The Show Must Go On
I so enjoyed watching Tony Bennett’s performance with Lady Gaga. It brought back a lovely memory for me. I had the privilege of meeting Tony in the 70’s when he was performing at the Hollywood Bowl. My DH was running the spotlight for his show that evening. My DH was good friends with the stage manager and he was able to…
Be extra careful with your spouse in regards to falls. if your spouse has dementia and undergoes any kind of treatment that requires anesthesia it could advance their dementia considerably.
DH with mild dementia accusing me of memory problems
How do u react to your spouse who has been diagnosed with mild dementia, can’t remember what was said 2 minutes ago, accusing me that I have memory problems I have taken over the task of ordering and giving him meds am and pm, making doctors appointments, technical matters and more! I want to explode when I am accused of…
DH has completely forgotten who DS is
I finally have to admit that DH doesn't know who DS is anymore, and the memory isn't coming back. DS is 21 - we adopted him when he was just 9 months old. DS and DH did so much together, and as we were a tiny bit older parents, we were lucky and had the ability to spend more time together as a family doing things as DS…
Turkey pot pie
Some mornings you just feel like making turkey pot pie !!
DH's falls are more frequent - it is exhausting for us both
DH is falling more frequently. Specifically, he is falling 1-3 times per week. He fell on Friday and yesterday. I called the fire department for a lift assist yesterday because I was unable to get him up. DH states he is sore. The pain makes him cranky. I am giving him Tramadol for pain which I suspect may further impair…
Caregiver Identification: Strategies for Advancing Person-Centered Dementia Care Across Settings
M1- How are you?
You have been heavy on my heart for three days now. Are you okay? I sure hope the nephews visit was a blessing. Also, I hope she is calming down about feeding the animals.
Autopsy Findings
My husband passed away in June after a 17 year battle with EOAD. He began showing symptoms in his late 40's and once he was officially diagnosed, volunteered for several clinical trials at USC. Being a part of the research group gave Bill the option to donate his brain for research after death which he chose to do. I just…
when is it time for a nursing home
My husband is 69 he was diagnosed with moderate alzheimer's 2 years ago. The last time we saw his doctor in October, i asked what stage is he at now and doctor said almost late stage. he was not able to follow simple intructions that the doctor was giving him during the examination. My husband can still get in and out of…
Hello M1; am thinking of you this morning and wondering how things went yesterday with your Thanksgiving dinner with your nephew and his S.O. and hope that all was peaceful and without strife. J.
Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga
Will be on TV this coming Sunday CBS.
affect of anesthesia?
my wife had what we thought was middle stage Alzheimer when she fell and broke her upper femur. she had surgery and was in rehab for 20 days then brought home. she steadily declined and her doc recommended hospice. she was dead in 2 weeks. my question is does the anesthesia have a profound affect on Alzheimer patients?
Heartbreaking end to a marriage
I have posted here before about the horrible challenges I have faced from 4 adult stepchildren who have been pushing for 3 years to have my husband divorce me. He is 84, has Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson’s. Skids had never been around much before he got dementia except to ask for money. I have been his wife and 24/7…
Just need to talk to my friends (159)
THank you, Jo, for the information. I called Carol and told her so I'm sure she's reading about it now. She's worried about her sister who has had some of the same symptoms. You're right nasty stuff.
Resource: Shouting, Yelling, Screaming In Dementia Patients
This excellent resource was provided by another Member some time ago. Does NOT happen with all person with dementia, but helpful for those with such a problem issue: Read Part 1 before Part 2: Screaming and Wailing in Dementia Patients…
Had a lovely thanksgiving
Had a lovely Thanksgiving with my two daughters,sons in law and my 5 little grandchildren. (2-8 years old) Everyone loved the Turkey Grandchildren loved my photos of my daughters as little children helping with thanksgiving. I took all the elements of Dinner and ran them in the food processor and visited DW on Friday, My…
Help! Wakes me up and says there are people outside!!!
Please, if anyone else has experienced this, please give me some advice. My husband wakes me up in the middle of the night and says there are people outside. First time, about a month ago, it scared me to death. It was traumatic because he kept insisting someone was there and wouldn’t turn on the light cause he said the…
A Black Friday deal you can afford
If you have not been a subscriber for three months or longer, you can get hulu streaming for 99 cents a month for a year. I'm not sure if we'll use it, but couldn't pass it up. https://www.hulu.com/welcome
My DH does not like to do anything but go for drives
Hello everyone. My name is Carole and this is the first time I am writing a post. My husband is in a stage where he constantly asks what he/ we are doing through out the day and evening. He is not content to sit and relax for more than 15 minutes at a time. My daughter and I have been taking him to the mall, museums,…
When they no longer know their loved ones
I've often wondered what is is like for them. I experienced something similar in a dream, and it was not a fun time. I was supposed to pick up one of our kids from Grand Central Station in NY. When I got there, there were thousands of people in the place. All of a sudden, everybody looked exactly the same. All men, all…
Thankful for this forum(1)
I thank all of you who are here, seen and unseen, I truly have come to rely on this online community in ways I never would have imagined. It's my first stop over morning coffee and frequently last stop at night. So many I now consider friends, and the support is invaluable. Best wishes to all for a safe and happy…
Feedback from the last respite stay
It will be finished on Monday. I am not very happy… but it won’t be very long till the journey to Tunisia (28 days)… if we are not locked-down again at this moment. So I had a meeting with the coordinator of the small Alzheimer’s unit (14 residents) : after the fist week (he was asking why I put him there), he was better…
having help at home
My DH was diagnosed in 2018 with AD. He knows he has it and tells me when I get frustrated with him. He is usually pretty happy or content. He does get frustrated with himself at times but never takes it out on me. After reading some posts here I know I am lucky. He is having a hard time dressing but keeps trying. I have…
Has Virgil posted recently?
I think of him often but haven’t seen any post from him. Virgil, if you happen to read my post please know that we all care about you and your precious wife. I hope you are both doing as well as possible! Happy Thanksgiving.
Keep a look for this
I will be interviewing Teepa Snow and she will be interviewing me. We will ask each other the hard questions to each other and nothing is off limits. Do you have any questions I should consider? This will be two-hour show. None of this is planed and she will not know until I ask her.
Aware & Share Card
There are times when you need to share quietly with others that some extra tender loving care or concern should be shown to someone living with Dementia. Carry this card with you wherever you go. Click Here to Request a Complimentary Card
Someone is dredging up old threads
Some threads have no new posts, but some members are responding to threads from months ago. Probably someone is deleting his or her posts, and thus reactivating a lot of old threads. Be sure to check the dates of the original threads. Iris
A very blessed thanksgiving
Thanksgiving has been my DH favorite holiday. He has been looking forward to this one all month. For the past two weeks, each day it’s the same question, is it thanksgiving today? In a way it reminds me of when our children were little and waiting for Christmas, but it also lets me know how he’s changing. For now I’m…
Dementia Unplugged™: Care Conversations™
Jeannine Forrest, Ph.D., R.N., a Dementia care consultant and coach to families and individuals across North America, will facilitate and lead a live webcast for care partners impacted by Dementia from early stage through end-of-life. Every month a new Dementia-related topic will be presented with the intention to inform…