Grief Counseling
To those who have recently lost a LO; I'd like to add my 2 cents worth of suggestions regarding grief counseling: 1. Wait a month. I think it took me that long to be able to even say DH's name out loud without crying. 2. Make sure you are a 'fit' for this support group in advance. The hospice SW recommended a zoom support…
DH Passed
I am sad to say that DH passed away on Sept 21, 2022. He declined very rapidly after his last episode and was gone a month later. I did get in to see him on the 20th and sat with him on the 21st. I am angry at the legal system as they charged a man with assault and he didn't know what was going on. He didn't know what he'd…
Spouse keeps asking for his younger wife/girlfriend
My 75 year old husband keeps asking me over and over if he can take the car and go see me. We have been married for 54 years. He knows exactly the location of the house where I grew up and dated him but its in another state over 2500 miles away. I keep telling him I am right here. That doesn't work! Many times he thinks I…
Rational Comments interspersed with hallucinations
DH has been in SNF rehab since 9/11. I visit from about noon to 3:30 or 4:00 daily. He gets very confused when I go home. He understands I am going home to feed the cat and dog, but thinks I am also going to take him home to the house he grew up in in New Jersey. He has been in California for 64 years and in the same house…
Neurologist appointment
We had our appointment with the neurologist last week. I took some of your advice and told him we were going to a Medicare well check that we have to start doing every year. The appointment lasted about two hours and my DH was given the full scope of tests. He did pretty good on some (name as many animals as you can in 30…
For Hoot619 billing
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Stopping by to update situation
Hi, I've been around quite a while, although previously more active on the caregiver's forum. I wanted to reintroduce myself and describe the current situation. Most of the information regarding my spouse is in my profile, so I won't repeat it here. The progression has been rather slow, and step-wise in nature. There are…
DH wants a divorce
My DH is pretty early on but on a number of occasions (particularly on my day off) he doesn’t know we are married and when I explain we are he wants a divorce. He wants to know who has the deed to the house (he signed it over to me but doesn’t remember). Today I played along and said I would find a lawyer and he should…
I was dumbfounded by what DH’s aide said-what do you think
A few months back my DH’s aide said she couldn’t see how I could do what I do. I was taken back because she is only here 12 hours a week while I am here 24/7. She is half my age. Apparently 4 hours, 3 days a week is a struggle. I have just been keeping on keeping on. My husband is one of those that must be on the go…
things seem to be going downhill
DH is in an enhanced care facility. Price is crazy but he needs to be there. He's unable to walk. He is getting more and more agitated. Hospice reminded the nurse yesterday he needs to get his meds on a regular basis before he gets agitated. Yesterday he was so mad at me he said he hated me. He is still thinking I have…
What if LO doesn't want to be placed in MCF?
DH just blurted, "Don't send me away." I don't know if he's psychic or simply peeked over my shoulder and saw that I was researching MCFs on my laptop. Then it dawned on me that while I was focused on planning ahead for placement, it hasn't occurred to me that he may resist and fight it tooth-n-nail. While the emotional…
Dancing With the Dark
I heard this and thought of all of us. https://youtu.be/HsGNmEniIe0 It was a hot link when I copied it. Just cut and paste into browser. Dave
They are planning on sending her home
I just got a call from Northwoods saying that the hospital is sending her home. They wanted Northwoods to help me at home. She told the hospital there wasn't anything they could do. They have been out in the past helping her but quit when DW refused to help. She let the hospital people know what I'm going thru. She knows I…
She doesn't deserve this.
I came here to post a long virtual rant but I'm just too tired. After a good week 2 weeks ago where my wife and I rented a condo at the shore just to watch the water, this past week has been so hard culminating in a major breakdown for her this evening. All I can say is "She doesn't deserve this". I know no one else does…
If I could end it all for her
I would do it, laying in the bed and slowly coming to her end of life. I wish and pray that it would end quicker for her. The kids are hurting and so am I. I guess its grief that I am going thru. Usually reading this forum helps me a lot. Today not so much it just that I miss her so darn* much , the last 3-4 months have…
Painfully Beautiful Music - If I Could Be With You Now.
It touches my heart deeply and says so much . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMpwWSFEvEY J.
Florida Dept. Of Elder Affairs Survey
Please see this link to a survey of caregivers by the Florida Dept. Of Elder Affairs, for those who live in Florida. https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/5b2b041b2d1244f68dc138f9da85c6f5?fbclid=IwAR2NanJHMMNdSErh-kMKUiRiQreKkYuYYvUK8iuJ2XWY39BSvIKbqfwehGU
New Developments in Alzheimer’s Disease Research
Yesterday's Placement Went Well
Thanks to all for support in other recent posts! Yesterday started with a combined sense of determination and dread. The butterflies in my stomach were hard to contain. DW's placement could not have gone any better! Her older sister accompanied us for support.We started the day by walking our dog (poor guy was about to…
Dizzy Spells
DH with VD has been having dizzy spells several days during the past few weeks . They occur when he is sitting and at random times! He had an MRI today and neurologist said there has been little to no change since his last 2 years ago and is not sure what is causing his symptom. He is on medication for diabetes , but the…
Researching MC Facilities
My DH's condition seems to progress/decline rapidly, and his mood and/or lucidity is fluctuating every few hours instead of every other day (Jekyll and Hyde syndrome). Although he can still manage self hygiene, he is starting to forget the necessary steps. With LBD, it's too unpredictable when his condition will take…
My husband’s doctor is switching him from Seroquel (somewhat effective) to Xyprexa for a trial. Any experience with this? I did a search for Xyprexa on this site and did not get a result. Thanks!
Where it’s at
Hi everyone,I am sorry I haven’t posted for awhile. I am looking for a home for my husband or have started the process. I have been reading the posts and I see so much similarities in the posts on here and what I am experiencing. My husband is starting to decline more and the two sentences he does say are: Should I go to…
Transferred tomorrow
Good news, tomorrow my partner will leave the hospital. We have won, he will be transferred to what we call a « cognitive & behavioral unity ». Not sure how to translate. It is a unity, depending on the hospital where people with dementia and behavior issues are welcomed, observed and treated so that to solve their…
I got Covid!
DH has been in Memory care for 5 weeks. I had been over there everyday to eat lunch with him and also to check that they are giving him the correct medications etc. He has fallen 2 x since he was there and had to go one time to the ER to get stitches over his eye. I have been under such stress and felt very tired and…
We got our grave marker
Wife spilling Ensure
This didn't stop it but sure helped, I used a nail set and punched a hole in top so straw would just fit. She just knocked her Pepsi over a full can almost , I don't know if she had taken a sip out of it . I had the drops in the straw, Next can I will punch a hole for straw ,hope it works. Hoot I did scrub the nail set
The discomfort of public acknowledgment of illness
I just did something for the first time that felt very uncomfortable. On the advice of my counselor, I sent a confidential email to family and some good friends, letting them know to take emails my husband forwards to them with a grain of salt. I notice lately he's been sending more forwards of potentially…
Is alz an autoimmune condition?
Shingles & Caregiving
Yes, I'm up in the middle of the night. I apparently have Shingles. Last winter I got the full two shot "vaccine", but I still got Shingles. I'm telling everyone this because as caregivers we need to stay healthy. Science does not know how chicken pox viruses that have been dormant in your body for decades suddenly…