Medicaid puts lien on your home
Let’s say you have a Reverse Mtg on home( which is a loan agreement that you have a certain amount of funds available at anytime) if you or spouse are in a home and on Medicaid and they put lien on your home “can you still take out loan agreement amount with no issues with Medicaid.” ????
Sweating and sundowners
Often, but not every day, my DH will sweat rather profusely in the late afternoon. It lasts for a couple of hours and then goes away. He doesn’t have a fever when this happens or any other unusual symptoms other than nervousness and agitation. The room temp is usually around 71°. He takes Risperidone, Memantine and…
Results of PETScan
Hello all! Just got the results of my DH's PETScan and the reports says, "no specific pattern of dementia identified by PET." What the heck does that mean? Has anyone had that result and can you tell me what this really means? I suspect it means ruling out FTD and ruling in a more garden variety dementia? We have a…
I have been caring for my DH w vascular dementia for 8 years. He had an especially bad delusional, paranoid & aggressive episode and I had to call 911. He was placed in the geriatric unit of the hospital and today I was told the psychiatrist recommends memory care. How do you overcome the grief hearing he’s not coming…
For Jo
I am thinking of you during this troubling time. You are missed.
What to tell family members before visit
My DH and I are flying out to spend Christmas with my siblings. Some of the family member haven't seen him in over a year. He's still functional but can't carry on a conversation, repeatedly brings up the few topics he remembers, and sometimes his choice of words make it impossible to understand what he's saying (sometimes…
Question: Memory Care versus Long Term Care Capabilities
I am wondering how well memory care facilities handle the last stages requiring total care. Is a patient transferred to a long-term care facility? I understand that hospice takes over the process, but is more skill required, more in-depth care?
I get extremely frustrated with the repeat questions! I know the repeat questions are really the first time questions for my loved one but nonetheless I get TIRED of answering them over, and over again. Also, I am my spouse 's everything. There are adult stepchildren but of no assistance. I have reached out to his friends…
Hi Y’all I am new as of today
Hello I wanted to say Hi. I am enjoying reading the posts. My DH has dementia. He is 17 years older than me. I just retired from teaching in June and we have 2 children a daughter 21 and a son 24. Luckily our son still wants to live at home. He is very helpful when I am away. I judge gymnastics and some meets are 3 days…
First long vacation since my wife’s short term memory problems.
We came back from 8 days in Florida (we live in NJ) a few days ago. My wife knows her short term memory is non-existent, so she made a chart of all her meds and when to take them and had containers for all the meds (labeled). The problem was that she didn’t remember to use the chart and didn’t remember where she packed the…
I am wondering how to approach the possibility of starting this treatment with my DW. She has anosognosia and is doing pretty well overall. She remains pretty independent although not driving and I do most of the cooking. She is currently in a mild stage either 3 or very early 4. I worry that pursuing this treatment will…
MC Placement - The Journey
Back to give an update. There are wins and challenges. H has gotten physical with staff 3 times when they have had to get him to leave girlfriend's (J) room. They said if there another physical incident they will call police. The last incident occurred when her family from out of town arrived. He was in the room with J…
Just popping in
Hello friends. I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you can all find something to bring you a little joy, even though I know it's a hard, hard life. I haven't been on the site for a while, and I just read several threads. Much to my surprise, I found out that M1 and Jo seem to be…
Merry Christmas and holidays and whatever
I was traveling and just got back last week I asked DW if she would marry me on Christmas day 1972. She was the most brilliant lovely talented young woman I ever met. Heading to Medical School She told me she needed a "wife' someone who would make a home for her"so I said "but will I be sexually exploited" She said "Of…
Hi and Happy Christmas to you all
Well it is almost a month since the passing of my husband. My grief is palpable but I am so happy he is free from this awful disease. My husband had to have his food puréed and he did enjoy eating a lot, however his dementia got so that he did not even recognize what he was given as food. I realized at that point he was…
Holiday Pot Luck
How about a holiday pot luck for our forum members? We may not have a lot of time for fussy complicated recipes and we need things that are easy for our loved ones to eat. I don’t know about all of you, but I seem to be at a loss for different things to prepare day after day that don’t take too long to prepare. I could…
Bad start to Christmas
My day started out with uncontrollable crying as I couldn't get it out of my mind that this may be his last Christmas. No matter what I did, my mind fixated on it. My family was coming over for our usual dinner and festivities. I feared I wouldn't be able to keep it together or get through the day. I texted my family…
Happy Holidays - are you doing ok?
This is the first Christmas after my husband's diagnosis. Last year at this time we were in crisis mode. We've come a long way since then. He's getting good care and I feel like I have a clue about how to manage this. What has surprised me is how lonely I am this year. So I just wanted to say, if you're having a tough…
Timeline for Caregivers
I wish I could give potential caregivers advice about when certain symptoms will appear. It would have been the most helpful for me to know when I started on this journey of heartache. But there is no roadmap or time schedule that can be relied upon. When my wife was first diagnosed, at her request after realizing…
Emory preliminary results are out
The Emory preliminary data results for posted about a week ago on clinicaltrials.gov and there were some surprising results. The results on the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery Tests showed that the montelukast treated participants declined after one year but the placebo treated participants showed significant improvement.…
Grieving a father
My dad started showing signs of dementia when I was 14 & by the time I was 15 he was officially diagnosed. Both of his parents had it as well so I was fairly familiar with it. When he was diagnosed, I dedicated every single day to researching and learning as much as I could about the disease.i thought that if I prepared…
What if you can not take it anymore !
Tonight my DH watched me cook dinner vacuum, wash and dry the slip covers on the couch and then asked when I plan on going home tonightThe he locked the patio door snd I could not get in. I am sitting on the patio taking a break before I have to clean him, change his depends, brush his teeth and make sure he removes his…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 12/16/23
CHRISTMAS REMINDS US WE ARE LOVED, BLESSED AND SAVED! Genesis 22:15-18 New Living Translation 15 Then the angel of the Lord called again to Abraham from heaven. 16 “This is what the Lord says: Because you have obeyed me and have not withheld even your son, your only son, I swear by my own name that 17 I will certainly…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 12/23/23
Great Verses About the Messiah Isaiah 9:6-7 New International Version 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no…
New Member
Thanks for letting me join this group. I belonged to an on line group and found out my sister was a member and sharing what I wrote with siblings. I felt so violated. I liked the group, most members were helpful and caring. I'm the sole caregiver for my DH. He is 88 I'm 70. It has been the hardest task I've ever…