The End of Alzheimer's
Hello, i'm new here. Months ago, my husband asked if i'd research Alzheimer's for him. He's noticing some congnitive decline. i resisted but then this book came to me: "The End of Alzheimer's" by Dr. Dale E. Bredesen. i read it and am 1/2 through his next book: "The End of Alzheimer's Program". i'm wondered if anyone here…
Hi all, Though I had seen some things early that concerned me about my DWs brain health, the thing that really stood out about her cognitive decline was a moment when she went from being able to speak, to suddenly unable to find words. She may have had slight word-finding issues earlier, but they all seemed like early…
Does anyone know about Medicaid in Ohio My dh had Medicare and insurance. We have only been married 5 years. I had the house before we were married. Will they use this as his income? Yes I know I should speak to eldercare lawyer but they are so expensive.
Driving while impaired
There are two ladies in my support group who, being unwilling to confront the issue, still let their husbands drive. At the last meeting, they both admitted that they were starting to look into memory care facilities. They do know that their husbands won't be able to drive once they're admitted, right? It's actually…
Hitting and imaginary person
My bf 45 eoa has been hitting, punching, squeezing his hand so hard that he is bruised and swollen sometimes. He ia convinced that it is someone else. He said "this is me, mine" about his right hand. "Thats hlm, that's not mine" about his left hand. This "person" takes his things and hides them. He has been on olanzapine…
Mover closer?
Hi, I may have posted this earlier in a wrong or little visited place so I', posting here too hoping for some advice from those who have experienced this. Short back story, my wife has been in memory care in Fresno Ca. for 2 1/2 years. Her son lives seven miles from where she is and sees her twice a week. She is currently…
I just need to say...
Making a king-sized bed by yourself, with all the protective layers, and a tired husband who keeps trying to climb on before you're done, is a pain in the rear. No need to reply - you know it's true. Goodnight friends.
Increased hallucinations while on hospice
Wondering and thinking out loud. Since being on hospice for a week the hospice doctor changed much her medications. The ones she was on the doctor said they don't really help and actually increase anxiety and agitation so my DW was placed on a different regimen of meds. While I agree with the assessment I'm wondering if…
Rough night
I have been dealing with DH with FTD. I think it has been a slow decline with behavioral variant since 2009. My daughter is now 14. I have raised three teens alone through this. He talks to himself daily, screams and yells, hides or loses items and think there are "others" sabotaging his life. We are honestly very use to…
I just don’t know?!?!
Enjoying dinner with former work friends tonight! Oh my such a wonderful, full of belly laughs time. Paying bill, ready to go and friend says isn’t that your husband coming over? Well I was dumbfounded! Apparently he was sitting at the bar drank not sure if he ate and staggered over when he was leaving! Friends were great…
Feeling guilty about hospice and husband passing away
My wonderful husband passed away August 3rd. I miss him terribly. He was 71, and he had been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s about 9 years ago. He also had diabetes and vascular dementia, along with some other health issues. I am fortunate that I was able to keep him home the whole time, and I was able to work ( I…
Elopement and MC Assessment
My DH had a MC assessment today and things were going ok until the elopement question. Does your DH wander? I told the truth that occasionally he wanders (with me following him). I told them that DH wandered last week at night. They asked if I was able to bring him home and I told them I had to call the police for an…
Meds for Spouses?
Sorry - kind of long but looking for advice for how to manage my own emotions. My 68 year old DH - probably stage 5-6- was placed 3 months ago due to aggression, high anxiety, not sleeping, wandering, and extreme agitation. New meds, the skill of the MC nurses, and the fact that he can wander about the hallways and talk to…
Testing MRI with contrast dye?
my DH is supposed to have 4 MRIs today— one with contrast dye. I’m reading about possible problems for elderly patients with dementia and/or heart disease with the contrast dye…he’s frail and I don’t want to put him through nausea/rashes/increased cognitive issues —- I’m thinking of having him do only the three MRIs…
Humor even in the late stages
My son and I share a penchant for really bad jokes. I heard three last night on a TV show (see below), and I sent them to him with the predictable response. I thought about telling them to my partner—but then I thought no, she probably wouldn't get the punch lines. But: she was having a really good day today, was actually…
Memory Care or Keep trying at home
Is there some magic way to know when the time is right to have your loved one in a Memory Care Facility? A tipping point? I don't want to, for some reason. But I'm exhausted . I feel it would be more for me than him if he went there. Is that the right reason? He is still considered early stage. But the care needed is…
What if money tight
What are your options if you financially can’t afford care at a facility??
