Providing Care while Step-Dad is in the hospital - feels like drowning
I sought out this group because I've been the sole care-giver for my mom during this week while my step-dad is getting knee replacement surgery. My mom is 62, with EO Alzheimers. She's mostly non-verbal and hovering at the edge of late stage symptoms (she can brush her own teeth, wipe after the bathroom, etc...but she…
help, decision to make
My step father was diagnosed with alz in 2017(he had it before 2017) This was 2 years after my mother passed. Due to emergency health issues which accelerated it and being insulin dependent diabetic I moved him to assisted living. I am 2 hours away and only moved him to that location because the rest of the family, who…
Choking & Sore Throat
My sister and I put our mother, who has late stage Alzheimers, in Memory Care two months ago. Since her move to MC she has been choking severely and her caregivers are now giving her a pureed diet. She doesn't like it and has lost a lot of weight. She doesn't like the thickened liquids, either, so I don't think she is…
A Message from the Alzheimer’s Association during Covid-19(1)
This message is a joke
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 7/24/21
Thank you so much those of you who made comments on the last Bible Verse. I am encouraging all who come here to join in and share how this verse makes you feel. ENGRAVED ON GOD’S PALMS * GOD THOUGHT: Isaiah 49:15-16 NIV “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though…
Heartbroken at end of MC Move day
First time poster long time researcher for how to make today happen. Moved my 72 year old father (late stage 5 - entering 6 AD) into MC from home where he lived alone but has been getting wake up - bedtime care by me the past 3 months and almost daily “help” from me for the past 3 years. I know this was the best for him…
Whine, whine
How do you stay positive? My Sis is my mother’s full time companion. She is burnt out - as she says, “I didn’t sign up for this”! I know when she promised to take care of our mother, she thought it would be traveling with her, plays bingo, etc. I’m sure dementia was never in her plans. I do a lot for both of them. But I…
Help! Wandering out of MC room and calling anxious and lost
Hi all Looking for some advice if anyone has gone through this before. It is my fathers 4th night in memory care since moving from home. He is doing pretty well with it overall.. except evenings. I keep getting repeated calls from him where he has excited his room at MC and wandered down the hallway. Then calls very…
No peace of mind
My mom was placed in MC by her husband 6/11/21. We keep waiting for her to settle in but it seems almost every other day there is an issue. She was getting very agitated when her husband would visit and it finally escalated into her yelling and screaming and banging her head on the glass. She tells him she wants to go and…
Tips and best practices-new to group
Hello all I am new to this group but have so far have really appreciated reading about others experiences My mother was just diagnosed with ALZ. Mid stage She lives alone but I live nearby. I took the car keys away so she is dependent on me for transportation to the grocery store and appointments but has excellent hygiene,…
When do you know it's time to look at a facility?
New here and my mother in law has Alzheimer's for the past four years. I think she is in stage 5. She still lives by herself and we do all we can to help and let her still have some life. But we don't think she is eating and taking her meds timely if at all. We can spend a few hours with her and she won't remember any of…
What are reasonable expectations?
Moved my dad into a Memory Care facility and am wondering if maybe Skilled Nursing a better fit? He has vascular dementia and has severe physical limitations on top of dementia. I estimate he's Stage 6. The main issue that we are struggling with is his fecal incontinence. Memory Care can't seem to get a hold of it and…
suggestions for a caregiver
Hi Community! I’ve been the caregiver for my mom for the past two years while my father struggled with his own health issues. My mom rarely got angry with me and always said I brought her great comfort. My dad recently told me that I’ve been causing her great stress and agitation after my visits (she mentions me taking…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 7/21/21
STICKY NOTE 7/21/21 * With the help of Holy Spirit, I will not give up loving and caring for others and telling them about Jesus. * Romans 5:3-4 Good News Translation "We also boast of our troubles, because we know that trouble produces endurance, endurance brings God's approval, and his approval creates hope." * Question…
Rough moment
My Mom, stage 6 hinting at 7, lives with me and my family. We manage to do everything ourselves fine, but it's a handful. My Mom has had a few nights in a row of decent sleep. Most nights where she sleeps for more than 4 hours at a time, she wakes pretty foggy. But this morning, she got up and for the first time she was…
Need Some Advice(3)
Hello. My name is Caroline and I'm 21. This is my first time posting/ using this message forum. I am desperate for some advice. I currently live with my grandfather (who has Dementia) and my mother. My grandfathers Dementia is getting really bad and hard for my mom and I to handle. For example: He is constantly paranoid.…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 7/14/21
We Stumble But Do Not Fall Psalm 37:23-24 New International Version "23 The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; 24 though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand." * Illness and taking care of those who are ill can wear us down and wear us out. But let's hold onto what…
She's not even here and she's causing me problems!
