Benefits of therapy?
My mom fell 3 weeks ago and sliced up her arm on a dresser drawer handle. She had multiple sutures and wore a bulky dressing for 2 weeks, then had sutures removed. No longer needs the dressing. The injury appears to have healed well, for which i am grateful. She is no longer complaining of pain, not even during the suture…
Anger about not going to church
My dad is 75 and in the mid-stage of Alzheimer's. He lived in a different state until 14 months ago when he made the decision to be closer as I am his caregiver & POA. No other surviving family lived close. What had been nice since his diagnosis was that he was able to convey that he knew it was time for the next "step" in…
How to Get Legal Affairs in Order When You're Broke
Hi everyone! As the title says, I'm broke lol (it's not actually funny but I have to laugh or I'll fall apart.) My mom (60) is definitely progressing, and I don't have any of her legal affairs in order. Currently my mom is being taken care of by 2 people in their mid 20's, so not a lot of stability here as neither of us…
Loss of Spouse, and moving to AL advice needed
My mother passed away one month ago of cancer, my Dad has Alzheimer’s. He was there when she died at home. He knows she died but does not remember being there. It is so hard to watch be traumatized over and over again, although things are starting to become more about how long he has been alone than when she died. So some…
Newly diagnosed parent (75) - recommended first steps?
Greetings, My 75 yo mother was just diagnosed with AD. Our next appointment with the cognitive neurologist is not until January. What does everyone recommend I do in the meantime? I have an appointment with a neuro-social worker this week, but I'm not sure what I should be asking them for help with. I would love to get the…
A lot of doubt and questions
Hi everyone, So I have been searching for a MC for my LO. I believe I found. They are a clean locked and local facility. A little higher priced then what I was budgeting for but seems worth it for the conscience of being close. I am worried how long money will last amongst that I am worried that it will be worse for my…
I have So Many Questions..
Hi My mom was recently diagnosed with Dementia. She has visual and auditory hallucinations. She is very suspicious of people and even think everyone is trying to kill her. We moved her from independent living to assisted living and she was not happy about it at all. We had to keep her safe and get her more help because she…
Still living on their own
My father (80) was diagnosed with Alzheimer's last year. He lives in an apartment with my 82 year old mother. My father is in great shape physically but not mentally. My mother is in terrible shape physically and not so great on the mental side either. Unfortunately they do NOT qualify for much assistance as they make $100…
Selling my Dad's car without the Title in CA
We need to sell my dad's car, now that he is in an AL/ MC facility. I have the POA, but not able to find or access the Title ("Pink Slip" as we call it in CA). Any suggestions on how to do this through the DMV?
Preventing her from driving is worth it, right??
Oh man. We had several good weeks with my mom but for the past two weeks or so, she's been very upset! She (at one point) knew that she could not drive. And we have let her know that she failed the cognitive test which means she'll never legally drive again. But she is ADAMANT that she wants her keys to her car. And that…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 10/27/24
Dear Caregiver, there are many verses here, so my suggestion: Read a bit now, pray and think about it, and come back later to read a bit more. It is always worthwhile rereading and meditating on familiar verses especially these about love. You give up and do so much because you choose to help someone who needs you. That is…
Mom's MC Facility has been without a haircutting person for months
Does anybody in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area know of a mobile service or someone willing to cut hair at a MC facility? I don't know why it's so hard for them to find somebody but they've been looking for months now to fill the need since the other Stylist left.
Refusing help
My mother-in-law has been independant all her life. She's been dx with Alzheimers, is 87 years old and very suspicious/paranoid a majority of her life. What do we do if she starts refusing help and refuses assisted living?
