I recommend the following
I don’t like to recommend things that I can not prove. But after taking these for every long time they have been safe. I also believe they are helping along with the other drugs I take. No one will ever know if this combination works but I did a lot of studding and many do agree that there is some possibility. The ways I…
How to determine when no longer advisable to leave LO alone
I have been wanting to present this topic to the group for several days to get your input. I thought I still had time. I would leave for an hour or 2 to do errands, visit a friend, etc, always leaving a note on where I am, when I will be back and my cell number. Today was to be a picnic with a friend for 2 hours. After…
Mourning what this disease has taken
Does anyone else have days when you are almost immobilized by sadness? DH still lives at home but it is like being alone. The only thing he seems to enjoy is eating. Other than that he sleeps. Today I am angry and sad. Does anyone else ever feel like this
Awakened this morning
At 6:30 this morning my husband, who usually sleeps in until at least 9, woke me up to tell me I must get up and get dressed. Still sleepy, I asked him why. He replied that it was time to go home and if I didn’t hurry we’d miss our flight. He was so sure of his words that I spoke carefully, even though we certainly were…
Loss of bowel/bladder control.
This is no easy topic. A taboo subject ingrained in my brain, but here goes. Our sanitary issues have changed very very fast. What was an occasional skid mark job turned into a daily attendant job with me having to persuade my gal to let me clean her backside. This is obviously invasive, and she quite reasonably does not…
ability to judge temperature
Has anyone had a concern regarding your LO being able to judge temperature? With the house warm, plenty of clothing and blankets my LO complained of being cold this morning around 5 pm. I did numerous things to warm him. His body felt comfortably warm to me, not hot. He was not feverish. After a while, I suggested we get…
I should have known better
My wife simply can't understand that we only have one dog. She is always asking about the others. This morning she asked me where the dog was. I told her she was laying on the floor right in front of us. But that wasn't the dog she was looking for. Then she called "Layla", "Gracie". I told her Layla died 5 1/2 years ago.…
This has become real
My husband has had some form of dementia for the past two and a half years. I have been slowly getting my ducks in a row, contacting the Alzheimer’s society, getting him assessed by the city for future placement in a mc facility. She came yesterday, she asked my husband all these questions about his health and his life.…
I hope our members are OK
These tornadoes were devastating for a lot of people. Hopefully all of our members are OK, and they were not too impacted by them.
Holiday Brownies
I made Brownies for DW with red and green sugar crystals.
Vascular Dementia??
People say that defining what type of dementia doesn’t matter, but it does to me. It doesn’t change what they have, but, for me, it just makes it easier to understand what the future may hold. The life expectancy for someone with vascular dementia is less than someone with AD. Though our neurologist cannot diagnosis…
No Sleep(3)
Any suggestions on how to move to the guest room? My DH is up and down all night. He either wanders around or goes to the bathroom and often just thinks he has to pee every hour on the hour. (I know, I am lucky that he thinks he has to pee and isn't peeing in the bed). Every time his feet hit the ground, I wake up and…
Do you send Christmas cards??
The thread All I Want For Christmas prompted this thread. We always sent cards, sometimes with a carefully worded letter that we always hoped was informing and not bragging. After becoming empty nesters and then grandparents, we sent picture cards. (Yeah, guess we were bragging on the grandkids!) DH went to MC last year in…
So they don't want to bathe?
Just a few tips for you. When someone with dementia REFUSES to bathe [try this]
To Army Vet and Last Dance
And to everyone else in stage 8. I am fast approaching the 1 yr anniversary (Jan 23). and I find myself shuffeling through the motions of the holiday. You guys are not alone and neither am I. I can't say that I've had visitations but there have been a few dreams where he felt so very real to me and thankfully he appeared…
Feeling guilty(3)
I am having a very hard coping. I’m a Type A person to say the least- always running at top speed. My husband who was recently diagnosed has always been on the slow side but now it takes him a very long time to do many things. I’m impatient and then I feel awful. I’m looking for a support group in the Bethesda, MD area.
Early Onset(2)
Can I just say I'm sick of everyone deciding that DH can't have dementia because he's too young? It even goes as far as a new psychiatrist who said maybe it is pseudodementia, due to depression. Seriously, pseudodementia doesn't get to stage 6 with atrophy in the brain. Pseudodementia doesn't get to the point where you…
Geripsychs & meds; venting, advice welcome
Some may recall my DH, stage6, who’s been docile and compliant, started exploding in anger and saying he saw me doing bad things with strange men, and/or just about any man DH noticed. His rages were extreme, and scary. His PCP tested and ruled out a UTI and other things. Getting those tests back took a couple days. In the…
Have u tried aromatherapy for dementia/ Alzheimer’s? If so. Which oils helped in dementia/ memory issues?
Tub to shower conversion
We have one & half bathroom, as DH dementia progresses, should I convert the bath tub to walk in shower? I am in Akexandria, va. Any contractor suggestion and financial help suggestions would be appreciated
Things I'm pondering lately
As my wife’s dementia continues to progress I can see the day coming when I will have to place her in memory care, either because I can no longer keep her safe, no longer manage all of her needed care, or my stress level gets to the point of endangering my own health. Her latest MoCA cognitive test score was 6 out of 30…
Vascular dementia(9)
DH underwent testing with a neuropsychologist yesterday. She was amazing. Although we will discuss the results next week after she scores and analyzes the data, her initial observation is to rule out alzheimers and frontotemporal dementia due to the rapid decline. She is looking at vascular dementia and wernicke. The…
a very pleasant afternoon tea
When I get frazzled, it helps me to take a break and have a cup of hot tea. I found a grocery store brand of jasmine tea that I have been enjoying lately. Fortunately the price is budget friendly. There is something soothing about the fragrance of the tea and holding the warm cup in my hands. Usually I drink my tea in…
A terrible week
For the past two weeks, my partner has been in a nearby MC unit. It went well, but it is clear that he preferred Tunisia and the director validated that this choice is more appropriate for his age. On Sunday, his mother went to see him there. He categorically refused to see her and became very angry. The staff managed very…
A movie...The Father
One of the most insightful things I have experienced. Difficult to watch. I ended up watching it in sections. At once stupendously effective and profoundly upsetting, “The Father” might be the first movie about dementia to give me actual chills. On its face a simple, uncomfortably familiar story about the heartbreaking…
Another fall(1)
Yesterday my DH was working on the backyard leaves that were in a pile and needed put in the trash can. He said he did not need help. He lost track of what he was out there for and started on another "project" when he fell. He can no longer do so many things he did all of his life, it is sad to see. Mostly he sits in his…
Has anyone dealt with psychotic breaks with LO?
My DH ended up being sectioned walking into neighbors homes, yelling and trying a few times to throw me physically out of home… Had delusions…. After a brief stay in geriatric psych, I had to place him in memory care because he wasn’t ready for home. He was insisting I was not his wife and had a few delusions. While at MC,…
Respite Care?
My DH is 67. Almost 2 years ago he was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. In that time, I have observed a marked decline in his memory and cognitive processing. In addition, he has been diagnosed with a number of other medical issues that are really limiting his activities. He is currently dealing and being treated…