Traveling with Dementia Spouse
If there is a need to travel with your spouse, here is a possible aide. I placed an apple luggage tag in my husband's wallet just in case we should get separated. While I stuck to him like glue, it did give me some peace of mind as I knew I had something to track him with if needed.
New to this
My husband has not been diagnosed with AZ as of yet. HIs neurologist finally agreed that a number of tests were needed to make a diagnosis. Here's the problem. I know, and my husband knows, that he's losing his memory. He depends on me more and more for simple things (where to go, what phone calls need to be made, what day…
Bedroom odor
Figure I would ask here for suggestions. DH has his own room. Each morning when he opens his bedroom room a terrible odor emits from his room. I change the sheets weekly, clean his room etc. Yesterday I did a total “spring cleaning” washed everything from sheets, pillows, blankets, bedspread, curtains and cleaned the…
by Jo C. Information Re How To Choose Recliner Chairs and Lift Chairs
It is a good idea to seek input and measure before buying a chair. What we found out the hard way was that one needs to do a bit of research and measuring of our Loved One (LO) and so much also depends on what our LOs capabilities are. Chairs are expensive, so it is best to not take shortcuts that may not work well. Since…
Jo C. Bugsaroo How Are You Doing?
We hope you have made it over to the new Platform. We know that you have been having a dreadfully long lasting severe set of problem issues with your dear husband which is an understatement. You have been doing an amazing job of managing under some of the worst circumstances. We know that "up there" in beautiful Canada,…
by Dio - How to add your avatar image
I see many members are still without their lovely avatars, so in case you want to add your avatar... Click on your icon, go to your Account and Privacy Settings, on the right column select Change my picture, and then scroll all the way down to "Or select an image on your computer (2mb max):" and select the image from your…
by Ed - About Jo C
She has asked for us to start the title of a new thread with our username. Considering all the great help she has provided for all of us, I think doing that for her would be a small way of saying "Thanks, Jo". It seems that would make it a little easier for her. And if you forget to do that, with the new system, you can…
Jo C. Testing If Can Add Name For Member Ease
Testing to see if a Member can add their avatar name to the Thread Title so they can be easily identified for Members. We could ALL do this if it works; it would be very helpful.
MC move today.
DW is moving into MC care today. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for a peaceful transition. I will post more on our journey at another time.
I saw DW today......
DW was in bed but dressed and clean I brought ice cream and muffins. no response when I touched her or talked to her. It is simply so hard to compare the "person" in front of me with the wonderful, talented, brilliant, caring, loving woman I married and who lives on in my mind. How was I ever so smart to realize in 1971 at…
by Ed - Free TV streaming
Maybe someone here will find this useful. Sling has free streaming to some pretty good content. I got on there last night, just to check it out. While using the guide, I found a program, "Work Wild", that I thought might interest PWD. It showed people working with elephants, rhinos, and monkeys. There are a lot of programs…
There used to be something called newsgroups. I belonged to one called alt.machines.cnc. It was a discussion group like this except it was a bunch machinists talking about machining related stuff. This was probably in the late 1990's. It was very simple. Someone posted something. If you added a comment it would be…
A Day in the Life
I wish I could record some of our conversations. It's like "Who's on first" around here. Have to chuckle. Mike: (running into the bedroom where I’m getting dressed) TEE TEE TEE! Me: TEE TEE?? Mike: TEE TEE TEE! Me: PEE PEE? (he says this a lot when he has to pee) Mike: TEE TEE TEE! (he often says things three times)…
Another Day
Did you finish the 5 day program by "Careblazers"? I'm pretty sure that's the same one I took before, and I thought it was great. Just wondering what your thoughts were on it?
This video is for you, especially if you are a newbie
Top 5 Caregiving Mistakes to Stop Doing Today
Wading through the suck
While the message board was down I was missing my ritualistic visitations to a chat room filled with people with problems similar to mine. I was going through withdrawal and I started searching for other similar chat rooms. I couldn't find any that weren't facebookized. They all suck. Plus I already have history with this…
Sam Bennett - Masters tournament golfer whose dad had Alzheimer's
Have you heard about Sam Bennett? He's 23, and is playing in the Masters Tournament this year. His dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at age 45, passed 2 years ago. He has a tattoo on his arm of the last thing his dad wrote, "Don't wait to do something." I guess his dad said that to him, then he asked his dad to write it…
Blessed Easter dear forum friends. Even with all the sorrows we face, Easter still brings me joy. I wish you blessings today. Brenda
Sometimes you just have to laugh til ya cry
April 3, 2023 (Sometimes you just gotta laugh til ya cry) It’s 10:30 am. Jim is usually up by now. I’ve done most of my morning things, made coffee. Did up dishes, cleaned counters off, fed dogs, etc. I go in to check on him. He is still in bed. He says he catching up on the news and asks where are we? We’re in our…
Camera in memory care
Does anyone have a recommendation for a good camera to place inside of a memory care room? My father's MC allows for it - but wondering which brand works best? Thank you!
Rehashing the past
My husband has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and is taking medication for it, ong with lots of other meds. Tonight he wanted to rehash my past dating and sexual encounters because he just "wants us to be honest." We have been married almost 40 years. He was recounting boyfriends I had before him and what he…
Hot water
My wife has EO and almost without fail, We go to the gym and workout every M-W-F. The hot water heater was not working this morning at our place. My wife would not go to the gym today because she was worried that the hot water would be out there too. After trying to convince her that the two hot water sources were not in…
Meeting with CELA/Irrevocable trust?
At my son's request, we met yesterday with the CELA who prepared our DPOA documents about two years ago. My son was hoping that my DH (who has been extremely uncooperative) could be compelled to accept care under this document, which was not the case, the lawyer told us, because "dementia is not a mental illness" and those…
Just need to talk to my friends (190)
I typed a long post on comments and then couldn't find a way to post it. So I'll try this. I won't type much - just to see if it works. Ron, so sorry about Little Bit. I know how you feel. I know he has been a lot of company to you through your caregiving time - his memories will always be with you just as the memories of…
New format
Maybe I'm too old for all of this. Makes me wonder why change was needed. Seems like caregivers have enough on their plate without having to learn something new in order to find answers to their questions. I agree with the others who commented about the new format - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just my opinion and I…
Hospice question(4)
I've read many post where a lot have been on hospice a couple of years. A friend told me her father with dementia was on hospice for over 4 years. I thought life expectancy had to be around 6 months in order to qualify. Has anyone here had hospice for LO over 2 years? At my husband's last (PCP) doctor visit, doctor…
Questions n
How do I get to the Spouse and caregivers forum to read posts?
I need input on a different topic
I have a son who is mildly mentally handicapped. About four or five years ago, he tried to commit suicide by loading a rifle in a gun shop, then shooting himself in the head. The bullet grazed his head, and he was arrested. He was court ordered into a state hospital, and spent more than a year there. Long story short, he…
Loss of brain function with new alz. meds?