Is formication a symptom of Alzheimer’s, I have mixed dementia and I seem to get this sensation quite often.
New here, are there any books aimed at the person who has dementia?
Hello, I had the slum test and was found to me on the border of mci and dementia. Thyroid test and b12 test came back normal range. Waiting on diabetes and will have an MRI on Friday. I am wondering if there any books you can recommend that are directed towards the patient and not necessarily the caregiver. I found a lot…
Just looking for some support
For the past two years my partner and I have taken in his mother who has Alzheimer's and her partner who has dementia. He has since gone to a nursing home but my partner's mother is still at our house. She's in the late 6th stage of Alzheimer's. She has serious incontinence issues on a daily basis and is reliant on us for…
Good day but cooler today. Becoming Autumn. Doing fine with some gummy assistance Sat PM now but nothing is really happening now? Anyone around?
I would like to speak with someone else who has Alzheimer's
People without Alzheimer's keep responding to my entries. I would love to join a forum where I can actually interact with people who have Alzheimer's, not mci and not caregivers. Thanks
New here and need to talk to others
Hello. My name is Jacki and I am 68, diagnosed with moderate cognitive impairment that is not Alzheimer’s. Right now I’m having a heck of a time trying to convince my insurance to let me go to a huge brain and memory center run by the Universty of Washington. We have one neurologist in town who is doing a lot with…
I am a caregiver for my mother and brother I also have Alzheimer's
I took care of my Mother, Brother and myself . At time I was in a stage 2 of Alzheimer's My mother recently died , and I have my brother still to care for though it is getting harder and harder. As I am in stage 3 .I would like to see if I am eligible for trial but I have not heard any thing yet .Or perhaps I got lost in…
Going out to eat/ shopping
How many go out eat? We go out at least once a week usually at lunch.( we don't get up early enough to go out for breakfast HA! HA!)i will go anywhere my wife. My wife prefers fish (usually haddock) Today she had she had shrimp as camping i had spaghetti and meatballs and minestrone soup. Since COVID we do all of our…
Early onset Alzheimer’s
Does anybody get frustrated doing games on the I pad feels like I can’t even do a word search with out getting frustrated these days.
Who’s Here ???
Llooking for alternative treatment options
Hello, I am being evaluated for Vascular Dementia. MRI showed plaque build up, cognitive test showed difficulty in executive decision making. Live near Dallas. Looking for doctor/alternative treatment options .
Just me
I’m an early AD individual. Each day is fine. I also take Lexapro for impulse control and cannabis to get by Good 9/11 so far off for coffee with Howard soon
Newly diagnosed MCI
My husband and I were both just diagnosed with MCI. He is showing more cognitive issues, I’m having trouble naming things and short term memory. I’m reading that MCI doesn’t necessarily advance to AD. what is the experience here with that?
Recent Diagnosis
I was just diagnosed yesterday with early stage Alzheimer’s. I am overwhelmed with fear. I go from being hopeful to having very little hope at all. I’m afraid of who I will become and what my illness will do to my partner. I came here for emotional support and guidance regarding how to move forward.
New diagnosis - how to help our Dad understand it?
[Reposted to caregiver forum] Hi, our Dad was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and we're looking to help him understand what this means/how it will change some of what he needs. Is there someone—a clinician, a social worker, or a group that we can go to in order to have an open conversation, where he (and we) can ask…
Trying to do what is best for everyone
My dad has alzheimers my mom and him have been married for 67 years. My mom was caring for him in their apartment. 2 weeks ago she said she just couldn't do it anymore. We set up an appointment to meet with a facility ( we did not want this but knew our mother needed more help) Also we had been staying my sister and I at…
Does anyone like reading books? Right now, I am reading a book by James Patterson. I also like Danile Steele. I especially like mysteries I just finished Jessica Fletcher's The Murder of Twelve. Can anyone recommend a good mystery?
Iris' Story part 2: What I learned from Mimi S
That would be Mimi Steffen, an emeritus member. Mimi was one of the first members I met on the board. She was in her 80s and had a diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. She was also a myasthenia Gravis patient. Mimi gave us hope. She wore a bracelet, "A Reason for Hope" and she sent me one. In those days, there was no hope for…
Recent dementia diagnosis
Hi all, I am a young nearly 67 yr old female. Last week I was diagnosed with dementia. Both of my parents passed from the diseasse -my mom at age 84 passed December of last year and my dad passed one week to the day of my diagnosis, July 30, 2024. I was my mom's full time caregiver while she lived with me the last 4 years…
How I dealt with a diagnosis of dementia
I was originally diagnosed by my neurologist as having cognitive impairment not otherwise specified. This means that the memory loss and other cognitive issues are due to another disease condition besides Alzheimer's Disease. Since I had had memory loss for some time, I was okay with that diagnosis. It is on the same order…
Alternative Therapies
Hi. I’m new to Alzheimer’s and to this board. I’m wondering if there are alternatives to the standard ‘take your meds and wait’ scenario. Has anyone here researched or run across information?
Asking for help( caring for a loved oned showing signs of dementia)
Hello everyone, Me & my mom would like some advice. We are currently caring for my grandma & she has been showing signs of dementia. We have been to multiple doctor appointments, just waiting to hear the results. Even though she hasn’t been diagnosed, we’re pretty sure it’s dementia being that in runs on her side of her…
I do not know if anyone has been following my story. Up until now I have been able to do my own meds with my wife just checking on me once in a while just to make sure I am doing it right. Well today I could not remember which meds I take in the a.m. or the p.m. This scared the s—t out of me. I guess this proves that my…
Where do I stand in the variants of Alz?
I am a newbie here, so forgive me for any mistakes I make… And forgive me if I talk too much. I don't remember how long ago it was that I got routed to a doctor who was, I think, fairly good with Alz patients. And, now, less than a year with me and him, I know what is going on - somewhat. My stats for measuring my problems…
Suggestions about how others deal with stage 1-2 Altzheimers or dementia
I am interesting in talking to others about what works for them, Nanette
spport group for people with Altzheimers
Are there any group for people diagnosed with Altzheimers or Dementia???
New to this forum. Diagnosed over 4 years ago
Not sure if this is the place to introduce myself; but I had Encephalitis twice - from West Nile Virus and Powassan Virus AND Lyme Disease 7 times. Dr. told me the viruses started this ball rolling. I was doing well, dealing with changes in my life, except not driving. I haven't accepted that well. I've been going between…
I enjoy reading and lately while reading I have been hearing music that seemed to be coming from outside. (Let me say that we have central air when the house gets too cold, we shut the air off and when the house gets stuffy, we turn the floor fan on.) I thought that I was going crazy and went outside to see if I could see…
Shortly after my wife died, I went to the senior center to get a tax break. I then volunteered and worked in the kitchen for several years. I have met an awful lot of nice people, including my current wife she was a widow. I also knew her husband for 2 years before he died. The center has so much to offer they have bingo…
Scared and Sad
:'( I am new to this site. I was recently diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). I am a 51 year old woman. I have been married to the love of my life for over 25 years. We have a 23 year old daughter. This diagnosis has become devastating news to our family. I am scared, angry, sad, and unsure about what is…