A Little Poetry
I had the remarkable good fortune to see and hear Billy Collins read and talk about his poems. He was once name America’s poet laureate. His poetry is deep and often humorous. When he read this poem, I remember my SO and I laughing at some of these points, as we were both getting older and a bit more forgetful. I drift…
So Tired of the drudgery of Alz Life w/o a break
Today was just another day and I should have been able to just go with it. However, the chronic nerve pain in my back reached a new high, coupled with my DH's uncooperative behavior as I had to take him with me to the podiatrist for a follow up to a stress fracture in my foot, then to a specialty shoe store for prescribed…
New set of symptoms
My wife just finished treatment for a UTI and I've had another urine sample sent to the lab to make sure it's all clear but haven't heard back yet. Anyway, The last couple of months my DW has really been talking in her sleep, having seemingly normal conversations with her mother sometimes, my name comes up, and just random…
Always wrong.
This is my first post , but have been reading for a while. It seems no matter what I say there is always a negative response from my DW. It's like I can never win an argument. I just give in and be quite. Was wondering how you all deal with it. She has early dementia and depression. Thanks Lee
Dementia and Type 1 Diabetes
Hi! Does anyone out there have a spouse with Type 1 diabetes along with Stage 4/5 demential. I am interested in your experiences. My husband uses an insulin pump. I am managing his diabetes at this point. He never remembers to bolus, put on his pump, etc. So far it is working ok but I live in dread of the day when he…
Bridge Players
My wife is 83 and is in stage 3-4 Alzheimer's. She has all the symptoms but because she was an expert bridge player all of her life she can still play the game. She does not remember the bidding rules but can play the hands fairly well. She only plays with me as partner and we often don't get to the right contract but she…
New Member
Hi, I’ve been reading the different posts here for at least a year and decided to join in. My husband has Alzheimer’s and was diagnosed about 18 months ago but has had symptoms for 6-7 years.
Changes in PET Scan Eligibility - New Policy as of October 2023
My DH is in process of being approved for a PET scan to determine if he as FTD. Our neurologist said a change in the policy will now allow most people to be eligible for a PET scan. Here is a summary from the article and a link for more detailed information. This is new, so if you've looked into PET scans in the past, this…
For those who are grieving
YOU DON’T JUST LOSE SOMEONE ONCE You lose them over and over, sometimes in the same day. When the loss, momentarily forgotten, creeps up, and attacks you from behind. Fresh waves of grief as the realisation hits home, they are gone. Again. You don’t just lose someone once, you lose them every time you open your eyes to a…
What I miss the most
All the things this disease had taken from us, the dreams of our retirement, travel plans, vacations, ect... The thing I miss the most is the time with our granddaughters. The girls are 4 & 7. We use to get them once a week for sleepover with Memere & Pepere. We would go to the park and play for hours. Now DH would just…
I'm New Here and Caring for my spouse (husband)
My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimers back in September 2022 and I resigned from my job soon after. I have no income and we are living off his SS. I miss working and I have to do basically everything. I have very little support from his children or family. This is draining. I get upset some days and am frustrated and…
Blood pressure and Alzheimers
My DH has been on blood pressure meds for years. Same dose consistent. We noticed about 6 months ago his blood pressure was 90 something over 50 something. Several trips to the doctors office measured about the same low each time. Doctor took him down to half dose, which he’s been on over the last 6 months. Todays blood…
from my computer
The version of you that will handle that tough thing - if or when it happens - will be born into existence in that moment. Trust your future self to handle future problems.
Question severe difficulty walking.
My DH has started shuffling when walking. His ability to walk has severely declined rather rapidly in the last few months. His gate is unstable snd takes baby steps. If anyone can share their experience. I am not sure what to do and if there is any help or therapy. Is this part of the Disease? Thanks for sharing.
72 yo husband with dementia and urinary incontinence.
I am interested in trying a condom catheter for his condition. Anyone out there with any experience with a brand of these? I like QuickChange.com but they do fill up with 500 cc of urine fairly quickly. Thank you, Anne
I found this article and thought it to be very interesting. It's pretty long but I thought some of you would enjoy the read. https://psyche.co/ideas/the-radical-impact-of-seeing-alzheimers-as-a-second-childhood
Would a 2013 mini-stroke (misdiagnosed as another medical problem) explain these Dementia symptoms?
