Spouse is in memory care relationship - do I visit?!
My dh has moved to a new memory care facility. Six weeks (and three window breaks) later he is in a new “relationship and reportedly more “calm”. This time the woman’s family is okay with their mom being involved. She is independent with her ADLs as is he. She can also communicate language well. He is severely cognitively…
What to tell friends?
I had a text recently from friends we haven’t seen since well before Covid—2 years, anyway. They would like to get together with us. I’d like to do that, but feel obligated to tell them where things stand with my DW—I can’t recall if we’ve ever spoken about the AD dx, but even if so the progression from a couple of years…
Asking for a friend (should she stop driving?)
(first post, here) Hello everyone, The partner of my good friend was diagnosed with EOAD about a year ago. She, the PWD, is in her mid-fifties and seems to be solidly in Stage 4, maybe dipping into Stage 5. My friend is in his late fifties. Ideally, he should be the one composing this post and seeking advice, but he seems…
Largescale brain epigenetics study provides new insights into dementia
5 year anniversary of diagnosis
Not a happy day. DH was diagnosed 5 years ago today at age 60. It seems so long ago, yet it seems like yesterday. He was probably stage 3 or 4 when he was diagnosed. Now he's early stage 7 and in MC. The grieving never ends. The losses never end. The sadness never ends. I hate this disease and watching what it's doing to…
Looking for Real Life
I have always thought that before it would be determined that wife was in end stage that she would be someone bed bound. Well she still gets around the house fine but has multipul problems. Well today went to the Neuro and he informed me she is is end stage. That was like a shot to the teeth. I am so down but do not want…
I'd like door number 2 please!
I said this to a friend the other day......wouldn't it be nice if it was that easy! I've really been struggling with accepting this new "normal" that I've been thrown into since DH was diagnosed 8 months ago. Some days seem okay, but others are a constant battle over every little thing. How did we get here! Can we just…
Choosing a Alzheimer’s doctor and paying care bills
DH has early Alzheimer’s and had seizures. The neurologist treats seizures & prescribed Keppra. He doesn’t treat AD or memory issues. Which dr would be suitable for AD? Also what legal documents should be in place? How does one afforded the monthly bill of $8000. Per month in Virginia for care community?
responsibility and guilt
Sounds like a Jane Austen title (pride and prejudice, sense and sensibility). This is what I feel the most, a tug of war between too much responsibility and guilt whenever I decide not to take on a responsibility. He walks around the room, I have a choice between keeping him busy or going to another room to isolate myself…
Lady Texan
Just want you to know I'm thinking of you. I know many of us are. I hope the telehealth appointment goes well tomorrow morning and will give you peace of mind. Please keep us posted. I also hope your dear husband is getting the help he needs and deserves.
a surprising health problem for me
I take care of my soon to be 91 yr old husband. I am 81. I noticed my eyes seemed blurry and bought some eyedrops thinking I could have dry eyes. Then I saw wavy lines so I got in to see the eye Dr today. I had the beginnings of macular degeneration but after tests today he said blood is leaking into my eye and thus I have…
questionable expensive Alzheimer's drug may get FDA approval
It would become a blockbuster drug within several years, analysts predict, costing tens of thousands of dollars annually per patient and bringing a windfall to its manufacturer, Biogen. Patient groups, desperate for treatments, are pushing for approval. But greenlighting the drug would fly in the face of objections from…
outstanding caregiver
That conversation
I have just come back from visiting DH in the NH, where he has been for almost 5 years. Today we went through almost all of the photos in his album, which he still seems to enjoy. Did not mention his brother's death (heart problems, but DH is convinced it was suicide). He did get somewhat anxious afterwards, saying the…
Loosing stuff
Hi, does anyone have ideas to secure glasses? DH can't find his, so we ordered another pair... We have a designated spot for wallet, phone, glasses, etc...doesn't always work! THANKS
Younger Spouses of Dementia Patients (VD) 10 to 20 years +-
Hello - just joined and have no idea how or where to start. One of my toughest challenges since my husband was diagnosed is that I now feel our age difference in many ways. Prior to diagnosis I never thought about it. Perhaps everyone married to someone significantly older struggles when illness of any type becomes part of…
Trip Trigger?
