Picturing of someone I have seen before and not being that person
Hello, I went to the doctor’s today. I pictured what the doctor looked since I have seen him before. Well, it was another face and not the right person. This has been happening more often. For another recent example, I walked into a coffee shop and I notice this man and I think he is one of my sons. My daughter and I…
Early onset dementia webinar
From Michael Ellenbogen: On September 16, 2024, from 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET, the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center will host the webinar, The Experience of Younger Onset Alzheimer’s Disease and the Importance of Community Support. A description of the webinar and registration information follows. Living with…
Omaha area
Hello all! I am looking for people/groups in the Omaha area for those who have been diagnosed at an early age (50’s). I have called around but no results. Just thought I’d through it out here and see!
Is anyone using Leqembi and what is your experience?
Raw plant based possible remedy
Grand rising family!I wanted to ask a quick question?I was told that raw plant based diet could help reverse the early onset Alzheimer's and wanted to know if anyone else have heard this same information or heard of anyone who has reversed it using this method
Having surgery.
Hello all, I plan on having surgery soon and I have been told that i could progress because of this. I guess it will be a “twilight” type of sedation. So, not sure if anyone has ever gone through and felt off after?
ANOSOGNOSIA, MCI diagnosis in Jan 2024, probably mixed vascular dementia
Hi everyone. I am new here and this is my first post. I have been working to get a specific diagnosis but at this point don't really care. I know what I see, live and deal with and it is definitely mixed dementia probably vascular in nature (MRI showed strokes) with Anosognosia (God please help me with this one). I also…
My fiance has early onset Alzheimers. He is 57.
Hello, My fiance was diagnosed with early alzheimers when he was 54. It has progressed since then. He is now 57 and his speech is not good and gets confused a lot. I don't feel the medication he is slowing it down. He is on galantamine and mentanine. Any suggestions would be helpful. Angela
Struggling at work
Hi, I have not been diagnosed with EO but have a lot of symptoms. (I am 61) I had neuropsych testing 2 years ago and was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment. I feel like things are getting worse so I scheduled a second neuropsych evaluation in August. Has anyone here gone from MCI to Dementia? Has anyone been…
I'm newly diagnosed and scared
Hello, I am not new to this site as I was a caregiver to my mom who had dementia. She died in June of 2017, and now I have just been diagnosed with early onset. I'm only 51 and I'm scared because I've seen first-hand what dementia does to a person and to their family and I am just terrified. It's hard to talk to my family…
EO at 50
Hi All Two years ago I was diagnosed with EO. I am now 52 years old and really battling with this. I just can't accept the fact that this has happened to me. The frustration and anger is all encompassing. My wife has been the most supportive, but I can't stop feeling the guilt and shame of what this disease has robbed me…
Looking for care help for EO Alz Canton, GA
*** closed... thank you *** Hello. I am looking for someone to help my brother-in-law care for my sister. She is 61 with beginning late stage Early Onset Alzheimers. They live in the Woodstock/Canton area. What is the best way to find someone that knows what they are doing? He has interviewed so many that don't quite get…
National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease: 2022 Update
https://aspe.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents/59cefdd628581b48b2e389891a675af0/napa-national-plan-2022-update.pdf The 2022 Update includes several notable recent actions to address disparities in ADRD care. Earlier this year, the Indian Health Service (IHS) established the Alzheimer’s Grant Program, a first-of-its…
New to the group
I have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s for about 3 years ago. I have been in a clinical trial at USSD for two years. I have an amazing husband. He has been to every appointment. He’s also a pharma person. He gives so much love and support. I am 65 years old. I worked for NASA as a programmer. But Alzheimer’s has changed my…
Teacher Retirement makes us unable to qualify for a Texas disability exemption?
Young onset husband worked for 18 years as a teacher. He left 10 years ago for what we called "stress" then, but same symptoms he's experiencing now. Confirmed Alzheimers. Because he never wanted to return to school, he transferred out his measly retirement account to an IRA. We were just denied SSDI, I'm assuming because…
White matter disease.
