Imagining the journey without technology
My dad cares for my Mom who has dementia but I am unsure of what kind of dementia she has. He doesn't know either. My dad is an analog man in a digital world. He hasn't embraced emerging technology. He has given up email. His search skills are antiquated. He reads the news on line but that's about it. Not embracing…
Best Practices in Dementia Care and Caregiver Support
A tough love talk
Mrs. will not shower or bathe. Will happily fight about it. I was gone too long...in my office sorting out an accounting mess, and then I noticed things were real quiet. Finding the two poopy hand towels in the kitchen sink was a horrifying first. You may recall that I have had a real hard time overcoming my aversion to…
A Tip for Caregivers
My husband is unable to step onto a body weight scale. I bought an extra wide scale thinking it might be easier to step on but it isn't for him, so now I use a body tape measure to get an idea of how much muscle mass he's losing. I measure his thighs, biceps, and waist. Compared to 8 months ago he's lost an inch or a…
Medicare price jump due to poorly supported Alzheimer's drug
WASHINGTON (AP) — Medicare’s “Part B” outpatient premium will jump by $21.60 a month in 2022, one of the largest increases ever. Officials said Friday a new Alzheimer’s drug is responsible for about half of that....... Medicare officials told reporters on Friday that about half the increase is due to contingency planning…
Has any one read this book and what are your thoughts? Someone with dementia said it was good.
Rural: Where do you find in-home respite care?
I live with the HWD in a rural area, and am struggling to find respite care. Care.com yields nothing within 50 miles, the Alzheimer's Association local chapter does not list resources. I am going to call them tomorrow for a "care consultation" but it is an 800 number and I don't have high hopes. Licensed, unlicensed, I…
Hello again!
It’s been a long time since I’ve been on the board. I’ve needed connection so here I am! I hope everyone is well!
What We've Got is Failure to Communicate
Communication with my wife has become extremely difficult. Even simple communication is almost impossible now. Her main issues are language, communication, concentration and memory problems. Being new to care giving I'm having trouble understanding, accepting and dealing with someone who answers almost any question…
Unorthodox Care Plan (MC)
I have my own little version of “Mordern Family” with my stepdaughter and her family including DW’s ex-husband. Over the years this extended family unit has evolved from probably avoiding social get togethers in the early days, to accepting that we could all gather to celebrate births, birthdays, holidays and graduations…
This morning in the grocery store parking lot I saw a guy park his pick up truck in the handicapped section, way out of the dedicated lane, no handicap tag in view, back end of his truck was sticking out. He left it parked that way and went into the store. It brought back a memory of when my husband first showed symptoms…
DH had his NP testing session and the report is not good. The suggested diagnosis from results of hours of testing is "Dementia due to mixed etiologies, mild severity" ---and an additional comment that states "due to evidence of progression and lack of insight suggests comorbid Alzheimer's disease." Now we are at the…
Questions about the Montreal Cognitive Assessment
My husband was tested at our local memory clinic by a MOCA Certified Rater. She administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). His score was 24. My questions are these: Does it show a different kind of problem depending on where he scored lower? For instance, in the Visuospatial/Executive section, he scored 5 out…
Peroxynitrite scavenging product
I am not endorsing this product and I don't know how effective it would be against Alzheimer's disease. Almost all of the ingredients are peroxynitrite scavengers and the company's explanation of the problems created by peroxynitrite is spot on. Ingredients: * Vitamin B2 * Vitamin B12 * Calcium * Garlic extract * Exhinacea…
Privacy and Friends/Caregivers
I have only posted a few times but have a new issue and would like some feedback. My DW lifelong friend occasionally offers to give me a break and takes my DW for the afternoon. The friend is constantly taking pictures and recording videos with the 2 of them and sending them to people not close to my wife or I. Has anyone…
Placement in Memory Care(2)
Studith We are about to place my DH in Memory Care. He looks for me first thing in the morning, and comes out of bed at night to make sure I''m here, and this is unbearable to me, knowing this will be the case as he becomes accustomed to his new surroundings. When our helper is here, he looks for me, although she''s able…
Something good out of the fog
My gal is in love with a TV show. There are 3 documentaries about a couple friends doing epic motorcycle trips. She love the guys, loves the scenery, and remembers nearly none of it. Despite watching them over and over for days, it's always new and interesting to her. Now she asks how the guys are doing. Wonders how they…
Newbie here
I care for my husband who has been dx'd with mixed dementia since 2015. I need advice on how to navigate Medicare to Medicaid. All the Memory care places told me l have to pay out of pocket for 2 years then they will accept Medicaid. We have a small savings which might not even last 2 years, and live on SS.
Happy Veterans' Day - Thank you for your service
To all the Veterans and your loved ones, Thank you for your courage, commitment and sacrifice. with tremendous gratitude, Lady Texan
SSA Question
DW is fine. Asking for a friend. People who have walked this road before, I need help with the SSA form OMB No. 0960-0101 I received. It asks for the information about "living children of the deceased". Does that mean adult children or just minor children? A search of several websites has yielded no information.
Just need to talk to my friends (158)
Hi, Thought it was about time to start a new installment of our thread - time goes fast when you're among friends. It's 55 here this morning with a stiff north wind but the sun is just now beginning to shine. Supposed to be in the 60s the next four days, then down into the 40s by Thursday. I dread that. My back was feeling…
Reducing the Impact of Dementia in America: A Decadal Survey of the Behavioral and Social Sciences
He thinks he knows everything
My husband always had a strong ego. Now, with Alzheimer’s, he seems to try to prove his self-worth with every interaction. If I tell fiblets, he tells humungous whoppers, except that he believes he is telling the truth. If someone mentions a country, any country, he has been there. If someone mentions a famous person, he…
Hot of the press form the Milken Institute - Scaling Comprehensive Dementia-Care Models.
Morning Madness
For years my husband's and my morning routine consisted of quietly waking up with a cup of coffee and watching the morning news. I'd later shower, get ready for work, feed the dogs, have a little breakfast then I'd head off to school as a substitute teacher. Recently though it's turning into what I call my morning madness.…
Can anyone recommend book(s) that the PWD would enjoy?
My beloved has been in a long term care facility for 1 1/2 years. Still knows me and can pick out members of the family from photos (no one else visits).. The problem is "self entrtainment". She can still read a little but gets frustrated with trying to read the newsapaper. Has anyone run across books that would be…
need a cheer up?
I was feeling sorta down so I made cranberry sauce for the holiday I have a turkey thawing , two in the freezer and one is being "baby sat" in DD#1's freezer She loves it when people see it and think she is going to cook it.
What an amazing day looks like now
This was my best day in months. Started with a clean wipe, already a good start. I got my wife into the shower, first time in 8 days. I got her to put on pants, first time in 2 weeks. We went out together to do stuff, not since the last time I got pants on her. We shopped. She was upbeat and fun...even funny! We got home…
Just need a virtual hug today
Hi everyone. My DH has been taking Seroquel (200 mg each night) for about 6 weeks now for delusions and paranoia. I thought it was working but things now actually seem to be getting worse. He is afraid to go to bed at night because he thinks that men are in our house and they are threatening him, pulling his pants down,…
Follow-up on Seroquel Rx
There was a post about Seroquel a couple of weeks ago. I expressed interest because my husband was experiencing delusions and temper-explosions. I gave in to the neurologist’s suggesting Seroquel, in addition to the antidepressants. Many replies noted how effective it had been for their LO. The change in my husband after…