Hi… I’m New Here
My husband was diagnosed initially w FTD and now after neuro psych appts with EO Dementia - mild. He’s 52 and we are trying to live and learn. We are working through long term disability process and permanent disability. Things are moving along. Slowly but surely. I think the daily schedule is important and he does not…
Not again
My dw of 57 years passed 9 years ago of Alzheimer's. I remarried 4 years ago and am seeing early symptoms in number 2.
For those who have lost a spouse
This poem was given to me by hospice. Gone From My Sight I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side, spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea…
I miss the Musings board
I have had a few postings that I've wanted to make on the Musings board, but alas, it's gone for good.
Decades of anger from combative spouse
Hi, everyone: this is part commentary and part question. My wife of almost 40 years (we're both 69) is far along on the dementia journey -- probably mid-level, according to ALZ metrics, in that she can still feed, clothe, bathe herself but is entirely confused by dates, times, events, and the interdependencies between…
Indoor locks?
My DH has been attempting to go outside at night. I am ordering alarms, but I was told I should check on Indoor locks, too. I was wondering what brands or styles do others use? He is mild/moderate but quick at the door. Thanks for any suggestions. Man, this is tough. Thx.
Wandering at night
My husband recently started trying to walk outside in the night from bed. He has 100% use of a walker. My question is should I try to talk to him about this? He is diagnosed with moderate Alzheimer’s.
Thinking about all you caregiving partners
well really thinking about all of us but caring for a spouse or partner is another kind of warrior
Tough getting my head around things
Oh my! Why am I posting so much negative things the past few days? Been a turning point for me I guess. Day didn’t start out so well, awake since 3 am DH grumpy as usual. Finally ventured out with him to do some errands and visit the grands for a few. Get home and he starts complaining about our neighbor dumping dirty…
Nowhere- temporarily living in same town as my husband
No longer do I need to disguise myself to visit my husband. Not even a Covid mask! He knows I’m his wife, without knowing the details. He no longer aggressively seeks to find me when I leave. Or demands to leave. It’s wonderful. I see him inside lots of smiles and deep sighs. He’s still the caring gentleman of others. This…
White Crane Questions about buying a transport chair
I have been thinking about buying a transport chair for my DH but am not sure I would use it very often. I'm a small person, about 90 lbs. He weighs about 200 lbs. I'm wondering if I got a transport chair, first of all, could I push him easily and second, would I really use it much. Have any of you purchased one? If so,…
by Dio - Changing PCP to MCF's visiting doctor
Just wondering if after placement whether I should sign up with the visiting doctor at the facility. On the one hand, it'll definitely save us the hassle of hauling DH out of the facility to go to his current PCP's office, which is quite far from the facility. Plus, the visiting doctor is closer in proximity and will be…
This new site is frustrating
As a positive I am glad I can stay signed in. Here’s what I don’t like: The layout is hard to follow. The profile pictures and the printing are small and nothing stands out, The cakes and badges are silly and seem to be generally disliked but your response was they are staying. The old site was so easy and I sure do miss…
Question for Group
DH and I married 14 years ago (I was widow and he widower). We have prenuptial agreements so we don't blend our assets. He retains his accounts, credit cards, etc in his name and I retain mine so we don't go into each others accounts. My concern is his executive lobe is affected by his dementia and he constantly has…
do not want my email address to be in profile
I went to my profile and do NOT want my email address to be listed. I did not check to have it shown publicly but I see it is still there. How do I delete my email address?
Don’t only read this discussion
Quoting from a different poster: —I only go to this area ‘Caring For A Spouse’, so, sign in and six clicks later and here I am.— Please don’t do that There is a lot of good information and also several people who need your support on the General Caregiving and Caring for Parents discussions. I know it’s annoying to have to…
I changed my profile picture
This a photo I took of a Honey badger Are honey badgers aggressive? A nocturnal creature, honey badgers (or ratels) are known for being vicious, fearless and aggressive. Black apart from a silver-grey and white mantle which extends from its head to the tail tip, the honey badger is powerfully built and will attack anyone…
Day to day
Still working on the bedroom odor issue but have messaged doctor. We will see. Just feeling more and more distant from DH. Conversations are nowhere, definitely feeling he’s not really engaged . Trying my best to keep him engaged in daily activities. He says he doesn’t know what to do so I write down simple tasks but he…
Global volume loss without lobar predominance. DH had CT Scan today, hallelujah!
Dear AlzFriends, My DH made a 180 turn about getting tested and getting a diagnosis. This happened because I told him that there are now medications that improve memory to some extent. I was telling him about Citicoline, a supplement, plus memantine, a prescription drug. Here is the link: DH was excited to know that there…
by Jo C. Ed1937
Thinking of you and Mike and how things are going for Mike, so hope that adequate services have been found for him. Also wondering how you have been feeling since that, "episode," also hoping that all is going better for you. Continue prayers for you and Mike, J.
acceptance in MC
I am now ready to place my DH but have run into an unexpected problem. I have chosen a MC that is in the town our only child and her family live. The plan was that we would move him there so they can be available for visits and any concerns when I am not there. They are in another state. The room is reserved with the large…
Has anyone else found humor in this? I was just talking to DH about legal matters going forward if we do get an Alzheimer's diagnosis. I said I'd need to change my medical POA so that my son would be first, and his wife would be second if my son is unable to do it. It was a rough thing to talk about. But, I got through to…
by Ed - Increased Medicaid coverage at home?
Cutting edge care
Is in home or memory care tax deductible?
Does anyone know if any in home or facility care is tax deductible?
Buggsroo where I am at
Sorry for the radio silence. It’s been crazy here at the house because my mother has been in hospital since February, so I have been visiting her and caring for my husband. I am exhausted and doze off during Masterpiece Theatre or when PBS starts asking for money. My husband still leaves turds about, I just follow mY nose…
Battle Buddy - Hospice Respite
I wanted to tell you all about my first attempt at using Respite provided by Hospice . It’s been a year and nine months on Hospice , and I never took advantage of this perk. But after I had a cancer scare over Christmas , ( the lump was benign thank God) , I told myself I was going to take the respite offered by Hospice…
Adult Diapers
Several months ago I called my wife’s insurance provider about incontinence supplies. They sent samples and when I saw them, it broke my heart to consider using them so I resisted for months. I couldn’t imagine how she might react. So I just kept waking up multiple times a night and checking on her. Sometimes she’d trip…
by Jo C. TO: Ed1937 "Understanding The Dementia Experience"
Sorry to bug you Ed, but I am trying to find the pdf link to Jennifer Ghent-Fuller's, "Understanding The Dementia Experience," but I find that my link no longer works. I get a listing of various topics instead. If you have it, I would appreciate it if you could send it on. I did use the Search function here, but no matter…