Has anyone dealt with psychotic breaks with LO?
My DH ended up being sectioned walking into neighbors homes, yelling and trying a few times to throw me physically out of home… Had delusions…. After a brief stay in geriatric psych, I had to place him in memory care because he wasn’t ready for home. He was insisting I was not his wife and had a few delusions. While at MC,…
Respite Care?
My DH is 67. Almost 2 years ago he was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. In that time, I have observed a marked decline in his memory and cognitive processing. In addition, he has been diagnosed with a number of other medical issues that are really limiting his activities. He is currently dealing and being treated…
Just because
In the window you can see a Menorah. We are an Abie's Irish Rose Family. Christmastime is hard but I still love it.
Please add all of you can think off to this list - Thanks
I decide to a podcast for caregivers next year with a motivational speaker I have now known for over 10 years. I believe many of you can be helped if you would just learn a few things. He is not as familiar as I am with this disease. So, I am asking you all to add all of the issues you have to deal with your loved ones.…
Update on DH's decline
Hi everyone. I haven't posted in a while, but often check in to see how everyone is doing. I'm so sorry there are so many new people that have a reason to be here. But you found a great place with caring people, where you can learn, share, grieve, rant, and sometimes even laugh. My DH has been in MC for 15 months now. He…
Michiganpat and other new members
First of all, welcome to the forum. Sorry any of you have to be here, but you will find it a very valuable site. This is just a little information on the shortcomings of this site. On another thread, michiganpat wrote "I am new to site also. I wrote out a long message (my first one) but when I tried to post I got an error…
Anyone else dealing with total loss of conscious thought?
DW can walk and swallow food if you put it in her mouth. That's it. She does not respond to voice commands or instructions. She will walk around an obstruction that she actually sees She is compliant with ADLS (dressing shower toilet but has no interaction) She is 69 and otherwise in good health Anyone else at this stage?
Writing on the wall
Yesterday was the 11th day since DH had a shower. We talked about it and he came up with the solution that he would shower twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday. Yesterday being Saturday he said he would shower later. Later never came. I went through all the mental anguish of how to handle this, hiring somebody to do it,…
If you have a new Roku, or don't have the youtube app
You might want to read this. https://www.tomsguide.com/opinion/heres-the-first-thing-every-roku-owner-should-do
Bathroom rug cleaning
What rugs do u use in the bathroom when there is frequent signs of feces on the rugs. DH in mild Dementia diagnose, 83. Tired of cleaning the dirty rugs. Any ideas?
This just goes on and on, COVID19, Delta and now omicron
I am sure many of you feel the same frustrations. I have wanted to travel with my wife because I don’t have a lot of time left and I am also being robed of that. When is this ever going to end? We have now canceled two trips and I will probably now need to cancel one for April. I just don’t want to take the risk. I at…
An Unexpected Mitzvah
During our Thanksgiving week sojourn in Florida we stayed at a lovely, tiny little Inn on the beach in Pass-A-Grille. In that time we met some truly nice, welcoming people staying on either side of us. The last of which was an awesome gay couple who have been together for over 20 years and married for 17…which is apro pos…
Crazed Sleep Patterns
My DH has always gotten up and made the morning coffee. I don't know if it is the change off daylight savings or the days getting shorter but in the last few weeks he is getting up at 2am to make coffee. I tell him it is too early and to go back to sleep. Then between 3am and 3:30am it's the same thing again. When he does…
How much milk is bad for you.
My Peewee is drinking almost two gallons of milk a day with chocolate drink mix. I try to get him to drink other things such as tea and water with flavoring but no he won't. When we are out of milk he gets upset.
Feelings of denial and not dealing with the future's hard realities
My first post. My wife has early-mid stage 3 as far as I can determine. She/we have been in an AD clinical trial for eight months. She still does an acceptable job of caring for herself. I've been reading some of your posts and many are depressing and hard to read. I have been seeing a psychologist who specializes in AD…
Ideas needed : what to bring to MC
It is in 1 month and as we are going by plane, I can only take some suitcases. But I wonder what I can bring twitch him so that he will feel better there. The last two years, I did lot of photo books and I am preparing one with pictures of his family and friends, with comments so that the caregivers and the speech…
Waiting List
How soon do I need to put my husband on a waiting list for my? He is still very early in this journey but my lawyer said I should start looking at places right away.
When this person speaks, they all listen
what a week!
It started on Monday. DH fell and fractured 2 ribs, spent 2 nights in the hospital and had to be medicated each night because he was agitated confused and wanted to go home. He has never been agitated or needed medication before. I know he was in a strange place with strange people and I was not there so he was confused…
memory loss(1)
My DW has exhibited short term memory loss since the beginning of this journey but in the last couple of months the memory loss has gotten shorter and often she repeats questions that she asked a few minutes ago. This week there appears to be a further worsening of memory in that she is not recognizing clothing as hers…
Does Anosognosia ever end? Or is it just overcome by advanced AD?
My DW has mid-stage AD. She also has anosognosia (inability to realize she has AD). So she feels she does not need a care-giver (me!) and so it is very difficult for me to get her to do things (like take her meds). She says it is none of my business. So will she ever realize she has AD and, therefore, needs help? Or does…
One hallucination (?)
I’m not even sure if this is a hallucination. Be forewarned, sex involved. But please bear with me… My DH has been very docile, and very apathetic. But the last month or so he’s increasingly angry, and accusing me of sex with strangers. In the last week, he insists he “saw” me doing it, not right then, but earlier. (Yes he…
When is the right time for AL/MC?
My wife is 55 and was diagnosed 2+ years ago. She's stopped driving. Our relationship has gone to heck because we fight a lot. She drinks a ton (I had to lock all the alcohol in my home office), and she gets very argumentative. The woman I loved is gone. Not a lot of love left on my side. Thanksgiving was a challenge. She…
She Should Know Better
We are visiting my spouse’s sister in Florida for Thanksgiving week that has mostly gone well since I limit how much time he has to spend with her on any given day. However, several times she has tried to bully or yell at him when he has not responded in a manner she liked or moved as fast as she wanted. I have had to…
My dear husband has passed!
I have not been on much lately as I devoted more time in caring for my husband who was bedridden for over a month. The 4 1/2 year journey is over as of last night. Frank went to be with the Lord at 5;40 in the evening. My four kids and close family members had said the rosary and 2 hours later, the kids and I gathered…
Enough Already!
OMG if I get one more email from Alz. website asking for money I may throw up!!!~ \ PLEASE. STOP.
I, too, have lost my love...
I am saddened every time I visit this site--the loss, the suffering...it is all too much for me at times. As things got very bad for my husband over the past year, I couldn't muster the mental energy to visit here too often. My love, Ray, passed away last Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. His final weeks were nothing…
Learning To Turn The Tide On Nursing Homes
https://www.yahoo.com/finance/m/85a6b777-9610-3e0c-9953-a9b6482434a9/did-we-learn-anything-from.html J.
A very good Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day went so well! I wasn't sure how DH would do with so many people there but he ended up having a great time! Three of our four children and their spouses were there along with four of our five twenty-something grandchildren. DH was "the biggest duck in the puddle." He talked and laughed and ate a big meal.…
Wedding ring(1)
I just noticed she wasn't wearing her wedding ring. The engagement ring is still on her finger but the wedding ring is gone. I sure as hell hate every bit of this disease. Of course she doesn't realize it's gone or even care that it's missing. That she doesn't care is almost unbelievable to me. She likely took it off…