Bible Verse to Lift You Up 6/24/24
GOD’S FAVOR FOR THE RIGHTEOUS Psalm 5:12 NIV "Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield." James 5:16 NIV 'Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." THINK ABOUT THIS…
new to this forum
Hi! I just discovered this forum and wanted to introduce myself. I live in Maryland and coordinate care for my mother who lives in Florida. I spend one week each month (for the last 14 months) in her home. She has 24 hour care by 4 amazing caregivers. I have constant questions about optimal care and how I can help. No…
Suggestions PLEASE
Hello everyone! This my first post, as a matter of fact, this is the first time I am dealing with someone with dementia. I am overwhelmed to say the least. I recently came to stay at a shelter, as I lost my house. This was 2 months ago. It's a small shelter, at present, there is just myself and another person, who has…
Just need reminding that I'm doing the right things for dad
So, based on the advise of this community and my own ability to see things more clearly, I have moved forward with holding a spot for dad at an AL community. I picked this place, as it has AL (which I feel is most appropriate for dad currently), but also has the MC part of the building where he can be transitioned to when…
Caregiving "shift" ending at sundown and restarting at sunrise.
While each PWD is different and some stay up at any time in the evening, some PWD may want to go to sleep somewhat early, which is convenient if it avoids sundowning. So that may be around 8 pm in summer. This also gives a caregiver some time on their own later, in order to do personal tasks, such as paying bills, or…
Dementia vs ALZ
Hi! Are there any behavioral or communication differences between the two? Is it possible to have a little of both? My mom hasn't been formally diagnosed with ALZ, just dementia, but apparently, her doctor thinks she's having some crossover symptoms. My 90-year-old mom has pretty much decided over the last couple of weeks…
Looking for my Care-Giver Peers with Spouses with Early-Onset ALZ Denver Area
I am a 60 year old man living in the Denver area. My wife was diagnosed with early onset at age 53 in 2020. I have attended our local monthly group but it gets so crowded and rarely is there enough time for serious discussion. It is emotionally draining and hard to find coverage so I can attend the meetings at the time…
Joyful surprise
I’ve been trying to get DH to shave for several days without success. This morning he said to me “I go to work today right?” Actually he goes to daycare which he believes is his work. So I agreed that yes he goes to work today. He got up, went to the bathroom and shaved.
A real conversation between MIL and DH
The movie Yours, Mine and Ours is blaring in the background. MIL is very hard of hearing so everything is always at 90% volume. ********** DH: I want you to try this cookie. It’s not too sweet. MIL: (suspiciously) What is it? DH: it’s a cookie. MIL: What? DH: A COO-KEY MIL: What’s a COO-KEY? DH: You know what a cookie is!…
always feeling cold
My DW is in moderate to late moderate stage. Through the winter she always said she was cold especially her legs. However, now that it is much warmer she will at times still say she is cold even when the room temp is 80 and she has a light blanket on. I have mentioned this recently to both her PCP and Neurology PA. Blood…
Closing Doors
I'm a 24/7 caregiver for my mom, who has stage 6 dementia. She has an extremely annoying habit about doors. When she goes to the bathroom or the back porch, she never shuts the door all the way. The bathroom is the worst for me (I've seen things I can't unsee). But the porch isn't much better as it lets in summer heat. The…
mom thinks I'm her sister etc.
My sister and I are adopted. So the latest focus for my mom is asking everyone where her kids are. She knows I'm Jennifer, but thinks I'm a different Jennifer than in all the pictures. She thinks her kids are still little girls. And she thinks I'm her sister. Yesterday she called my aunt and cousin to ask who took her…
Husband newly diagnosed and was still working
My 74 year old husband started having dreams that he thinks are real back in November. He was officially diagnosed in March. He was running his own business into the ground. Found out he hadn’t filed taxes in 5 years. Made him close the business and now we are being sued by one of his clients for $1M. If we lose this case,…
Not sure how to answer.....
