I just want to say Hi and hope this is a place for me to find some support
I am 54 and have not been diagnosed. I got Covid 2.5 years ago and have not been the same since. I have been pretty much unfunctional especially in my mind. Cognitive abilities, memory, attachment, executive functioning, personal functions, moods, distortion,etc. The medical community has been less than helpful since there…
Hello, I am 43 and just been told I have either frontal temporal dementia or early Alzheimer’s. They leaning towards Alzheimer’s. How do I deal with this? The last 5 years I have had 2 open heart surgeries and stent and now this. Like this is a death sentence to me and my kids are going to have to deal with it and I hate…
New and scared 4-4-2024
hello and thank you for this opportunity. I had a neuropsychological testing this past Monday. i was then diagnosed yesterday (Friday) with young onset dementia. 2 1/2 to 3 years ago i started to notice cognitive delays with myself. I am a special ed teacher so i recognized some things. several parents referring his/her…
What can I do?
I’m feeling so down. Like a bad daughter. I’m hearing from family/friends that my LO is saying things to them that are untrue about me. This is not about ME however it’s very hard to hear. I reach out everyday in some way to my LO- in early stages of disease. Texts, phone calls, left messages etc. every day- many times not…
Need POA
I’m 61 and have white matter dementia. I met with an atty yesterday about will and POA. The problem is I have no one who I can ask to be my POA. My kids are in their 20s but each have issues that will make it difficult for them to take this on. Ive thought of naming both and have them rely on my brother (he can’t do POA…
Please take action on this as it is extremely important.
If you have ever wanted to be part of history to bring the biggest change to dementia and other ND this is your chance.
Resources for Early Onset Dementia
Hi all, I am looking on behalf of a friend for resources/support groups/etc for people with early-onset dementia, and caring for someone with early-onset dementia. She is located in the NYC area so anywhere within a 1 hour radius there or any online resources would be amazing. Looking for things like support groups,…
If you are working
If you are wondering about memory loss and are working, you must be careful. If you are having difficulties and or not performing, you could be fired. See if you can review your last annual employee review for warnings of poor performance. Review with someone you trust. You might consider taking short term disabililty…
need to downgrade mom’s phone
just a quick question! wondering if anyone here has a good verizon phone they could recommend for my mom with AD. she has an iphone now but it is too hard for her to figure out. I really like the format on the Lively from Jitterbug bc of the big fonts and easy to read menu, but she would have to switch networks.
Hello, was wondering if others might have said some harsh words when normally speaking you don’t? I have recently and I feel bad. I apologized for it. I would never have before this disease so I’m at a loss afraid to open my mouth because of saying something bad. I also had a rough day. I thought or I was confused by the…
Valutazione neuropsicologica
Salve a tutti da anni convivo con varie difficoltà cognitive che già erano risultate deficitarie anni fa e dato un peggioramento il medico ha richiesto una nuova valutazione che riporto di seguito. Sto aspetta di fare una PET/TC, ma ho capito che il quadro è quello di una demenza. Qualcuno ha avuto esiti simili? Grazie…
Extreme young onset Dementia
Hello everyone, i am officialy diagnosed with early young onset dementia probably alzheimer's disease my case is unique because i am only 23 years old male and a medical student by career i am thinking to continue or leave medicine my symptoms are killing me, here are my symptoms currently: 1-frequent urination 10 times…
Early onset and sleep problems
I have early onset and I am exhausted every day, I can't sleep more than 3 or 4 hours a night and I don't take naps. It's a vicious cycle! Any advise?
