Looking for a group of active early onset people in Seattle/Issaquah area
Hello, I am hoping to find other people in my community with early onset that are still active. My husband is a very active 62 YO with FTD who desperately wants to be out in the community helping and socializing to try and preserve, as best he can, his speech and communication skills. He hates being alone and I work…
Guilty, Not Guilty
I sit here this morning, thinking about guilt. My DW will maybe hop into a car with her sister tomorrow and drive up north to visit with her giant family over the 4th of July. DWs anxiety has really ramped up the last few months and travel gets her super anxious — she can't figure out dates, driving around curves scares…
DH in hospital, update
Now that I have a minute to sit down I thought I'd share the rest of the story surrounding DH's hospitalization. I have thought about not sharing the following information but I've decided to share it, maybe for support or to hear someone say that they have experienced something similar because my hands are tied legally…
Neuro/pyschiatrist test
DH was tested late January early February. Still waiting for results to be sent to neurologist and myself. We did have a quick meeting which he explain Dh had had moderate alz. But nothing since then. Is this normal?
Contacting psychiatrist / psychotherapist
Thank you for responding to my post last week about sending a portal message to my DH’s PCP in advance of his appointment with her. I am sending it today and will try to hand a copy to the nurse day of, as well. I also reached out to our retired trust advisor (now a friend) for some advice and now have a good idea how to…
Travel with spouse in middle stage
We have been planning a trip to France for several months. My husband seems to have more pronounced symptoms lately. To be honest, I'm worried that an extended trip (3 wks) , with the traveling to several locations, may be too stressful for him. Has anyone travelled with their loved one? How did you manage the confusion…
Can Seroquel cause cognitive decline?
My HWD's neurologist prescribed 50 mg of Seroquel at night to help calm down his aggression. He is also on Cimetadine for hyper sexuality. The aggressive behavior has calmed down a bit, but I also feel like he has declined cognitively. Is this what happens? I am much better able to handle him now, but he can't remember…
My wife's kids live across the country.
So my wife has early onset Alzheimer's, and it's not getting any better. She was previously married and has 2 adult girls and an adult boy from that marriage. We live in NH, and her kids are in Va, Az, and IL. They are all aware of the situation, and they try to visit once a year. I appreciate that they make the effort to…
Trying to get diagnosis for resistant DH
This is my first post, though I’ve been lurking for a while. I have many questions, but right now I need advice on how to handle the portal message I am sending to our PCP prior to my 69 yo DH's appointment next week. First, some background: My DH is 69 and has been having noticeable issues for 3-4 years (noticeable to me,…
Hey dear people, again, new to this and can't imagine this journey that I'm on and how long it will last without losing my mind... I'm not being disrespectful, it's just where else can I voice my frustrations and worries~ so my DH seems to find a topic (finances, an old worry, etc.) and fret for hours on end, going into…
Memory Care and Cancer Diagnosis?
Friends, I am about 3 months out from placing my husband with Alz in a memory care facility. We recently found out that he probably has a blood cancer and will have a bone marrow biopsy to determine type and prognosis. The oncologist said it could be 9 months to 8 years for the type he has (MDS). I am wondering if he will…
Memory care facility. When is it time
I’m sure just about every one on here has either delt with this issue or will at some point but I’m beginning to do something I never thought I’d do. I’m considering a memory care facility for the future. My heart is breaking even thinking about it. I’m 62 and still work full time as an insurance broker. At times during…
Always tired
hi everyone hope all doing well. Question my wife ,if you met her, is very hard to pin as having dimentia as she hinds well but it’s there. What I’m asking is she sleeps 8 hrs straight through nite but at times tired by 10am. Always tired by 4 pm. Anyone have this issue
Traveling with AD, asking for help, lonely journey, how to cope?
Hi, I am new to this group. I am actively looking for help now. For the past 6 months, I have been struggling to care for my partner who is in moderate stage AD. Prior to that I was caring for her, but I was not so stressed about it. We are on a vacation now out of state after staying home for about one year, since the…
New Diagnosis - Vascular dementia
Hello Everyone, Glad to have found this group. My spouse was recently diagnosed with vascular dementia. Can you suggest any resources or experiences? Thank you. Hope4Tomorrow
Where to go from here?
