Pushes my buttons
Thank you all for your helpful information that you provide on this forum. I have tried to follow your good advice like not over reacting to some of the outlandish statements that come out of my DH's mouth. I have also stopped getting upset and angry about things that been lost or are missing, sort of. My husband had his…
Building Workforce Capacity to Improve Detection and Diagnosis of Dementia
Not sure this is significant
My sister has EOAD and in long term care facility. My niece, her daughter is getting married soon. I'm struggling with whether I can go to her wedding because my brother-in-law is going to my niece's wedding with his girlfriend, while my sister is still alive. Am I making too much of this? Thank you for any advice.
What do you look for when you are researching facilities for when you can no longer care for your DH
My DH's Alzheimer's is progressing to the point that I have decided to start looking for a facility for him when he no longer knows who I am. I don't want to make the decision under duress. I want to make it when I have had time to check out the different facilities in our area.
Having a really hard time
16 years ago my DH took a heart attack and it took EMT's 7 minutes and 3 attempts at shocking his heart to get my DH breathing on his own. At the time neurologist said short term memory loss, Since he needed double bypass, I just let the short term memory loss go. I was worried about bypass. Thought memory would come back,…
DH obsessively complaining about not driving
My spouse was told he MUST NOT drive 4 months ago by both his psychologist and neuro-psych doctors. His pickup truck is now in the custody of our son. We have a small car that he has always regarded as mine, which provides transport wherever and whenever he wants/needs to go somewhere. He has complained bitterly about the…
How to post a link to an internet web site:
To post a link to an internet web site you have to copy and paste TWICE. 1. Copy the link. (at the top in the 'search field'. 2. Paste it into a word processing application, like Microsoft Word, or others. 3. Hit return (enter) after you paste the link into word processing, and the link will show up in underlined blue,…
Any suggestions for thermostat wars?
Goodness this is annoying. My partner is cold ALL of the time, and she's always goosing the thermostat up on heat, while I'm suffocating and goosing it back down on cool Unfortunately the separate rooms do not have separate controls. I know this is common, but it's another thing that keeps us in separate parts of the…
A win and a loss
Late this afternoon, when I might anticipate DW asking if I know where her husband is, she turned to me and said, “I really like being your wife.” I smiled at her and told her she really does it well, and I like being her husband. Soon after, the dog walked in. DW said, “Who’s that?” I told her it’s Emma, our dog. She…
No Mother's Day break!
So.....Mother's Day.....Ha! Obviously there was no card, no gift, no special breakfast in bed, but I was hoping for a good day. Just a day without having to watch every word I say and everything I do. But no such luck. Everybody is always saying don't forget to take care of yourself, how is that even a possible thought…
Happy Mother’s Day(1)
I would like to wish a Very Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms in our community. Also, a nod to the guys who have taken on this role along their journey.
End is near
Hello all. It has been a little while, as life has been very busy. DW has declined extremely fast in past 3 weeks. Past week alone has been the worst hell of my life. She no longer recognizes me as even someone familiar. She is constantly yelling the same phrases weather someone is in the room or not. If I go in the room…
Celebrating mother's day
I took lunch to DW and her caretakers had gone all out to dress her up for mothers day . She was wearing her flowered dress from Hawaii, earrings and a neck pendant. DW ate the chocolate cake I brought and we got some photos. but there was not the slightest flicker of recognition. I filmed her walking for our daughters.…
Happy Mother's Day(3)
Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's here! I hope you have a nice day.