We Need Referral for Genetic Testing
@ Va Beach area willing to travel if telehealth not available. Waited 8 months to see Neurologist then he refuses to refer for (online) Genetic testing. Insurance not an issue. Says it "won't help him treat DH with MCI". Want answers not drugs. Dementia Panel logical next step. Should be OUR choice. Any ideas?? Need…
58 and diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s
Hi Everyone, I’m 58 and diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. Confirmed by blood test and spinal fluid. Tests were done because I had a seizure a year ago which caused some memory problems and I have been seeing a Neurologist. We did have some discussion regarding did seizure cause Alzheimer’s or did Alzheimer’s cause…
A study called Hope study
hello, has anyone heard of the Hope studY before? https://www.hopestudyforad.com/?f=typeform&utm_source=facebook_ads&utm_medium=paid_social&utm_campaign=HOPE++-Combined+Geo+-+AllHopeFormSubmit&utm_term=Top+MSAs&utm_content=Eggs+in+Closet I pasted the link for everyone to see. i was not sure about it. I just got this from…
Does anyone have language problems with Early Onset
Hello, I am new here. I don't have a diagnosis yet but had to leave my job 10 years ago because of executive function issues (I was a hospital pharmacist). In the last 2 years I have been having more and more issues with language. It started out as typing wrong words that start with the same letter as the one I wanted. Now…
52 and Recently Diagnosed
Hello everyone. I'm 52 and back in October was diagnosed with early to mild Alzheimer's Dementia. That was and still is very hard on me and the family. I'm still waiting to hear back from the specialist up in Madison. Can't see the Neuropsychologist until July. It is so frustrating in getting to see specialists. Small town…
EARLIEST symptoms
Hello all. Merry Christmas! I am new here. I have not been diagnosed, but have had troubles with memory for over 7 years. I would say 10 years ago I stopped sleeping, lost motivation, started feeling less confident about my work and slowly began losing things, forgetting names (to a vast extent), etc. Does any of this…
Family risk of dementia and cancer
The family found out that my older brother in nursing home with dementia now has colon cancer. I now have colon problems after colonoscopy.
Assisted living or a nursing home
My doctor recommended as my plan in future that my health problems and my abilities to care for myself are not as good anymore
Ted talk about living well with Alzheimer’s
I am posting this as I await a follow-up in a few weeks with my neurologist regarding my MRI. Watching this boosted my spirits. This is an inspiring talk by Rebecca Chopp, PhD, a retired college president and religion scholar, about how she crafts a vital life after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. While Dr Chopp…
Newbie here
Hello everyone I have recently been diagnosed with Vascular Dementia, I am 55 a bit young for this disease I’ve been told. For the last few years myself, family, friends, physical therapists have all thought I had MS. Finally got to UCSF and was totally expecting and prepared for the MS diagnoses but instead was told VD. I…
PCA zAlzheimer's
Anyone on here have pca Alzheimer's? I'm not sure if that's the type I have, because it's real early. Just diagnosed the other day. But the occipital lobes is where all my plaques are at from the pet scan. Some vision problems already though. Ugh
Hello Im 50 years old female and just found out I have Alzhiemers. My question is what are some ways to accept the diagnosis, cope and deal with it. I am highly depressed, worried and my anxiety is through the roof. Thanks!! Stacy
I’m still aware when I have issues and it is scary.
I wear glasses. I only take them off to sleep and shower. Yesterday I came out of a store, got ready to drive home and noticed I didn’t have my glasses on. I couldn’t find them. I went back in store to see if I took them off at register for some reason. No. Went back out and saw them on the ground behind my car in parking…
Don't ever trust your caregiver if they tell you are being placed somewhere temporarily
If was you I would not trust those words and put a contingency in place if you never want that to happen.
Driving complacency with automated car safety equipment
While I have not been diagnosed with EO, I did notice small challenges, such as parking too far away from curb when parallel parking and needing to repark, or not remembering the street speed limit (was that 25 or 35 mph?) that I would have noticed when younger. I have considered getting a car with automated car safety…
New to younger onset group
Hi 👋 I’m new here. I posted earlier, and here is a follow up question. I’m a 58 year old school counselor just dx with MCI. For those in the same situation, who did you and not tell the news to?