We recently relocated MIL to another state for the next year or so due to the upcoming birth of our grandchild (who will live with us) as well as to give DH and I a breather from the day-to-day duties of caring for a person with dementia. We had already decided that MIL's bedroom would need to be relocated to the basement,…
Helping my husband accept his diagnosis
My husband has severe memory issues and is having an MRI on Thursday after failing the memory tests and at even forgetting the visit to the doctor for the tests.. He forgets most day to day appointments and agonizes over his phone calendar trying to get it right. His doctor has said he has moderate cognitive impairment and…
MRI results(1)
We received a call from my mom’s neurologist today to tell us that her MRI showed moderate cerebral atrophy and “age-related changes.” The neurologist said we would discuss it further after mom completes her cognitive testing next week. I know what moderate cerebral atrophy means from a medical standpoint but my question…
Free Brain Donation
I have been trying to add another version of this on the AA site but the file is too large. So for now this will have to do. I reached out to AA and so far not much help. This is very important for all? If AA is successful, you will see the better one. One of the best ways to advance research toward finding answers about…
That is great to see that they change the way they think about driving. I wish they did better about dying but they did improve it a hair. Press Release EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE UNTIL 4 PM ET, July 12, 2021 AAN ISSUES ETHICAL GUIDANCE FOR DEMENTIA DIAGNOSIS AND CARE MINNEAPOLIS – The American Academy of Neurology (AAN), the…
New here & new to this journey
My fiance and I already care for his mother who lives with us due to her mental disease. She has siczohprania, bipolar, anxiety, and depression. A week ago she has now been diagnosed with early stages of dementia. We can see the changes in her and are seeking support wherever we can. Education, daily support on habits,…
Release From This Alzheimer’s Prison
I have prayed and pleaded with God to release my mom and me from this Alzheimer’s prison we have been in for 3.5 years. My husband and I own a business which allowed me the ability to leave our company and be a FT caregiver to my mom. I feel grateful and blessed to have had the honor to care for her. While we have had many…
Financial Assistance(2)
Hello, I am looking for financial assistance for my LO who is not qualified for Medicaid.
Rambling, changing voice
Hello, first time posting here. My mom is possibly in stage 4. I’ve noticed that she will just start rambling and she talks more quietly. She is coherent if difficult to hear. Is this a symptom of the disease progressing?
Newly diagnosed and need help
My mom was diagnosed with early stage this winter, but to us she has progressed very quickly. 2 questions: 1) She often confuses direct family members (thinks her husband is her mother, says her sister is someone else, etc.) and often doesn't believe she is in her own home. This seems to be odd for what the doctor…
Service Dog
Does anyone have any experience or information on utilizing a service dog for someone with Alzheimer's?
Upcoming neurology appointment for mom
Finally got my mom to agree to see a specialist. In Jan 2020, she had an intake appointment at a geriatric psychiatrists’ office. Refused to go back because ‘talk therapy’ wasn’t going to help her ‘anxiety and depression’. Plus the pandemic hit, so not a good time anyway. The person she saw informally told me MCI at the…
Rapid End Stage Progression
In 2021, my father has gone from still being able to walk and have conversations in January and living at home to now he is going into a reclined wheelchair in MC facility and has lost almost 80 lbs. During that span of time, he has been in a couple of different facilities -- kicked out of one for aggression. He went from…