I have white matter disease which can progress to dementia. My neurologist and neuropsychologist have ruled out this as cause of my cognitive problems and say I don’t have a cognitive disorder, but untreated depression and grief. But I have more lesions on my brain than 5 yrs ago and memory worse as well. But there are…
Heightened Agitation and aggression
Hi Everyone, I’m 57, diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimers in August this year. I find that I’m increasingly agitated by noise. Constant repetitious noises. My aggression seems to be getting stronger and harder to control. Im really annoy with myself how quickly I react and fly off, I always used to stop, think then…
I just want to say Hi and hope this is a place for me to find some support
I am 54 and have not been diagnosed. I got Covid 2.5 years ago and have not been the same since. I have been pretty much unfunctional especially in my mind. Cognitive abilities, memory, attachment, executive functioning, personal functions, moods, distortion,etc. The medical community has been less than helpful since there…
Hello, I am 43 and just been told I have either frontal temporal dementia or early Alzheimer’s. They leaning towards Alzheimer’s. How do I deal with this? The last 5 years I have had 2 open heart surgeries and stent and now this. Like this is a death sentence to me and my kids are going to have to deal with it and I hate…
New and scared 4-4-2024
hello and thank you for this opportunity. I had a neuropsychological testing this past Monday. i was then diagnosed yesterday (Friday) with young onset dementia. 2 1/2 to 3 years ago i started to notice cognitive delays with myself. I am a special ed teacher so i recognized some things. several parents referring his/her…
What can I do?
I’m feeling so down. Like a bad daughter. I’m hearing from family/friends that my LO is saying things to them that are untrue about me. This is not about ME however it’s very hard to hear. I reach out everyday in some way to my LO- in early stages of disease. Texts, phone calls, left messages etc. every day- many times not…
Need POA
I’m 61 and have white matter dementia. I met with an atty yesterday about will and POA. The problem is I have no one who I can ask to be my POA. My kids are in their 20s but each have issues that will make it difficult for them to take this on. Ive thought of naming both and have them rely on my brother (he can’t do POA…
Please take action on this as it is extremely important.
If you have ever wanted to be part of history to bring the biggest change to dementia and other ND this is your chance.
Resources for Early Onset Dementia
Hi all, I am looking on behalf of a friend for resources/support groups/etc for people with early-onset dementia, and caring for someone with early-onset dementia. She is located in the NYC area so anywhere within a 1 hour radius there or any online resources would be amazing. Looking for things like support groups,…
If you are working
If you are wondering about memory loss and are working, you must be careful. If you are having difficulties and or not performing, you could be fired. See if you can review your last annual employee review for warnings of poor performance. Review with someone you trust. You might consider taking short term disabililty…
need to downgrade mom’s phone
just a quick question! wondering if anyone here has a good verizon phone they could recommend for my mom with AD. she has an iphone now but it is too hard for her to figure out. I really like the format on the Lively from Jitterbug bc of the big fonts and easy to read menu, but she would have to switch networks.
Hello, was wondering if others might have said some harsh words when normally speaking you don’t? I have recently and I feel bad. I apologized for it. I would never have before this disease so I’m at a loss afraid to open my mouth because of saying something bad. I also had a rough day. I thought or I was confused by the…
Valutazione neuropsicologica
Salve a tutti da anni convivo con varie difficoltà cognitive che già erano risultate deficitarie anni fa e dato un peggioramento il medico ha richiesto una nuova valutazione che riporto di seguito. Sto aspetta di fare una PET/TC, ma ho capito che il quadro è quello di una demenza. Qualcuno ha avuto esiti simili? Grazie…
Extreme young onset Dementia
Hello everyone, i am officialy diagnosed with early young onset dementia probably alzheimer's disease my case is unique because i am only 23 years old male and a medical student by career i am thinking to continue or leave medicine my symptoms are killing me, here are my symptoms currently: 1-frequent urination 10 times…
Early onset and sleep problems
I have early onset and I am exhausted every day, I can't sleep more than 3 or 4 hours a night and I don't take naps. It's a vicious cycle! Any advise?