Rough Week
Another rough week. I thought I had all the documentation to apply for Medicaid for my DH. The lawyer told me I still needed more. Now I have everything except two documents an I am waiting for them to be mailed to me. If they don't come soon, I will be paying Another $6,530 to the MC facility. Since I've already done the…
How to know I’m making the best desicion
I’m new to the discussion. I need help. I am struggling with the deduction to bring my father to my home in California. He currently lives by himself in another state has had a dementia diagnoses since 2017. Currently he his doctors have recommended for him not to drive. VA has only approved 6 hours a week of home health.…
Any Gay men out there?
I am a Gay guy living in the Southwest, taking care of my husband who has moderate memory issues. It would be helpful to communicate with another person in my situation. Thanks.
Should I Tell His Family?
My DH (61) was recently diagnosed with MCI most likely due to ALZ. There’s family history and his IQ has plummeted. He had the full neuropsych work up and that was the conclusion. He’s somewhat in denial, but is coming to terms. He doesn’t want me to tell anyone. I’m seeing declines monthly. I have no clue how fast this…
Medicaid (MD)
Trying to understand. When an individual gets to a certain point in paying for medical costs, they can approach Medicaid. From what little i have read, there is a provision where they wil require the individual to spend their own resources until they reach a certain limit. In MD 2500 (?) for individuals and a higher amount…
Getting a diagnosis for someone refusing to notify a doctor
New here! My mother doesn't have a diagnosis yet--she's been refusing to address her memory loss issues or tell her doctor what is going on. My stepfather has been helping her with routine tasks and even going with her to doctor's appointments (for unrelated issues), which has masked her loss of cognitive function. Earlier…
Has anyone else experienced this?
My HWD keeps insisting that his clothes are wet. They aren't, although they may feel a little cool to the touch due to the air conditioning. He is putting things in the dryer on high and leaves them in for a long time until they feel dry to him. If I tell him they aren't, he gets very angry and begins shouting that I am…
Checking in
Hello my friends! Just thought I'd check in. I just "celebrated" our 32nd anniversary, so thought it would be a good time to update everyone on what's going on now. DH is finally fairly comfortable. After years of his extreme agitation, anxiety, and whatever else was going on, he's now fairly calm. He turned 60 last…
I'm new to this group and hope to get some suggestions on how to handle this journey. My husband is 75 and I am 66. He was diagnosed with dementia over a year ago but there has been signs for 5-6 years. He's told me many times he sees old people at night and I just blew it off and told him they were probably ghosts since…
My 88 year old mom has dementia, age related memory loss, depression, stubbornness, and selfishness. She lives 1000 miles away from me and decided to try to live in the same town as me. She moved from her home with daily care to a supported living apartment. She's miserable being here and I'm miserable having her here but…
Getting angry/firm with mom
My mom is in late stage dementia. In SKN memory care. She cries and cries. She is anxious. She is on meds of course, they never seem to really work very well. Here's the thing, What happens if we get in mom's face and say, just stop crying! I watched someone else do this with their mom and wondered, does that really help?
A new unexpected life.
I worked hard for 45 years in a self employed stressful medical business. Have a wife and three kids and I worked scared all my life. Always what if. what if I die. What if I am disabled. What if the kids aren't brought up right and get into trouble. What if they can't find jobs. Etc. I denied myself enjoyment in the name…
Tam Cummings: Loss of ability to smile - indicative that death is near
Yet again I seek your insights into my DW's decline through Stage 7. She is still losing weight, but is still with us. The document from the Fisher Center, recommended on this site as a staging tool, further breaks down Stage 7 into six substages 7a-7f. Although my DW has Semantic Dementia not AD, in Stage 7 the issues are…
Leqembi infusions
Hello. My DH has been diagnosed with Alzheimers and recently began receiving Leqembi infusions every two weeks. I would appreciate hearing from any other caregivers who are undertaking this treatment. I'm looking for support and advice or tips.