I don't post often anymore for my own mental health. DW is her 4th year of late stage 7 14 years from diagnosis. She is 72 and in memory care since 2017. Cost is $150,000 a year. We have it due to a lifetime of hard professional work. Most folks don't and I know that. We just gave out the national award honoring DWs…
Ambulance ride alone?
I've been thinking that another fall from a standing position is imminent with a serious injury. I hate those 1am calls that she fell out of bed again but what really concerns me is her falling standing up. If she breaks something or is seriously injured and an ambulance is called, she will be terrified being alone without…
Significant Decline
In the past month, my DH has shockingly decline - confused most of the time, getting up at night and fully dressing, somedays not able to shower himself, fell once, lots of dozing during the day, language challenged and cannot follow a simple one-step request. I had a urine culture done yesterday and I am waiting for the…
Bathroom Help
My husband had begun getting to the bathroom just in there and will urinate on the floor. His walking is bad so I bought a bedside commode, put puppy pads under it since he doesn't always hit the pot, sat it on a computer chair mat so he wouldn't hit the carpet and this morning he stood up, did not even get close to the…
Medicare and caregiving
I thought someone else might have started a thread on this, but I don't see one. Evidently Medicare is ready to test the waters on finally helping.
My DW with Alzheimer's will go into any room and start picking up random stuff and walk around with them. She will then fuss with them and sometimes put them where I have to hunt for them. This can be frustrating if it happens to be a remote control, our check book, or my Iphone. Does anyone else have these issues?
And so it goes…..
DH just asked me if I know where our daughter is. I told him yes, she lives in Colorado Springs. He then asked if she has a husband. I said yes his name is ….. and then he asked does she have any kids. I said yes but they are grown up now. Going, going, gone. And so it goes with dementia.😢
Mixed Cortical and SubCortical Vascular Dementia
My DH was diagnosed with MCI May, 2021. He has progressed to what I think is late stage 4 with some early stage 5 symptoms according to the Tami Cummings chart. Since his Mother plus 4 Aunts all died from Alzheimer’s and his sister is currently in hospice with Alzheimer’s, I just assumed his was Alzheimer’s. We started…
Making stuff up
My DH is constantly making stuff up, from what I understand it is his brain trying to fill in the blanks. He was diagnosed with dementia caused by Alzheimer’s in March of this year. It has been a long journey to get to that diagnosis. Anyways, back to making stuff up, for whatever reason it bothers me that he does that.…
Anyone have experience with how long Seroquel will help with hallucinations and delusions? DH has been on it now for about 2 months and it has worked great with hallucinations but he is beginning to have them again. I’m almost at max dosage for him (can still add half a pill or 25mgs). I really don’t like how it makes him…
How long on Namenda?
Hello, fellow travelers on this painful road. We as a family have reached the torturous decision to place my DH who is in stage 6 with mixed dementia, in memory care. He has been approved for Hospice although he is not fully incontinent, can feed himself and go to the bathroom, buy needs assistance with most ADLs. His…
Thanks for the help as I go through this
It is so nice to see others are going through what I am going through. Here is what is hard today: 1. I feel like I am talking in circles, explaining and re-explaining things. Sometimes we talk about a subject just to find out that he has completely lost what that subject was. 2. I was asked where his glasses were no less…
Every moment seems to be a challenge
I think I’m just needing to share what I’m feeling. I know there are no answers. My DH is stage 6 Alzheimer’s with PPA as well. He’s 73 and I’m 62. He is still sweet most of the time but of course gets frustrated with me sometimes. I try so hard to follow all the rules regarding just answering questions over and over again…
How to make time for calls etc. that involve talking about his dementia when he's always listening.
Hi there. My DH has dementia and I"m finding it difficult to make arrangments / schedule appointments and give those people background information on what is going on when my DH is always within earshot. He is usualy glued to my side. I feel guilty making up an excuse to get out of the house to make calls or even to start…
Today is my birthday
My Dh wish me happy birthday this morning :) The rest of the day has been all about him. Dh is pretty cognitive. Suggested we go out to eat,no. Was more worried about what he wanted Sounds very petty to complain but is this what it's going to be like? Very how can I say it, self absorbed or like a kid wanting to do what he…