seroquel and ativan
Hospice has put DH on Seroquel and ativan to help with his nighttime wanderings in memory Care. That seems to have helped but he seems very drowsy. He had been walking the halls for hrs at night. Anyone else have their loved on these meds? This is my first post on the new format for this forum.
wish I knew when future would begin again
I'm so bored with changing diapers, and bringing my DH food that he may or may not eat. He will go for days not eating much at all then he will spend a day eating everything in sight. I know Hospice told me there would be ups and downs but I am tired of it. He can't get out of bed and yesterday he stopped talking. Vascular…
The Lost Years
It has been over six months since I wrote The Cavalry Is Not Coming, and I am happy that my message was able to bring a measure of clarity and peace to so many of you. That message summarized my experience with the fact that we are alone in this ordeal: No one is really coming to help us, the medical community is…
What Alzheimers leaves
This is a piece of paper it looks blank but if you look in the middle you'll see a mark going down the page. That is the mark that my dw made with a ball point pen when she got super frustrated. She would bear down with all her might and gouge the note book. It usually ruined the pen and the note book. I needed some paper…
Just need to talk to my friends (189)
Morning, Thought it was about time to start a new segment of our thread. Sounds like it's a gloomy, cold day everywhere. I know it is here - it's cold and the north wind is blowing. The girls were down around the house this morning drinking clean water and grazing some. Saw two of the tiny babies and talked to them. Good…
What is a friend?
We all know how friends seem to disappear when dementia hits. But what are friends? At my age, just about all of my friends have moved away or they died. There was a young couple who moved into the house behind ours, back around 1973. They are still there, while I have moved 3 times since then. Occasionally I will run into…
How to reconnect with a member
When someone figures out how to reconnect (private message with) with another member, please post instructions. I didn't see instructions for that, hopefully we still have that option.
Communication frustration
My partner stumbled and fell a couple of weeks ago trying to close a curtain in the MC dining area. She got right up and wasn't apparently hurt, and they did call me at the time; we decided to just watch her. But since then her back had been hurting more, and she is staying in bed more and continues to isolate in her room.…
Hasn't been
Crushed, Butterfly Wings, Cinsababe, abc123
I used our horrid search function for hunt up Cinsababe’s last post. As near as I can tell, it’s been over a year since we have heard from her. The last post I saw had concerns about her DH’s aggressive behavior. Butterfly Wings had replied to that post. I think BW disappeared from our forums in the summer of 2022. Then…
a Poem--- Pearls at dawn
I was in a Poetry mood this morning inspired by the memory of waking up with DW still wearing her pearls. Pearls at Dawn I love to think of ladies’ pearls From dowagers to teen age girls They come from oysters large and small White or colored, love them all A pearl necklace around the neck At weddings or the discotheque…
The Velveteen Rabbit
When we were married, almost 44 years ago, the priest added this reading to our wedding ceremony from a children’s book, “The Velveteen Rabbit” by Margery Williams. My sister read it at the ceremony. I happened to come across it on the internet and was thinking how much of a deeper meaning it has now. "What is REAL?"…
Neither Married Nor Single
My daughter suggested I might want to read this book. I'm glad she did. It is the story of a professional couple in Vancouver, Canada and how they found out about and dealt with her Alzheimer's diagnosis. I read the first chapter in the online preview pages and immediately ordered a copy. For anyone interested it is…
You need to read this NOW
I expect this to be much better than the last one. She offered a free 5 day course 2 or 3 years ago, which I took her up on. I thought it was excellent. https://www.dementiacareclass.com/product-launch-landing-page1646772803737
I am not ready for this
I’m a private person. Regret doing this. Not continuing.
Re: new platform
If there are threads that you want to refer back to, be aware that bookmarks from the current platform probably will not work on the new platform. Also, you will not be able to search for a particular thread by date, because the archived threads will all have the same date, or close to the same date. This is how it…
Just Want to Hug Him One More Time
I have not posted nor read much on this forum the last three weeks as DH was in a new MC center and I was staying away from visiting for two weeks so he could get acclimated. I talked to him once on the phone and he was happily singing "The Rain in Spain" with one of the caregivers. I was about to call and ask if I could…
Imposter syndrome
DH finally was able to have CT of head completed last week and it shows no mass, lesion or bleed, no midline shift, grey-white matter differentation normal, ventricles clear, symmetrical and normal in size, no hydrocephalus, no abnormal intracranial enhancements, mild carotid artery stenosis – an essentially normal CT. It…
So stressed
Here’s what’s happened: 10/14 DH is independent. Drives, cooks, etc. 10/15 DH in geripsych for one month 11/15-1/5 DH in MC. Develops UTI. Becomes incontinent and has extreme aphasia. 1/13-1/30 DH in hospital. 1/30-3/9 DH in different geripsych where I was told he was the most difficult patient they’ve had. My options were…
Lilly clinical trial
Saw an ad on TV soliciting participants for a trial of a new AD med. DW said "I wonder if that might help me" so I went on line and signed her up. We'll see how it goes.
Seroquel question(1)
My son was just prescribed seroquel. He has psychiatric problems, but is home with me now. His depression is pretty severe now, and I was wondering how long it might take for him to feel just a little better mentally. I know it can vary with different people, but just looking for a ball park est.
Citicoline supplement: does it improve memory?
Dear Alzfriends: I was doing a research articles search for medications/supplements that actually help improve memory for dementia (and stroke) patients. I came across several research articles showing positive results with the supplement citicoline. Does anyone here have experience or knowledge to share? I've placed an…
For Novice about marriage
Novice - I’m starting a new topic to discuss your post about your upcoming marriage. I don’t want to rain on your parade, but I advise you to first discuss that with an elder care and estate lawyer. It may or may not be in your financial ( or his) best interest to be legally married. Yes, you both may gain access to…
A New Chapter
My DH was just recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Though we have known for a number of years that he was cognitively challenged we carried hope that the diagnosis would be different. DH is doing well with the diagnosis because he doesn't comprehend all of what was said in the diagnosis and doesn't carry details long in…
Awareness update
Within the last five minutes I received a message from the reporter who was going to do an article about dementia. He told me he is willing to do a writeup on the dark side of dementia, if that sounds good to me. Possibly a series of articles. He did read the other thread on this. I have different thoughts about doing…
Lots of anger, family telling me he needs assisted living
Over the last several weeks my DH (diagnosed 4 months ago with "mild dementia") has been having many angry outbursts. For instance, we had to have a building inspector come to our house and he was so angry the inspector could not perform the inspection and we had to reschedule. Then last weekend, he got so upset at my DIL…
Count your blessings
As care takers it's often hard to keep from sinking into the state of depression. I am generally a positive person, so I make every attempt to enjoy my life through this journey. Some days are easier than others....as we all know. This forum has helped such as: My DH constant shadowing can be very annoying but taking off…
Intimacy while facing poor hygiene on the part of my EO wife.
What can be done when my wife expects a certain level of intimacy despite her poor personal hygiene? I don't want to hurt her feelings and she was always a very clean person. However, this disease has caused her to consistently disregard her hygiene. She will even mislead me about whether she has taken a shower. I don't…
How to Alz-proof home?
I read that I should make changes to our home… locks on cabinets, take up small rugs, hide the poisonous items… I’m looking for suggestions to start implementing, things to consider…but, goodness, will I have to turn the house into a hospital setting? Obviously DH functions fairly well now, he is early mid stage, but…