How to redirect on a phone call
I posted this in general, but then saw the option for "long distance care", so reposted it here: My mom is in a memory care facility 3 hours away from me. Often, we have very pleasant conversations over the phone. Recently, she has been saying she is trying to call her mom/dad to pick her up and take her home (they have…
Didn't see Mom now for two weeks
Hello, I usually see my Mom every week. However I started a new job so last week I couldn't see her and today I locked myself out at the gym and needed an employee to cut the lock after I tried numerous times to try to unlock my lock. Why am I starting a new discussion because I can only see my Mom before I go straight to…
Saw my Mom Today
It's been 8 years that my Mom is in a NH. So today, I spoke to her like it was her first time meeting me. I told her who I am and that I got a haircut, I asked her if I looked good. Can you believe she spoke and said yes! We also prayed together, I of course pray only. This desiese is strange but I know it's just a good…
Today's Win
After some conversations with my state senator (and her super nice aide) the state of Delaware passed a resolution today naming September 22-29, 2024 FTD Awareness Week. It was oddly emotional to be there to see it pass.
Alf soon
Mom is 83 and doesn't have a formal diagnosis yet, but Definitely some sort of dementia. We have a neurologist appt in Sept. Due to her memory, she needs help, with meds, food, and some Healthcare. After her last surgery I finally got her agree to move to ALF, Dr' all agree. She's supposed to move in July 12th. She is now…
Is there an open forum for people to speak about their experiences?
Hi there, I’m Jen and my daddy has vascular dementia after suffering a stroke last year. I would like to find a place where I can talk with people in similar situations so we can share our experiences and support each other. Does anyone know where I can find such a forum please?
Product for missing the toilet?
hi all, my dad has moderate/advanced ALZ/Dem and is in AL. He is consistently missing the toilet when he urinates, and then becomes extremely irritated because he thinks the toilet is leaking. I see on Amazon there are many disposable “pee pad” products for around the base of the toilet, has anyone had luck with these?…
Teaching dad to care for mom
My dad believes he is ‘caring’ for my mom (who has mid-stage dementia) but I disagree. He/They want to stay at home but his version of care and conditions are deplorable. I want to educate him on what true care actually is. Any recommendations on organizations or services to do so? In home help has been vehemently refused…
DH not "feeling well"
my husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's about a year ago, but showed symptoms for several years. Like others, I was dismissed by physicians and nor believed by this children. He is still pretty functional, but lately sleeps a lot. Says he "does not feel well" almost every day. I ask if stomach, headache etc. he does not…
Never ready for this
I met with hospice intake today and the nursing assessment is scheduled for Monday. Part of me is protesting that it feels too soon. After all, we sat outside this morning, ate lunch in the community dining room. But: they will get her an adjustable hospital bed, which I think will be much better for her back; and they…
I'm an almost 69 year old male diagnosed with vascular dimensia about 6 or so months ago. Can't recall my last several or more birthdays, Christmas times or such. Almost tabula Rosa since around Covid (no I didn't get Covid). I am taking Aricetpt and Namenda for brain health and Zoloft and Remeron for depression. Had my…
Barely survived S In storm
60 hours with no electricity, 72 hours without TV, phone or internet. Stuck in the house with a spouse that does nothing but watch TV and drink beer. I had to watch him every minute to prevent him from opening the fridge or trying to fix the TV. He fidgeted, paced, and repeated himself all day, for 3 days. I pity those of…
The age old question - Is there life after caregiving?
Just wanted to touch bases, and let you know my experience with this. June 24, just a few days ago, marked 2 years since my wife passed. This has been harder than I ever could have imagined, although I don't know how much, if any, was due to caregiving. I had absolutely no interest in doing anything, and I think I just…
Yesterday was his young son's birthday (20 years old). I had made a roast beef. He made the pieces too big and put two in a row in his mouth. Result' it got stuck in his esophagus. This happens often because he eats very quickly. I haven't finished serving everyone and I haven't started eating yet, but he already has…
what does this mean & what are next steps
Hello, my LO is starting to exhibit physical challenges that I think are related to her ALZ diagnosis. I noticed maybe a month or 6 weeks ago that every now and then I would see that she would shake. So we bought plastic plates and cups for the house but she refuses to use them. Well this morning she couldn't manage a…
Tax prep
My dad just called me and asked me to help with filing his taxes. I'm going to gather as much tax paperwork and see a tax preparer who might do it for free, if possible. I knew it was a matter of time that he would admit he needs help.