Journey continues
Hello all. I cant believe it has been 2 years since my first post on this forum. The journey continues. Mom has been in what I feel is a good memory care facility. The staff genuinely appear to truly care about all the residents and do the best they can. Most visits she will talk very little and no context when she does.…
Seeking Support and Advice in a Challenging Situation
Hi everyone, I wanted to reach out to this community to share my experiences and hopefully gain some insights from those who may have faced similar challenges. I currently live with my parents, pooling our resources as we navigate financial difficulties. My father, who is in his 80s, is likely dealing with dementia or…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 10/20/24
WORKING FOR PEACE Psalm 4:8 NLT "In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe." Matthew 5:9 NLT Jesus' Words "God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God." THINK ABOUT THIS Do you lose peace often? If so... What tends to make you lose peace? Have you…
Mother making serious allegations
We took my 78 year-old mother of a family trip with us. The trip went well and she seemed to have a really nice time. My mother lives with my sister where she is able to take a van to a day program during the week in the city and come to our house in the suburbs with us on the weekends. Yesterday evening she told us that…
MIL moved in without warning, without a plan
Hi - I'm new here - and I'm feeling so everwhelmed. So my MIL has lived alone for the past 20 years- the past 5 she has been declining- we unplugged her stove- put a lock on the door so she couldn't go downstairs - etc. My husband is a procrastinator - we finally went to a lawyer last week (as for years his mother told him…
hair trigger verbal aggression
I only see my parents a few times a year due to living 12 hrs apart. We are always excited to see my dad but not my mother as much. During the visit we try to do as much as we can for her to make the visit "smooth" however the moment she starts to get overwhelmed she snaps at her grandchildren. The grandchildren are…
Parent with Early Onset Alzheimer's
Hi, I'm looking for a support group specifically for adult children of parents with early onset alzheimers. My mother is in her mid-60s and was diagnosed a couple years ago. As she is beginning to decline more and more I want to connect with others in a similar set of circumstances. Most people I speak with are dealing…
Vascular Dementia
MIL was finally able to get into a neurologist and had an EEG and MRI. Also had a memory test and scored 6/30. When met with the NP who was sharing the results of the testing, she said her brain was smaller but that was due to her age (86). She told her that the EEG was fine but that she had some white spots on her MRI of…
Following our Request
Mom moved in Sept 8th, she has moderate dementia, almost no short term memory, long term is pretty good, last 11 years or so are fuzzy. She was mild to moderate until she got a UTI and low sodium and was hospitalized for 3 weeks, now she's fully moderate. It's difficult because she can remember how to use the chair to get…
New to the forum, and sooo many questions
I've been reading through many of the forums and getting familiar with topics. My dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's several years ago; we moved him and my mom to Colorado because two of us four children live here, and we could tag-team their care. They moved into an AL facility near us; mom died of Norovirus within a year…
Humor me and tell me I am not a bad daughter
Mom is safe and settling new place. She actually likes it most days. I go 3-4 times a week. My car is at the shop, a friend is visiting this weekend, and I want a break. Will be 4-5 days depending when car is ready, but truthfully I really just want a break. I called the place and they said they would tell her, and others,…
Difficult sibling
Mom moved into a mid range $ AL about 6 months ago. I’m her DPOA. For the year prior she lived with my brother. He works and she was alone a lot. The doctor said she should not be left alone anymore. When finding a facility my brother did nothing. Didn’t even visit the place before she moved in. Well I made a big mistake…
Refusal to go to any kind of DR./No Dementia diagnosis
My mom has had dementia for probably 10 years..ony now getting to late middle stage. She is completely uncooperative with doing anything involving Dr.s (even the dentist) . She throws an absolute fit, and my Dad refuses to just take her anyway. As a result, we have not been able to get her diagnosed, although it's obvious…
It Begins
After my fathers inital diagnosis little while ago without a tear; today it hit me hard. A distant friend that my parents visited (with prior warning of the situation), spoke of how different my dad was generally and how in ~5yrs since last seeing both my parents the changes in my dad. Denial - for the longest time we've…
Mom not wanting to eat
A lot has happened since my last post. In August, I took my mom to the ER because she was a little off. Found out she had a mild infarct and UTI. She was in rehab for 21 days. In September, my mom fell in the bathroom. I heard a thud, but didn’t know it was her until I heard her wail. Long story short, I took her to the…
depakote as a mood stabilizer instead of atypicals?
Dad's NP at MC calls me to check in from time to time. She has mentioned depakote as a mood stabilizer instead of atypicals due to the black box warnings on atypicals. Dad has been here for almost 4 months. Her concerns for him are related to agitation and irritation - sometimes with another resident and sometimes in…
Need guidance/ help
My mom's dementia has gotten worse and she's now constantly hearing voices of someone hurting me or me screaming for help. I had taken her to a neurologist a while ago and at that time she refused to take meds (she wasn't experiencing hallucinations at the time). It was hard to get an appointment with the neurologist again…
Just a story
Just telling the story ... I know it's not uncommon, but also know that none of mom's family or friends want to hear this stuff. So telling people who understand. A staff member in my mom's room commented on a piece of artwork on her wall. My dad gave it to her as a gift decades ago, and she has always especially liked it.…
Father packing to fly back home
Hello all, It’s been a minute. My father has been here about 3 months and we are now at a point where fiblets don’t work. He is now demanding to go home and even if I say we are figuring it out or I can’t because of work he is going to get his own flight to go home. (I am POA I have all his ids and credit cards) wifi is…
GOOD WORKS/MUCH FRUIT John 15:5 NIV JESUS’ WORDS “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit...” Ephesians 2:8-10 NIV “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For…
New to Alzconnected
Hello. My name is Christine, my mother has Alzheimer’s. Soft diagnosis was in August 2023 and the final diagnosis was January 2024. It has been a wild ride to say the least. She has been on Memantine for about 6 months now and recently received her 2nd dose of Leqembi via infusion. During and immediately after the infusion…
The other woman
My mother in law lives with my husband and I. In the evenings she believes that my husband, her son, Is her deceased husband. That prompts her to ask him to come to bed at night. When he tells her I'm not going to bed yet "MOM", she gets upset sometimes telling him she Is not his mom, other times getting very upset telling…
Little kids visiting advanced stages?
My mom is in the advanced stages of EO alz. We recently moved her into memory care. I decided to travel to visit a week later to offer support to my dad who was struggling with the decision and to see my mom. I brought my two young children (6 and 2 yo)with me to visit mom. My mom often does not seem to know what is going…
Struggling with mom in NH
Mom has been in NH for over a year and has quickly become aggressive, more disrespectful then normal, talking continuously without taking a breath, hitting her call light 12 times in 4 hours for nothing important, obsessing over Money and wants to purchase hundreds of dollars of stuff she doesn’t need. Calls me names and…