I just miss my mom
I am going to be 36 tomorrow, and my mom has been in memory care for about 6 days. I am a little devastated because I miss her. It is also devastating because she didn't sleep at all the first 4 or 5 days in memory care and when I went to visit her she looked HORRIBLE. Her face looked drastically different and it looked…
Disposable Underwear who are NOT incontinent but leave 'skid marks'
Have any of you found a disposable pull-up underwear for a females (dementia elders) who are NOT incontinent but who leave 'fecal skid marks' due to memory decline? This female elder doesn't remember if she wiped or not. She also doesn't see well nor has the dexterity to remove all debris. Incontinence pullups are slightly…
Day care for Alzheimer’s mom
I live in Corona Ca, I take care of my mom in stage 5/6 Alzheimer’s. I’m trying to find a place to take my mom for the day to socialize and do fun activities but I haven’t found anything in the internet. Maybe someone knows a place? Thank you
Exhausted and Frustrated
Hello!! I am new to the site. My mom and sister are caring for my dad with dementia-I live in another state. My dad often “loses” my mom during the day and gets very upset and my mom and sister spend countless hours trying to console him and help him “find” her. It is exhausting and increasing in frequency. He also has to…
Fair Hearing
Hello everybody! I have a fair hearing coming up on November 7th for myself to be enrolled in the CDPAP program, and I am quite anxious about it. I applied for the CDPAP program last year as I can't work due to being a full time care giver for my mother, and while the state declared that we were eligible for it, my…
I Need HELP!
Hello, I am new here and living with and caring for my almost 82 yo mother with Alzheimer’s /Dementia. For the last month/weeks (this week especially) has been increasingly agitated, angry, verbally abusive, wondering off and PHYSICALLY aggressive. I spoke with her doctor who suggested a UTI and started her on antibiotics…
Today's question
I have not been to see my mom in about ten days, due to my husband being quite ill in the hospital ... and work, and child care ... finally made it over to see her today. She smiled sweetly and asked me, "where is your mother?" I have to admit, I was stumped for a minute. She repeated the question. I touched her hand and…
Memory Care - Last Option
My 89 year old mother absolutely refuses to accept anything is wrong with her. I live on the West Coast she lives on the East Coast. I have spent the last 4 months taking care of her. Her doctor agrees she can no longer be left alone without some outside support. She refused a home health aid or live in because she says…
thank you for all the support
my dad is at peace now. i would not have made it through this without this community. i am grateful.
Getting Mom into Assisted Living is proving impossible!
WHY is this so hard? Mom is currently in a subacute unit at a local NH recovering from an accident she caused while driving a month and 1/2 ago. Her license has been suspended, her car is totaled. And ever since her accident her cognitive state has been sooo much worse. It's like she went from early-middle stage to…
How to cope with holidays?
Hi everyone - hoping all of you did ok on the holiday weekend! My holiday was super mixed. Brought my mom home had a good 3 days but it was of course hard transition for her back to MC. Also, I am her punching bag. When she gets upset, she lashes out at me. I am her primary caregiver, there’s only 1 other family member…
Am I doing it all wrong?
My mother is 89 - diagnosed this summer with early onset. We moved to the house next door last year in an effort to have her age in place as long as possible. Everything seems to be accelerating now. I've been noticing cognitive decline since 2022. She scored 26/30 last year and 21/30 this year on her MMSE which seems like…
And then there was one . . .
My mother has been in MC for a year and a month. For a while, Mom would call me and want to leave because she'd say, "these people here are not my people." I thought visits from her friends would make a difference, but she doesn't remember them. I see her every Sunday and sometimes after work, but she's usually sundowning…
Dad is convinced my mom is leaving him
Hello, I am new to the forum. My stepdad has had early-stage Alzheimer’s for several years but now he has suddenly taken a dramatic decline. One of his fixations is that my mom is leaving him, divorcing him, taking the car and kicking him out of the house for another man. We have tried to reassure him many times, but of…
Hey there! I’m new here, my dad is 78yrs old and has cognitive decline. He’s starting to have more life like nightmares and wakes up really scared not knowing where he is. Has anyone else experienced this?
Trying to Do What is Best
We are about to hit the wall with rehab discharge and getting my mom into AL instead of letting her return to her IL apartment. This is going to be very hard since her perception of her abilities and safety issues does not align with reality and she is itching to get back to her bridge games and friends. She has a left arm…
I think my dad is making bad decisions
my mother is now in assisted living, she has dementia. This is her second month.I asked my dad to stay away for a few days to let her adjust. She was verbally and physically abusive before being put in medication. She has a phone and calls him 10-12 times a day. He signs her out to go shopping and also takes her home for a…