My 74 yo husband is my caregiver
My mother died from Alzheimers about 5 years ago. Knowing that can be inherited, I got a world class neurologist and had a spinal tap to see if I had the gene. I did. I am now 3 or 4 years into this and am taking a drug that I inhale called Prevagen. It seems to be working but I’m still having some emotional ups and downs…
Nail biting
My DH started to bite his nails way down. This is a habit he never had in the past. He tells me he can stop, but minutes later he is back biting. Worries with cold, flu seasons and germs he may pick up.
How to get prescription meds in the first place
My husband refuses to be tested and dislikes taking meds. He desperately needs meds for obsessions and anxiety. He is a great show timer at the doctors office. I have talked to him about his anxiety. He says he knows himself better than anyone and he is not anxious. I keep reading how others hide the medicine in food. A…
Nothing but trouble with antipsychotics
I am starting to feel sorry that I ever started my husband on antipsychotic drugs. Since we began in late May, he has been on two doses of seroquel and three doses of risperidone. Seroquel made him incredibly sleepy and unsteady on his feet and did little for his agitation, so his geripsych and I bagged that after a month.…
Sorry for the ramble.
Sorry for the ramble about hospice. It was my mom's hospice company I felt that way about but I'm sure they are good caring people. Tried to delete this but couldn't find where.
Need to clarify about earlier post
I was referring to my mom's hospice company when she passed. I'm sure it was just me and they were kind and caring people. So far I have nothing but good things to say about my wife's hospice company. I need to clarify a bit better. Sorry for the
Clothing for inappropriate urination
My DH, now in memory care, likes to pee out the window of his 3rd floor room. This has been going on for a few months, even with a commode in the room and regular trips to the bathroom by staff. It's become an issue for residents on the lower floors. The staff recommended getting him overalls, thinking he wouldn't be able…
How to encourage spouse to get memory test done
I am interested in recommendations on how to encourage my spouse to get medically tested for dementia. Friends and family say I should "trick" her into getting tested. I have no good ideas how to arrange this. She insists there is nothing wrong with her despite not being able to recall personal information such as…
MCF Had to Call 911 Again
I can't sleep. So here I am. This post will come across as ramblings because it probably is. DH got combative again when 3 staff tried to change him to get ready for bed. He took his night meds, too. Yet, he fought them and pushed one of the staff who fell onto the floor and got bruised up. DH wouldn't settle down. So 911…
40th wedding anniversary
So today is our 40th wedding anniversary. Of course my DH now is well into stage 6 and recently put on hospice. He doesn’t recognize me anymore, let alone aware it’s our anniversary. Funny how your mind knows this day will just be another caregiver day. No flowers, no special dinner or weekend away to celebrate. But my…
My DH was just diagnosed with Alz
My Dh was just diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer’s. He’s doing well now but we are both overwhelmed with making decision s for the future. Do we stay in our home of 45 years or downsize to an adult community? If we stay put, how to prepare to make home safe? How and where do I get help when I need it? What legal…
Darkness today
Dementia is torture. It is agony. It chips away bit by bit. It will take tiny pieces for awhile and then it takes a big shocking hunk that makes you feel like you can't breathe.
New definition of a bad day
Found DH on his hands and knees in the bathroom with poop everywhere. He was trying to clean it up by putting chunks down the shower drain. I managed to get that stopped and got him in the shower while I cleaned up the floor and the toilet. Then I scrubbed him thoroughly and got him dried and dressed. Then I started the…