Coping with loss
Still new to these threads and I'm experiencing things that many of you have already experienced and so I write, looking for a few answers. I realize that this journey shows us many losses, but tonight, one particular loss has hit me like a ton of bricks. We had planned so many things for our retirement, DH retired two…
The journey start
Im pretty sure my DH has the beginning of dementia. He no longer makes coffee like he used to, says he doesn't think he can do it. He asks what day it is so he can take his meds. He doesn't do hardly any chores like he used to. Our Dr of 25 years retired and did say dementia is starting. We have blood work today and he…
Hurricane Ian bullseye update
My county was ground zero, much been on national news about the beaches and island destroyed. Our house —20 miles from beach—is near downtown FM; has major roof damage, we lost a car and 2-story “garage” bldg. apartment. Our house is about 8 inches higher than most so no flood inside house, most neighbors lost their homes…
Memantine ingredient in Covid drug being researched
My sister came across this article about a potential Covid drug that lists Memantine as an ingredient. I wonder if Memantine on it’s own has any effect? https://www.scripps.edu/news-and-events/press-room/2022/20220929-lipton-covid.html
TIA, a glimpse at the next stage
My husband and I walked to the post office today. On the way back he shuffled his feet more than usual, and veered off in a stumble, then I could barely walk him home. He fell on the final stair into the living room. He could not follow one simple direction (not uncommon) and his muscles were simply not working. Thankfully…
Hitting the dog
My sweet pup, Bob, has an issue with his back that causes him to yelp when he poops. Last night DH screamed at Bob while he was pooping. DH then started yelling at me for not helping Bob. An hour later DH came to bed, yelled at me, Bob growled in response. DH hit Bob. Lately when DH gets mad he actually growls as well. I…
More research questioning aducanumab
A new study gives evidence that amyloid plaques is not the driving factor in Alzheimers disease, but it is rather a consequence of the disease. It shows evidence that Alzheimers may develope as a result of the decline in amyloid-beta peptides. Therefore removing amyloid plaques, which the newly approved aducanumab…
Personality traits prior to being diagnosed
Hi. I’m new here and this is my first post. DH was diagnosed about 2 years ago. He is in early stage Alzheimer’s, possibly transitioning to mid stage. Some days he seems almost normal, others, he is more repetitive and confused. He is 79 and retired from a long career where he had so many other working and doing things for…
Her Journey is over
I let my other fellowship know last night, it was hard but I had to do it. I let them know that I remained sober thru all of this. I also let them know that between them and this fellowship it made my journey with her easier. Yes it was very hard at times but I made it thru it without hurting Jan there was some screaming…
New Member, Frustrated and Burnout by Needy DW with EO and Metastatic Breast Cancer
Dear Members, I’m a new member likely experiencing what all of you go through on a regular basis also. DW diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC to the Bones) in 2014 at age 47. First signs of cognitive impairment in 2016 and diagnosis of EO in 2019. I would estimate she is in the early Stage 6 phase as I must help…
MC availability – what a difference location makes.
As I write this, I am painfully aware of how difficult placement and care has been for some of our board members, especially Hoot in his resent search for adequate care for his LO Jan (God rest her soul). (I am also a native Gander although aTroll). In the past several weeks I have visited 8 MC facilities within 10 miles…
New day New Challenge ... Again
I’m beginning to see that nothing will remain the same from day to day. DH was doing ok, not great but ok. Today he’s repeating questions, doesn’t remember events, making silly faces when he walks into the room, doesn’t respond when asked a question, talking about people who have passed away as if they are still here! How…
DW Trip to ER & Her Ex’s Passing
As I have posted previously my stepdaughter is an only child that has a mother with Alzheimer’s and a father with vascular dementia. Over this journey my stepdaughter & I have work together to support each other and provide the best care possible for both her parents. Last November when placement for her father became…
Zyprexa appears to work for us
Hello fellow caregivers, I am breaking from my usual posts made in crisis to report some positive developments. Zyprexa appears to be working for my HWD. I give a dose in the morning and one before bed (with a melatonin gummy). The auditory hallucinations have vanished, his agitation is diminished, and somehow he has…
Palliative care - today
I'm back from Tunisia where I went to get his things. I hesitated a lot to go there but I needed to thank people there (the 2 caregivers but also the other residents spouses whos did so much). For once, it was a cery pleasant stay : golf, swimming pool, I even had a very nice sea bath. I was there only 3 days and went back…
End of phone solicitation
For the longest period whenever the phone rings and just a phone number shows up with no name we don't answer because it might be a solicitor. We still have a land line and it seems like that is all that call that number. Anyway for the past few weeks my DH has been confusing our house with a business for some reason. He…
Interesting therapist comment
My Therapist made an interesting comment. She compared my satisfaction with being a professor emeritus still active on the cutting edge of research, with my endless feelings of being lost with regard to DW. What she said was that I acted like a person who had been involuntarily retired from a career that they really loved.…
Petscan show progress in 14 months
DH - 84, recent petscan shows progression from MCI to mild Alzheimer’s. New meds in the pipeline may work! How can u tell how fast the progression will be? What can u do to slow down progression ? Would Viagra help? Suggestions ?
