Dementia Unplugged™: Care Conversations™
Jeannine Forrest, Ph.D., R.N., a Dementia care consultant and coach to families and individuals across North America, will facilitate and lead a live webcast for care partners impacted by Dementia from early stage through end-of-life. Every month a new Dementia-related topic will be presented with the intention to inform…
A laugh from a spilled bottle of water
I was ready to get in bad last night, but grabbed a bottle of water for a small drink before getting in. Well, I spilled it all over my PJs. So I just took them off, and jumped into bed wearing only my underwear. During the night, my wife got up to pee. I got up with her because I'm afraid she'll fall. She looked at me and…
Voice-only telehealth might go away with pandemic rules set to expire
I'm just wondering how many people really rely on that service to make their lives easier. It is difficult to get my wife out to see a doctor, and our doctor agreed to just have phone conversations with her (us) about her condition. The phone calls work very well for us. If something happened where she physically needed to…
they say you'll know
I have read and read on this forum and learned so much from all you and your experiences. I never felt I needed to post much because most of my questions were answers from the forum. Now I am in my own dilemma. DH is still fairly easy to take care as far as personality. It is getting much harder physically to take care of…
caretaker therapy
Some days you just wake up and have to make a pie
I don’t know what to do—this is all so new to me…..
My DH has shown signs of dementia/alzheimer’s for a while now. He is 13 years older than I am. He’s not to the point of requiring outside care. Just memory issues. He is becoming more obsessed/agitated with the things he makes up in his mind that are untrue but I guess are very real to him. It seems like we are constantly…
Helpful books for the two of us
I've been lurking around for a year or so but have yet to post. I am the sole caregiver for DW. We live in a rural area and have very little support. Today we are trying to find a book or other material that we can read together. DW and I need to try to understand what each is going through. DW, what is happening to me.…
Joe C. and Beachfan
thinking about both of you. Please keep us posted how you do the next few days.
furniture polish in the soap dispenser
You can't make this stuff up, and for some reason it's getting to me today. My partner loves to clean and I hate to take away something she loves, but there are more and more of these incidents--today it's furniture polish in the dish soap squeegee in the kitchen sink. Took me a while to figure out what it was. I think I…
Beachfan and Joe C
Has anyone heard from either of them? The best I can tell, it's been 8 days since either posted. I hope things are going ok, but I know it's hard, hard.
More bad news on Aduhelm
https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/22/health/aduhelm-death-safety.html Concerns Grow Over Safety of Aduhelm After Death of Patient Who Got the Drug Newly published safety data shows that 41 percent of patients in key clinical trials of the Alzheimer’s drug experienced brain bleeding or swelling, though many cases were…
…will be different here at Casa de Chaos. Himself no longer enjoys a houseful of folks and at 70 years old, we both could use the break since no one else seems to want nor feel the call to take over the role as Holiday Hosts. Between the noise of the littles, his lack of hearing…and refusal to wear the aids…and lack of…
Dreading next week
DH took it upon himself to invite some close friends over for Thanksgiving. That's not so bad and I've contacted everyone to bring a dish or dessert. DH thinks he is going to cook the entire meal himself even though he doesn't know how to turn on the oven. I'm confident I can get what needs done and let him feel like he…
Visiting at the nursing home
My husband has been in skilled nursing facility 5 months due to a fall and late onset ALZ. It seems no matter what time of day I visit, he gets agitated after a few minutes and disagreeable. He tells me stories that are imagined and I agree with whatever he is saying. I never correct him and just go along for the ride. I…
Chicken Soup for the Soul(1)
A friend gave me “Chicken Soup for the Soul Living With Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias” and I am totally absorbed in reading it. It gets at the emotions and feelings we all experience as caregivers. 101 stories of caregiving, coping and compassion by 101 caregivers. I highly recommend it.
He begins to know famous people.
