read... My…
New night time and early am behavior.
Not sure what to make of this. DH behavior has been quite manageable for quite awhile now. Lately I’ve noticed his become more irritable in the am with accusations that I’m awful and not helping him. Two nights in a row now, he wakes up after sleeping a couple of hours. Out of the blue he starts screaming at me for lying…
Moving to memory care
my DH has been diagnosed with declining Moderate Alzheimer’s. He is getting to be too much for me to handle emotionally, and I feel my own health is declining. He is 81 and I am 79. I have only one son to help me through this whole process. He and I have started arrangements to have him moved into 24-hour memory care. This…
Just need to talk to my friends (195)
Hi. Thought I'd start 195 tonight so we can begin posting on it in the morning. Supposed to.be very windy tomorrow so will have to take down the flag so it won't blow away or break the flag pole. Hope you all get a good night's sleep. See you in the morning.
So strange how their mind works...
We'll never know what's really going on in their mind…sometimes I write down the occasional really strange behavior but yesterday's was a doozy. DH went out the front door to check out what's going on like he always does. He came back in the house holding a dead rabbit! So I'm kind of freaking out and I tell him to go put…
thinking of her
Tonight I'm sitting here in my recliner, half lit on bourbon, while my wife of 53 years sleeps on the couch next to me. I started thinking about how caring for her 24/7 has become my routine, and how much I miss some of the seemingly simple things she used to do for me… She would cook these tasty little yellow potatoes…
We are so frustrated. I don’t always know how to help him. My husband tries really hard to start a conversation with me or express a concern or fear he has. Sometimes I can only pick out a couple of words. I have no idea what he is trying to tell me. Sometimes I can read between the lines and go with my gut on what he is…
Books that were recommended to me
The Social Worker, Tessa, at The Memory Center Clinic (Dept of Neurology) at the University of Chicago Medicine recommended these 2 books to me, at Ray's appt last Fri. Have any of you checked these out? I read the reviews over at Amazon.com. I ordered these. I'm a retired dinosaur RN. "Travelers to Unimaginable Lands" by…
Everywhere at the end of time
“My dearest wife, is this how the world seems to you? Dear God in heaven.” “Everywhere at the end of time,” a six-album recording by Leyland Kirby “The Caretaker,” was released over a three-year period between 2016 and 2019. It is an art-music creation that takes the listener though the stages of Alzheimer’s and dementia,…
Sensitive situation
this topic I have not seen anywhere on this sight and am somewhat hesitant to bring it up. My DW has become very sexual To the point that it takes a big piece of the day. I was wondering if anyone else has had this situation and how to handle it. I just don’t want it to become so bad that it occurs at inappropriate times.…
Not sure what to say when he doesn’t remember
We had some friends over for dinner last night and had a great time. My DH today is asking when everyone is coming over. I said they were all here last night for dinner and he said “I wasn’t there!” or “You had them over without me”. I just don’t know how to respond to this type of thing. He does this frequently. Any…
Anyone ever attempted an RV trip with a cognitively impaired spouse???
Leaving soon in an RV trip to the Oregon Coast. I have realistic expectations and am hoping for 1 more trip up the Oregon Coast. We have many great memories of previous trips and hoping to take one more trip together while he still remembers. Bitter sweet for sure but wanting to do it for him and for me. Anyone RV'd with…