mother in law and I struggling to live together
Hi everyone, I wanted to make a post today to see if anyone has any tips for living with a mother in law (MIL) with early onset alzheimer's which has quite recently progressed. Covid restrictions have taken away her day centre activities and she seems to be really struggling. The family are helping her to access social…
SSA -- Having a payee means I'm not authorized on my account
I did not realize that having my spouse listed as the payee for my benefits also meant that I was not authorized to do simple things, such as change my mailing address. It isn't as if I I would get checks mailed to me... that is done automatically to an account I have no access too. A requirement for SSDI when it was…
Dad is 63 and moved him into memory care and he is not adjusting
Hello! Needed a place to make me feel normal so trying this out. I moved my dad into a memory care facility on Friday. He is 63 with early onset. It has progressed fast but not fast enough to weight down his love for outdoor activities. Even when he realized he couldn't do a lot of things he would tell me well I can still…
Largescale brain epigenetics study provides new insights into dementia
Transition to Memory Care Unit
Would anyone be willing to share their experience of putting there LO into a memory care unit? My sister has early onset Alzheimer's (she's 55). After 1 1/2 hour years between my mom (who is 80) and myself taking care of her, we've become burnt out. Today marks the week number 3 that she's been in a memory care unit. I…
The National Alliance for Caregiving Calls on White House to Prioritize Family Caregivers When Devel
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America unveils “The Apartment,” full-scale model dementia-friendly reside
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America unveils “The Apartment,” full-scale model dementia-friendly residence (Alzheimer's Foundation of America (custom credit) | Alzheimer's Foundation of America) By KOLD News 13 Staff Published: May. 22, 2021 at 12:50 AM EDT|Updated: 8 hours ago TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) - The Alzheimer’s…
Recommendations for disability lawyers
Hi - looking for personal recommendations for attorneys who have successfully handled long term disability insurance claims for clients with MCI/early onset who have had to give up work. Many thanks
Elder Abuse in People Living with Dementia: Considerations for Prevention, Detection and Interventio
On June 23, 2021 from 2-3 p.m. ET, please join the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center for the webinar, Elder Abuse in People Living with Dementia: Considerations for Prevention, Detection and Intervention. A description of the webinar and registration information follows. Elder mistreatment is a common…
New Evaluation Guide for DFA Communities
Dementia Friendly America is pleased to share the newly released Dementia-Friendly Community Evaluation Guide. The Evaluation Guide, developed with funding from AARP, is geared toward local dementia-friendly community leaders and partners to help evaluate the impact of their DFA efforts. Measuring common outcomes of…
For LindaBrew
Linda, I started a thread for you. There is a website that discusses suggestions for work accommodations for various conditions. You can look this over. www.askjan.org But I would suggest that you not disclose a diagnosis to your employer until you have further information and can make plans. This is because employers may…
WEF - CEOi - DAC Virtual Lausanne Dialogue
During our time together, you’ll hear from leaders in AD research, advocacy, policy and industry explore the socioeconomic impact of Alzheimer’s disease and new opportunities for the global community to stop this growing pandemic. Held on the eve of the World Health Assembly, this dialogue will shine a spotlight on why…
Building Workforce Capacity to Improve Detection and Diagnosis of Dementia
MCI Sundowning?
The past several late afternoons and evenings have found me with no patience to read, play my brain games, listen to the TV, or do anything. I am a bit restless and the only activity that calms me is to lie with my eyes closed and listen to classical music. I cannot focus on anything requiring cognitive work for more than…
How Google Could Help People Living with Dementia
Mild Frontotemporal Dementia at 57
We just received news that my 57 year old mom has dementia. They are not able to narrow down which one (Posterior Cortical Atrophy, Atypical Alzheimer's or FTD-this is what they think). I wanted to reach out to see if anyone had any advice or anything that have done that has helped. I have read about their diets and things…
Retired service dog is 13 tomorrow. Happy Birthday, girl!