I already read post on that, but as it was marginal for me, I never replied. I didn’t really felt concerned. It started with the sailors. Often in previous months, He claimed to have routed famous sailors on transats. He knows well one famous sailor and followed his races, but I think he was already unable to route him… or…
Holiday advice: do I warn the guests?
So my partner has one great nephew of whom she's very fond. He's 27, and he used to spend a week every summer here on the farm when he was a kid. We haven't seen him in three or four years (pre-pandemic). He's been wanting to come visit, and so he and his girlfriend are coming for a small Thanksgiving dinner next Friday.…
advice for the day
Some days just let the Rhino have the road
European Experts say NO to Aduhelm
Nov 17 (Reuters) - A European Medicines Agency panel voted against approval of Biogen Inc's (BIIB.O) Alzheimer's drug Aduhelm, in another blow to prospects for a treatment already grappling with a slow rollout in the United States. Shares of Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Biogen, which announced the negative vote on…
Travel or vacation questions
DW and I just got back from a two day vacation. I guess I'm trying to do these while it's still possible to manage things. She needs lots of guidance. The problem: We were at the huge Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio when I felt some bowel problems. I told her emphatically to wait right where she was, and that I'd be out…
Estate Planning Help
How does one find a reliable estate lawyer? We are in a situation where I feel like I cannot trust the documents and plans we have had in place with our current attorney and I'd like to explore another resource. Nothing has happened to us specifically, but there are stories from friends that lead us to believe we should…
I hate what I have become.
This disease has turned me into a monster. I can't believe I did what I did this morning. I snapped. Normal morning getting ready for work, preparing DH breakfast. I look out the kitchen window and see an empty cigarette pack on the lawn. I asked him nicely to please pick it up, it belongs in the trash. He said, it will go…
a few more pictures from DW
People seem to like the pictures so here are a few more. I have to edit them to get them into the size restriction. These were all taken AFTER her Alzheimer's diagnosis. They are all in Kruger National Park in South Africa. In Kruger you MUST stay in your car. So I would prepare the cameras and drive and spot the animals.…
Two drugs for dementia
I di not know until today thye also have a drug in China that was approved. So we have two drugs on the market for now.
Daytime dreams(1)
My DW is 65 and was diagnosed with EOD 4 years ago. So far, her decline has (thankfully) moved very slowly. I retired early to get the most out of what we have left. All is ok in the grand scheme of things and I try to concentrate on each day as a gift and not dwell on what we've lost. One fairly new behavior is that she…
Minor wins--hey I'll take them
I've made some progress just doing things without any discussion with my partner. This is a definite change that has taken getting used to. But: first, to follow up on an old thread, at the advice of this forum I turned all the ringers off on our landline, which has greatly decreased the nuisance factor of the scam calls…
How long is typical in stages 5, 6 and 7
I have read as much info as I can find and want to know from those going through this what you have experienced with time in different stages. Other than arthritis and this horrible disease - he has VD, FTD and AD , he’s been very healthy and active all his 74 years. As we all know, this is so hard. I have people I know…
I feel either that I am failing or that I want to quit
Many questions - I understand that nothing is normal any longer - there is no normal. DH has MD and the FTD changes things up completely. He is frequently angry with me but can't articulate exactly why he is angry. None of the food or meals I have prepared for the last 43 years are to his liking and nothing I suggest…
First Alzheimer’s Vaccine Human Trial Set to Begin at Boston Hospital
Another interesting possibility for treatment/cure. The problem for those of us on this forum is, as the doctor in the video states, if the trials are successful and the FDA approves this drug, "doctors may begin prescribing it in four or five years". First Alzheimer’s Vaccine Human Trial Set to Begin at Boston Hospital…
New MC trial stay
During my lunch break, we went to the MC and he stayed. We unpacked his suitcase and he went with the others to have lunch. We recognized a man we met. He was also eoad and as we have a common friend, she connected us, but we just met them once. Everything went very well when I left. And strangely, the headache I had since…