Symptoms with start dates below. Some dates are guesses because I only began paying attention to dementia / younger onset Alzheimer's symptoms this year (2023). PWD is 64 years old. 2024 June: A family friend noticed the PWD has hand tremors. 2024 June: Think I've confirmed in my mind that the PWD actually has dementia…
How to notify wife’s Facebook friends
My wife is in the last stages of Alzheimer’s, and is expected to pass soon. I do not have contact information for many of her longtime friends, but lots of them are friends with her on Facebook. Does anyone here know if there is a way to notify all her Facebook friends that they should visit now if they want to see her one…
Holiday Joy
Yesterday we participated in a lovely dinner at our condo complex. We had been looking forward to this event. Posters were hung in various locations and DH repeatedly asked if we were signed up. In the afternoon I told him we would be going to the holiday party in a hour and a half. We got dressed up even wearing a…
My journey is over
DH died on Nov. 24th and yesterday I had the Mass for him and the burial. Several of my family members were here flying in from distant states or driving for 8 hrs or more. As I posted after his death, he had been in Memory Care for 15 months. He died a peaceful death and I had just seen him 11 hrs before. Even though he…
I’m back!
It’s been a long time since I’ve been on the discussion site. But it’s time I reconnect. My husband has been in a long period of mid level stages. But he’s beginning to show more signs of decline. It’s funny, how I can so easily forget there’s anything wrong during these long lapses of decline. Then boom. It hits me square…
Help with ideas- dealing with my dad who has dementia
Good evening, I am new to this ALZ group and I need some advise. My dad who is a young 79 year old and has frontal dementia. I am his only care giver and I am struggling on how to stay strong and positive with this disease. I need to know that fibbing is ok and saying " ok" , "sure " with all of his questions. I am not…
Happy Holiday Season!
Hi folks, It’s been a long time since I have been on this site. No plan on coming back. I just came by to wish you all a Happy Holiday Season. We should all be gratefully for the progress that is being made. So much more is in the pipe line and I can honestly say for the first time my hope meter is at 25. Not for me but…
Thank you so much to: Lane & Jfkoc
These folks have agreed to receive much of my emails and determined what should be share with all of you to help makes things just a little better for you. I am sure they are doing a much better job then I would have as I had issues determine what I could share. You folks should be very grateful for what they are doing.
Caregiving and Working Overload
Does a caregiver throw in the towel before they suffer total collapse, or after? I am eight years into caregiving for my wife, now with late-stage vascular dementia. The last four years, she has attended adult day care while I work full time. She attends three days per week, and I keep her home and work remotely the other…
Am I Wrong to Feel this Way?
Hubs & I live in a remote-ish part of Colorado. We like our solitude... I don't go into town much. I have no support system. Kids aren't around for the most part. I've suffered from depression my whole life. So, with that background, am I wrong to reach out to family/friends when he does something that wigs me out? I asked…
He’s free
My beloved husband died this morning 4:30 am to join our deceased cats and his sisters. I hope he is surrounded by all kinds of plants, flowers, friendly cats and his family. He only survived 5 days in long term care, I went to see him yesterday and his breathing was very ragged. I got the phone call that he passed. I am…
Once diagnosed....
My husband has early onset of dementia....now what? Medication? Support Group? Just learn to live with it?
From home care to facility care to gero-psych
Hi friends. It's been awhile. I was Diana's full-time caregiver for the last 3 years. I think I did pretty well, until we got to a phase where she didn't know who I was, which I was expecting and I was ready for, but she also did not like the strange man in her house, and refused any care from me, which I did not expect…
Questions for MCF
I'm touring a couple of memory care facilities tomorrow. Here are discussion items I've thought of. What am I missing? Staffing ratio. How are schedules organized? Weekend staffing. What kind of assistance/services can we count on? What costs extra? What will I need to manage myself? Activities and programming Meals…