Hip replacement rehab
DW has been in Memory Care facility since March. Has been a fall risk since coming out of her psych evaluation. Talks in word salad and has difficulty following instructions. On Wednesday morning she fell and broke her right hip and they did a partial hip replacement that evening. The doctors and I are concerned that she…
Case of House Cleaners Financially and Physically Abusing Elderlly Dementia Woman
Horrible case; the perpetrators went in as house cleaners and then took advantage stealing, decimating finances, putting house up for sale, withholding care to the woman with dementia, isolating her from family and friends . . . Certainly family was not looking, and there were no safeguards in place. All was preventable…
My Experience Taking Care of My EOAD Husband
It's going on Year 6 of taking care of my 62 year old EOAD husband. He's now early stage 7 - he can still feed himself (finger foods only) and is still mobile although he walks at a very slow pace or stands in a certain area of our house for periods of time. Still knows who I am most of the time except when he's in his…
My DH and I are planning on taking a trip to FL for April. We are going to an area we know and is not crowded. The condo is in a small complex and the beach is across the street We will go to the grocery store and maybe lunch or dinner at the restaurant down the beach (if not crowded) where we can sit outside. I feel…
First Post, starting the journey
Hey everyone. Just joined. We're starting the journey officially now I guess. I had noticed behavior changes over the last 5 years or so and finally forced the issue to get her into the doctors office. My wife, who had a highly technical career in medical care, retired 4 years ago at 63, shortly after symptoms began.…
30 day placement
My heart is breaking as he lays beside me in our bed sleeping for what could be the last time. Tomorrow I’m taking DH to a facility for a thirty day stay. It’s a necessary step in the event that he would eventually need to go on Medicaid, to establish a financial snapshot for division of assets. I also have been pushed to…
Medical news today, not great
I'm not good at posting links, but the results of a monoclonal antibody trial (donanemab) in early Alz was published in today's New England Journal of Medicine, and an editorial. Like most trials so far, this showed statistical improvement, but it did not translate into any practical results. Takeaways: We're talking VERY…
I am now taking the steps to bring in help
I have completed the paperwork to bring in some help. I suspect DH will be resistant. I have been paying close attention to how others have handled this, for example, tell DH the help is for me not him. I'll likely try to pass the help off as a housekeeper at first. I am not optimistic that the transition will be smooth.…
I never heard of a medical care spam call
Well, it happened. But I didn't know it until today. As some of you know, I have been fighting hypo glycemia. About a week ago I received a call from "Ultrasound of pancreas", from Chattanooga, TN. They made me believe they got my name and number from my doctor. They wanted me to make an appointment for an ultrasound. I…
I 'thought' I was handling this well. I realize I'm not at all. I am so overwhelmed. Answering the same question and being asked the same question within minutes and trying my best to answer it the same way as I did the first time. Doing things around the house and agreeing when my DH says he did it. Feeling so horrible…
DH says he is content
I have been struggling to get DH to do the exercises his physical therapist wants him to do at home, to go fishing his now former passion, to go for a walk, to be accepting of the aide 4 hours a week. He is not rude, just totally uninterested. So I asked him if he is content to sit in his lazy boy chair and watch tv or do…
My DH's doctor is subscribing Citalopram to lessen his moodiness and agitation. Do any of you have experience with this drug? I want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly of this drug. Thanks!
CNA broke her foot....a rant
My wonderful, experienced and caring CNA broke her foot over the weekend and won't be able to care for DH until the boot is removed. I'm hopeful but also doubtful that she'll be returning. Until the agency can assign a permanent CNA for Monday through Friday's 3 hours, DH will have temporary CNA's who may/may not have been…
Alz ?
DH was diagnosed in March 2017 with EOAD. Our new Family Physician made this diagnosis off an MRI and notes from past visits to our retired Family Physician and psych evaluations. Our previous family physician said it was "normal signs of aging." Our new physician said, "this is not normal signs of aging." Our world…
Off topic: A really good Sound of Music on YouTube
In noodling around on YouTube recently, I stumbled on this unfamiliar and really good "semi-staged" 2006 version of The Sound of Music, produced at the Hollywood Bowl with John Mauceri as musical conductor ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIDvM3HPJQM&t=7839s). I think I like this one better than any other: the original…
The hard lessons of EOAD Alzheimer's caretaking
I know that my road has been softer than many Alzheimer's caretakers. My health is reasonably good, money is a minor issue and DW has never had a personality change to nasty or difficult. I may have had no shoes but I have met the people here who had no feet But here is some accumulated "experience" of 11 years on this…