My mom has LBD and she is constantly asking me if my dad is her husband. There are times I say yes he and she says well nobody told me. I know that you are suppose to meet them on their level, but everyday she asks me if the "man that takes care of her is her husband" . I am afraid if I say no that she will get scared and…
When it is time to take cell phone away
My Mom has been in memory care for 7 months with moderately severe dementia. I'd say she's Early to Middle Stage 5 on the DBAT. She still has her cell phone. I don't think she calls anyone except me, but she receives calls periodically from friends and family. I monitor her email account from my computer and today I…
Dr. Natalie video about four things we can do when our loved one is upset
I found this video helpful.
Bathroom issue
My dad, is double incontinent. if he goes out, and we have to bring some pull-ups in case of accidents, which bathroom (men or women's) should we go to change him at if we (mom and me) are women?
Do you take your LO in AL to the store to buy supplies?
Mom moved to AL about a month ago. I’m curious if you take your LO out weekly to buy supplies? I avoid it since I never know what she is going to decide she “needs”. I’m worried her room will fill with clutter or just multiples of things she already has. If I ask if she needs anything she will just tell me she needs to go…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 6/24/24
GOD’S FAVOR FOR THE RIGHTEOUS Psalm 5:12 NIV "Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield." James 5:16 NIV 'Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." THINK ABOUT THIS…
Namenda Seroquel Newbee
neurologist started LO on Namenda 5 MG twice a day. She will take morning dose with other meds. Other dose has to be mixed with Jelly in PB&J at lunch or if no lunch with applesauce at dinner. Also started LO on Seroquel25 MG once a day. Instructed to crush with second dose of Namenda and add to PB&J or applesauce. I have…
Looking for advice
Hi, I am new here. My mom has dementia/Alzheimer's. Dr told me to come here and try to find some support. I am 1 of 4 children, main caretaker of my mom. 2 brothers don't bother with her and 1 does when I beg for a break. She has been having hallucinations and I could always focus her on something else. Now it is none…
Elder Care Law Input
My mom was diagnosed with dementia a year ago, most likely Alzheimer's. She has been exhibiting dementia symptoms for six years or more, so the official diagnosis was not surprising. The doctor has asked us to not leave her home alone for more than an hour or two. She is still pretty active physically but has little to no…
New To Group and Need Help
Hi all, I am new to this group because I don't know where else to turn. My wife has had Dementia for a few years now. She is steadily getting worse. She can still care for herself but has had increasing bouts of anger and depression. She is diabetic and takes insulin shots and on 3 occasions now has used her low sugar to…
How do we know what is right?
Mom lives with me full time now, she was going back and forth between myself and my sister until about 4 months ago. We have caregivers coming to the house while we work, and she is on a waiting list for memory care. I just wonder… when a place becomes available, will it be right to say yes we are ready? Mom is generally…
Moving to ALF
I finally convinced mom to move to ALF with a little help from her dr. It was not without a battle. That said she moves in 3weeks. I am so new to this dementia illness, I am learning what to say and not say. She is so stressed now and doubly confused. She putting the things she wants to take in bags and cleaned out her…
Dementia and explosive fireworks
I don't know how it is in your area but in my area, my neighorhood end entire city, people are lighting off fireworks that sound like canons. This will be the first firework holiday where I won't be able to comfort my DW during those times. I'm concerned, because she'll be in her room all alone, she'll freak out becoming…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 6/24/24
GOD’S FAVOR FOR THE RIGHTEOUS Psalm 5:12 NIV "Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield." James 5:16 NIV 'Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." THINK ABOUT THIS…
DW with late stage early on-set had a seizure at home last Friday. Called 911 and EMTs transported her to local hospital, where she had another seizure in the ER. She was admitted and stayed in the hospital for 5 days. The first two days she did not wake up. They did a number of diagnostic tests but didn't determine a…
A Warning re:PWDs and others who live alone
Yesterday I got a telephone message on my landline from "Anonymous": "This is your official notification that you have been placed on my schedule to be served court-sealed documents. You will be served either at your place of employment or place of residence. At that time a signature and two forms of identification will…
Early onset: navigating caregiving AND parenting simultaneously
Lately, I've been feeling more ready to wander around these forums and read about the struggles and heartbreaks of other caregivers. We are fairly new to this reality and I'm finding acceptance of our circumstances little by little. I recently found the Dementia Behavioral Assessment Tool (DBAT) and it's given me such a…