Just need to talk to my friends (179)
Hope everyone is well. Tablet still acting up but needed to start 179 because we got to 10,000!
Hurricane Ian
I’m thinking of my fellow Floridians and hoping Hurricane Ian passes you by. While I’m in the cone of uncertainty, I think the worst of it will be east of us. Having survived Hurricane Michael in 2018, my advice is to ask your local emergency managers for help if you’re worried. They are there for you!
Music musing
Written and performed and winning an Oscar for the movie “Philadelphia”, and written about AIDS, this is the best song about Alzheimer’s I can find. https://youtu.be/4z2DtNW79sQ
Concerns for our friends on the east coast
Hoping they all make it through Ian without too much to overcome.
Lasix - yes or no for dementia.?..
My husband is stage 5 currently and is type 1 diabetic for 52 years. He was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease a year ago and improved greatly on low salt diet. The doctor prescribed lasix but his legs haven’t really swollen until just recently so I have t used it until now. And as to be expected it caused repeated…
Could this be true -Just got in my email
This message is sent to all Alzheimer's Association and Alzheimer's Impact Movement board members, all Alzheimer's Association staff, and volunteers and supporters of AIM and the Alzheimer's Association. We have an exciting major development about the potential for a new treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, and we wanted to…
My dear wife passed at 10:05 this morning
Hi everybody, Jan's suffering is over and I am so glad. I'm going to miss her dearly. I would like to thank each and everyone of you that kept us in your prayers and thoughts. All the advice given which I wish I would have followed at the start. For you newcomers to this forum, the advice given is by people that have gone…
Heat and cold regulation
My husband is downstairs huddled under a blanket in front of a space heater blasting out heat. The funny thing is... I turned up the a/c because the house is heating up and stuffy after a warm day. I have the ceiling fan turned on upstairs in my study and in the bedroom to mitigate the stuffiness. The room he is in is wide…
I heard this song yesterday
I will trust you Lord by the McKameys My drive to go to see my dw in mc is about 40 minutes so I have a christain radio station I listen to. My walk with Jesus started about 20 years ago and this station means a lot to so many people myself included. Long story short My level of trust in God has carried me this far and…
Clogged toilet and Boost
Trying to come up with words that aren’t gross sounding. Has anyone experienced a change in bowel movements after drinking Boost for a few weeks? My DH continually clogs the toilet after BMs and I initially thought it was from too much toilet paper because he folds it creating a bigger mass than just bunched up toilet…
6 Weeks in VA Psych Unit - No Progress
I am beyond frustrated and more than a little angry. DH has been in the Psych unit of the VA hospital for 6 weeks without any significant improvement in his anger, agitation, and lashing out. The first 4 weeks, they merely continued to give the same dosage of Quetiapine (Seroquel) that I had given him at home for almost a…
Tips Please!! for Dealing with Capgras syndrome
My husband has been going back and forth between me being his wife and another lady he does not like very much. I can’t pinpoint a trigger. I have read about Capgras and talked with the Hotline. He’s gotten to the point of accusing the “other lady” (me) of stealing his wife’s purse and wallet, using her computer and…