Just need to talk to my friends (145)
Hi, I waited five minutes to write a post on our thread and still didn't get on so thought it might be because it had gotten so long. I remember years ago it would get up to page 17. Judith, how lucky was it that the deposition was cancelled and Dick wasn't there. That was an awful day in Oklahoma for sure. Did your…
If your LO doesn't know who you are
This video might help. When someone with dementia forgets who you are
Irrational fears and panic
My husband who's always been somewhat of a hypochondriac now seems to be inordinately focused on his various health issues. He constantly loops a circuit of worst case scenarios - after self diagnosing from the internet he's convinced he needs foot or lymphatic surgeries or has testicular cancer. He'll wake me in the…
I could use a little help figuring things out
I haven’t been on for a long while. My DH has been doing well overall for a few years. Gradually things have changed and I do more and I have gotten used to those changes. His memory isn’t as good as it used to be but sometimes he will surprise me. He is 77, I am 64. We had not seen our daughter in 18 months and took a…
What constitutes ‘acceptance’?
We all are familiar with Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’s five-stage model for grieving (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance). And we know from the work of psychologists like Pauline Boss that we caregivers for PWD’s experience ‘ambiguous loss,’ which entails grieving when our LO is still alive. I have started reading…
Marital status changes
There are times when my wife (stage 5) knows that I am her husband, most of the time she doesn't. Sometimes she believes me when I tell her we that are married to each other, sometimes she doesn't. At times she thinks that she has never been married. Lately, she sometimes thinks she is married; just not to me. I'm not…
Memory care cameras legal?
Does anyone with a significant other in memory care have a camera set up in their loved one’s room to oversee what really goes on? It seems that it would go a long way in preventing neglect and abuse and increasing accountability. Certain daycares and preschools facilitate this. If okay for the very young, why not for the…
A busy day, but a rant regardless
This may be my only post today. We've been banking at Chase for more than 30 years, but we're getting away from them. They didn't like our POA, while others have told me how great it was written. And I even used it to buy another home, with no problem. So I'm going with another bank who has no problem at all with it. One…
I thought it would be fun, but it was not..whats wrong with me?
Its rainy today. I thought it would be fun to take a look of some of the fancy hats that were worn at the Kentucky Derby, so I Googled it. The hats were amazing, some fancy, some classic, some funny, some very intricate. The gentlemen at the Derby wore outlandish suits. There were several pictures of couples that…
body jerking while sleeping
My DH has started having jerking motions with his arms, hands, legs, head, or body while sleeping, not all at the same time but for about 3 to 4 hours some part of his body is moving. Some are minor but some are pretty strong. If his arm is around me and his arm jerks, sometimes it will have enough force for me to be glad…
Respite stay
In few days, my partner will spend 19 days in a memory care. I am not sure that I use the right word for you. It’s an institution where they only have people suffering from dementia. He will obviously be the youngest, and by many years. For this decision I have been assisted by a psychologist who discussed with him and by…
guzzling drinks should I be worried
Hi, DH has started to drink everything right down. Even coffee. Should I be worried about to much liquid at once?
Sleeping together
I know this issue has been touched on, both directions, but I'm curious. How long did you stay sleeping with your affected spouse? All the way until they went to memory care? I ask because as I'm outfitting my office I'm wondering if I should put a futon in there or something, or if it's reasonable to consider staying in…
Early Onset Alzheimer’s Neurologist in NYC
Hi everybody: Been getting really frustrated since my MCI diagnosis that even in Manhattan I’m having a tough time finding a neurologist who specializes in Alzheimer’s, is willing to order PET scans, CSF and genetic tests and doesn’t turn away patients below 55. I’m 48 and am having a tough time dealing with the “we can’t…
Why do I torture myself with expectations of my DH
I am a little frazzled this morning. DH is behaving like a toddler, except when he is not. As I have read it here so many times, I was trying to participate in a Zoom call and DH suddenly became very needy. * Prior to the call, I reminded him that I would be on a 30 minute call at 8am. * I had my earbuds in while on the…
From Alzheimers International; https://www.alzint.org/about/symptoms-of-dementia/diagnosis/
the new Apple airtag may provide a very useful accessory for finding stuff or wandering spouses. Reviews are excellent and it is a new technology. AirTag owners who use an iPhone 11 or iPhone 12 model also get another advantage from AirTag. Those phones can locate the AirTag right down to its exact location using an…
Parkinson’s dementia question
Apologies in advance if this is too repetitive; I recall similar issues here before but didn’t pay attention like I should have b/c my DH has Alzheimer’s. Now a family member (let’s say Bill) has Parkinsons, which seems fairly advanced. My LOs are helping with care. Bill doesn’t keep up with his meds, and other needs (like…
DH lost keys again
I live in a gated community. Last time DH lost his wallet including credit card and cash, I had to cancel his cards and so on. This time he left the keys with fob to enter building and our apartment and mailbox key. The wallet had our name label but to this day no one has returned the keys. Should I get duplicate keys…
interesting reaction to stress
Just returned from a road trip to Georgia. The first day of driving was a bit stressful for DH. Slowed traffic, confusion about directions, etc. Each time a CD ended, every 40 minutes, I had to remind him how to eject it, for the entire 10 hours. No such problems on the way home, when he was more relaxed. I found that…
Understanding vascular cognitive impairment
Is there anyone here who has experience with vascular dementia? Last July (2020) my husband was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment. He started recognizing his short-term memory issues around February, 2020. I had been documenting his issues since 2018, though. But, I think they started well before then. There have…
Should suppositories crumble?
I mentioned in an earlier post that DH's hemorrhoids are causing him severe pain again. I spoke too soon when I said both docs came through because dealing with one of the doctor's office has been very frustrating. I am on the verge of firing the Gastro, but I am unsure if there is any other option in our small town.…
Is dementia getting worse?
DH a senior hasnot been diagnosed with Dementia but I think he has it and is getting worse. Before he couldn’t remember long time ago events, lately he can’t recall what I said few minutes ago. I have to repeat myself. Went to audiologist last week, got him a hearing aid, doesn’t want to wear it, does not acknowledge he…
Did I handle it well or handle it badly
My brother's 60th birthday is tomorrow. I offered to have a small casual low-key birthday celebration for him this weekend at our home. Gatherings at our place are usually a simple store bought dish and a simple store bought dessert on paper plates. SIL stated she wanted to have a luncheon for my brother on Sunday. She is…
great experience with dental office
We all struggle getting health care for our LOs, but I'd like to share a positive experience. When I called to schedule my DH's dental exam, I informed the office staff he now had dementia and I would be coming with him- I wanted to check COVID procedures, etc. A week before the appointment, I was called at work by the…
Lunch with DW
More covid news from NYT
April 22, 2021Updated 11:58 a.m. ET The health effects of Covid-19 not only can stretch for months but appear to increase the risk of death and chronic medical conditions, even in people who were never sick enough to be hospitalized, a large new study finds. In the study, published Thursday in the journal Nature,…
diagnosis and treatment
Dr. Serge Gauthier Dr. Gauthier is the Director of the Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders Research Unit of the McGill Center for Studies in Aging and Professor in the Departments of Neurology & Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, and Medicine at McGill. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mOYGfR_Bdg
Question for the group
For those of you that were still working when your LO was diagnosed, what was the decision point for not letting them stay home alone anymore? I’m still working full time, 2 days a week from home, and am starting to be worried about what he’s doing when I’m not there. Nothing bad has happened, but he can get confused…
How Do I
Put my wife in a home. I am a mental wreck and this is killing me. If I do she will die. I loose.