(I'm sure this has been addressed in the recesses of the forum, but not sure how to find it).We are 3-1/2 years in to my husband's diagnosis; he takes Memantine and Zoloft. We have taken overnight trips before, and no problem. This past week, I drove us to Palo Duro Canyon on Tuesday for a 3 night stay in a lovely cabin.…
Tough Day Bounce Back
Sometimes I feel like a nut when I post things when I’m upset and then the next day they show me the other side I thought I was at my wits end yesterday and due to the support on these boards decided to hang in there for another day and guess what today was a remarkably different day probably the best my wife has had in…
At Home Caregiver for Spouse
I've never been on this site before, and I hope that I can get some support. My problem right now is that DH is forgetting what somebody has told him on daily basis. His Dr., Nurse, friends, and family. I'm being very patience and if he forgets something, I'm just saying it again, as if he didn't hear me. If he forgets…
Just need to talk to my friends (147)
Hi, Time to start another segment - this really rolls around fast, doesn't it? We're a talkative bunch of people - and that's because we enjoy visiting here on the porch and are good friends. The holly Bryon and Shane trimmed back is looking good - lots of new growth - still kind of sparse at the bottom but no fixing that.…
husband in memory care
I moved my DH to a residential memory care facility 5 weeks ago. The home as 10 residents with 2-3 caregivers and a full time nurse. The residents can move freely throughout the home and into the garden which is fenced in. My husband is clean , well taken care of , and safe. The transition seems to have gone fairly…
Self care while DH is in the psych hospital
I had a minor meltdown on Friday, when I could no longer ignore the fact that DH may not be returning to our home. God has put several angels in my life that have basically ordered me to rest and relax this weekend and practice self care. It does not come natural to me (except for the bubble baths). I am actively doing…
2 first times today, I start to panic
Until now, when we saw friends, my partner managed to make up for it by putting a few thoughts into the discussion so that when I told them about my daily difficulties, they had a hard time believing that we were talking about the same person. But tonight, some friends we haven't seen many times came to dinner. He already…
finding a place for LO
Hello, My husband is 35 years older than I am. and he's got stage 6 AD. After the diagnosis of stage 5 2.6 years ago, I quit my job, and I have been taking care of him 24/7. I am still young and thought I was managing our situation pretty well. Mostly, I have been in denial for some time, I guess. A few months ago, our…
The Father
A cold and rainy holiday weekend here in the Hudson Valley, and with an aide to stay with my DW, I decided to go see a movie yesterday. First since Covid. (The nonprofit art house just reopened, with limited seating—three seats between filmgoers, only alternate rows, masks on for the entire show.) Only one movie was…
PCP ordered a colonoscopy for DW at her recent physical. She's six years into this disease and stage 5. Should she get the test or not?
Win column???
Thought I would share what I suppose would be one for the win column. Yesterday when I got home from work, I check DH's bathroom daily, to make sure he is not sneaking a cigarette in there. No smoking is allowed in the house. To my surprise, there was poop in the tub! First thought, Oh no! Then quickly thought of the…
DH was declined admittance to the psych hospital due to his acuity level
DH was declined admittance to several psych hospitals. I was hopeful (as was the local hospital) for a place in Austin. We all thought it was a done deal until I learned this morning that DH was declined due to his acuity level. I am at a loss of what to do now. DH has been in the ER since Sunday. He is not receiving…
Memory medication provegan otc
DH in early stages of Dementia and May be Parkinson’s. He tried Aricept, had seizure side effect, memantine made him more confused. So both meds stopped. He tried Otc Provegan last year, seemed to work without side effects medication is expensive and often sold out. Any one had good experience with this or any other otc…
Seizures, are they part of the journey?
My DH, just turned 56, diagnosed with FD and EOAD, has had what I thought were dizzy spells. He's had 5 in the last 12 days. He's aware and alerts me to what's happening, they last about 15 minutes and his arms shake with exaggerated motion. The doctor thinks they are seizures and has ordered a CT scan. Is this normal,…