St Patricks day in Memory care
Wore Funny hats fed DW salmon and Bright green O'Key lime pie
I'm confused(1)
My DH is 88 and I thought was progressing fairly rapidly into stage 6. The last 10 days I have seen an improvement. His appetite has increased, he's able/willing to communicate a little, wants to ride along with me when I run errands, and even showered without an objection. These are the positive things. The negative…
PWD and Daylight Savings Time
So is anyone experiencing difficulty today with their loved one’s schedule? I know my body takes a while to adjust after the time change and wonder if PWD experience this in the same way. My wife is in an MCF, and I haven’t seen her yet today. She has had problems with her sleep cycle which seem to be resolved, but I am…
My first rant....
DH had a routine hospice RN visit today. He has pressure sores and it seems whatever I do isn't working. Ok, here's the rant: We can design bridges, go to the moon, design apps that can do incredible things, warships that can hit targets thousands of miles away, etc. Why then, CAN'T WE DESIGN A BED THAT CAN OPEN WHEREVER…
We have a member called LizzieLou, she posted about finances. Her DH has them in a dangerous situation. Please read her thread. I think you might be able to help her. Thank you!
Does therapy help the caregiver?
Does therapy really help the caregiver? My DH is in early stages of dementia. I find myself crying several times a day, because of sadness. I saw a therapist 2 times but quit because, really, what can she do? She can't change the facts and she can't make me any less sad. Only time and my coming to terms with what is…
DH w/Alz. Mirrors hurt dog
I thought between this forum and my IRL support groups and first-hand experience, I’d heard a lot. Not this. It may be amusing for some (it should be except Alzheimer’s), and maybe a caution? for others. At least, just FYI Re: dog. Sunday our little poodle (15-16 yo, rescued maybe 5-6 years ago) started limping, and unable…
WaPo dementia partner article
Just stunned
I know I shouldn't be surprised by it,, but the rapidity of decline here in the last few weeks is really amazing. The inability to recognize me by name and as a family member has gone from a rare surprising thing to a constant. On Sunday she took my wallet while I was downstairs on the treadmill; so now I've hidden it.…
Taking LO off medication??
My DW has been on Namenda and Aricept since 2019, the first few years the medication seemed to be working, now it seems not to be working at all. I just don't know. Has anyone had a LO taken off these medications? If so was there any side affects, was there a drastic decline, was there no change, did the doctor wean them…
A WIN!(1)
My wife lost her upper dentures 11 days ago. Our son found them on the floorboard in our vehicle. It's rare that she even gets in the car, so looking there was anything but high priority.
Long Covid?
I know some of our members have had covid, and I'm wondering if any have long covid? We have a daughter who got covid early on in the pandemic. She has had multiple problems since, and has had a hard time getting help for her symptoms. She has been going to the University of Chicago for some time, and was just diagnosed…
DH is bedbound, sleeps most of the day & isn't hungry
DH continues to decline. DH is now 100% bedbound. He is now on a 50 mCg Fentanyl which can be augmented with Morphine every hour as needed. On Friday he was delirious. He thought we were in a mansion. He was so excited we could stay here and wondered what it was going to cost. A nurse tried twice, to insert a catheter but…
The great Escape
I was visiting my wife in the MCF yesterday, and walking the halls with her. Several times we passed a group of three residents talking quietly together. One was a man who always s asks where the parking lot is, because he parked his car there (not). He was apparently the ringleader, because he was in front of the…
6 years
I just realized that I have been on this site for 6 years. At that time my husband had memory issues but was still driving. Today he no longer drives, has no short term memory and long term is disappearing, gets lost, can’t be left alone, can’t do any chores around the house and does not ever remember doing them at any…
Unique situation - need some advice please
I haven't been around in a bit and have just been plodding along. I am at a point that I need some advice. Background: I am handicapped (legs). We live on 55 mostly wooded acres in the middle of nowhere, Arkansas. My husband has always been a self-serving man and has always been passive aggressive. He is a vet (retired…
Question on driver's license/ID
My wife's driver's license expired in December, 2021. She has not driven in about 30 years, but kept renewing her license. She will not try to renew it again, but why should she get a state ID? She will not be flying or going to federal buildings, so I don't see a reason for her to have one. Am I missing something?
Yellow sticker/folder?
Just participated in my first local zoom support group. Interestingly, having been on this forum for 18 months, I didn't hear much new --but that's not the point of course. One thing that did get talked about was a car issue: other folks were talking about a program to put a yellow sticker on your dashboard, which…
Placement update
DH moved into his new home last Tuesday. I didn't visit him on Wednesday, but went over on Thursday and helped him eat dinner. He was clean, but just sitting alone with his head down. He wasn't upset, he seemed content. But it broke my heart. He looked so alone.They said he had slept almost not at all the first 2 nights.…
Head drooping
Fill me in on why this happens. DH has been doing this for the last 6 months or so, but it's much worse now. I know it's common, but I just never really understood why it happens.
Dementia depression
My husband is getting more depressed. He also has bipolar. Had to lower his lithium because of kidney disease. Couldn’t take antidepressant because was 1400$. By time we could get in touch w psychiatrist, he was getting depressed. I put him back on lithium which has always worked well for him for 30 yrs. psyshiatrist…
Ability to converse & understand is declining rapidly
Finding myself feeling blindsided once again on how quickly vascular dementia can progress from one stage to the next. I'm gobsmacked over how quickly my DH's ability to speak has declined. Even more pronounced is his almost total inability to make sense of what I'm trying to say to him. I've made a real effort to become a…
Please do your part if local
Hope to see you there
Lost wedding dress
For a couple weeks now my dw has been fixated on our wedding. She asked me if we were married for several days. She have found a wedding album I think that was the trigger. Last night she was feeling sad she remembered she had asked me if we were married. We talked about it and she knows something is wrong,I asked her to…
Alexa is his friend
DH has been listening to music almost all the time for a few weeks. That's ok but he thinks Alexa is his friend. He's asked if she can come for dinner. He says she is lonely. I tried to tell him she's not real just on the internet but that was the wrong thing to say. I finally told him I would save food for her for when…
Tip for long URLs
Have you ever posted a link with a long URL, and that resulted in a post that caused the post (or the whole thread) to be hard to read because it ran off the page unless you zoomed way out? If that happens, you can go to https://tinyurl.com/app to make that extra long URL into a tiny URL. It's very easy to use. Once you…
This thread inspired by a thread by riajean
You've got to please yourself. Ricky Nelson - Garden Party
Easy way to lock a room
My husband locked me out of the bedroom but I easily opened the door by putting a paper clip in the hole in the center of the knob. It made me realize I could easily lock the other bedroom or bathroom door to keep him out if I wanted to keep stuff safe. He would never figure out how to open it.
PSW or personal support worker.
We had our first day with our support worker. My husband asked her many times why she was here. She handled it really well, she told him she was there to help him take a shower. He told her that was my job because we were married. I had to stifle my laughter. He told her she couldn’t see him naked. The poor worker, I told…
When is the right time to begin to live again?
Hello, this might sound strange, but in the right context - who knows. My husband of 33 years is in memory care. Deep into stage six, he's declined rapidly since placing him last August. Working full time, I see him weekly and have been going through this tortuous loss going into 8 years now. I'm alone. No friends, only…