A happy thing for me: the service dog who was my partner for 10 plus years will turn 13 yrs old tomorrow, April 15. She was the best partner and enabled me function and engage in society. I trained her myself with assistance from professionals and experienced handlers. It took two years. I will not be modest about her…
J&J vaccine
J&J vaccine is being investigated regarding blood clot complications in a small number of recipients. There is a condition called antiphospholipid syndrome aka Hughes Syndrome, that causes mini clots and spontaneous miscarriages. It is very rare. I have this condition. My hypothesis is that some women with this…
Advice Wanted
Hello, My dad was diagnosed with vascular dementia in late 2018. He and my mom live in LA while my sister and I live in NC. He can only be left alone now for no more than 1.5hours, is no longer allowed to cook (he’s almost burned the house down) and can no longer drive. My mom is still working so he does have a sitter with…
Got first of two vaccine shots yesterday
We have been waiting a long time for appointments to be available in my rural town. I learned that a city in my county a couple hours away had same day appointments available. I made an appointment for Friday morning, got my shot, and got home within 6 hours. Exhausting day. But it was worth it. There are still no…
New Approaches to Long-Term Care Access for Middle-Income Households
It’s expected that 15% of baby boomers will spend over $250,000 in long-term care costs. Milken Institute outlines how the public and private sectors can expand LTC access. https://bit.ly/3mq9LXZ
Better Brain Health through Equity: Addressing Health and Economic Disparities in Dementia for Afric
1. As our country ages and diversifies, we must support and promote healthy longevity and health equity. A new @MilkenInstitute report recommends 5 ways to build better brain health and reduce disparities: https://bit.ly/2PaKTHF 2. We have the power to advance and support equity in dementia care by delivering collaborative…
Australia National Dementia Helpline
Description The National Dementia Helpline is an Australia-wide telephone information and support service for people with dementia, their carers, families and friends. Health professionals and service providers, community organisations and people concerned about memory loss can also contact the helpline. Services provided…
New Brain Guide
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s has recently launched BrainGuide, a first-of-its-kind platform that empowers people with knowledge and resources to take the best next steps in managing their own or a loved one’s brain health. With more than 60 percent of Alzheimer’s cases in people over 65 years old going unrecognized, there is an…
Friend Still Asking Why Me
How do I get my friend to get past the stage of WHY ME? I'm tell him every day he has so much to offer this disease doesn't define who he is. Things that once came easy for him is a struggle and he gets frustrated and angry. How do we get past this?
Meghan Markle, suicidal ideation and stigma
Her interview struck a nerve with me because I can identify with her. When she broke down and admitted she needed help, she went to HR but was told she couldn't be helped because she wasn't a paid employee. I had a similar experience. Years ago, when I was told I had dementia, I called a suicide hotline, because I was…
I lost my COVID weight
I gained a lot of weight after the lockdowns; fortunately I have been able to lose it. I heard on the radio this morning that people have gained 30-40 lbs on average! This is terrible! As if COVID were not bad enough. Also, I took my second COVID vaccination today. After two more weeks, I'll be out of COVID jail. Iris
First Post - My husband may have dementia and I am terrified
Hello All, My husband is only 61 and after several months of arguments about me having told him something and him insisting that I didn't we finally had a breakthrough of sorts. I have a special needs daughter that we had to delay taking out to dinner for her birthday due to COVID but we were finally able to do it last…
I got my first Covid-19 vaccine!
I'd been trying for over a month, since mid January, to get the vaccine. I even emailed my city councilman. I finally got an appointment for the next day at CVS. I filled out questions online. The shot was barely perceptible. I have had no reaction after 48 hours. I already have an appointment in four weeks for the second…
Using Poetry as an Outlet
Hello everyone. My amazing momma is writing a series about using poetry as an outlet for people who have someone close to them that have Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia. If you're interested in this idea or reading poetry about this difficult topic here's the link to the article:…