Excess alzheimers deaths during pandemic
In 2020 In addition to the 345,323 deaths from COVID-19 itself, there were 133,382 deaths attributable to Alzheimer's disease in 2020, compared to 121,499 deaths from AD in 2019, and 122,019 in 2018. At 9.7 percent, this represents a far larger year-on-year increase than in the years between 2015 and 2019. Researchers are…
VENT: Caregiving & Home Repair
Yesterday the front door knob quit working. I took it apart, cleaned the innards and then dusted it with graphite and put it back together. It still didn't work. After consulting Google, I determined the problem was the latch part of the mechanism. I took it apart, cleaned all the parts and consulted Google again. Per…
how, or if, to answer his questions
Hello, this is my first real post, although I've been reading here for a long time, and did respond to another's post. I placed my 84 yr old DH in assisted living/memory care on April 1. He is has moderate stage Alzheimer's. He was diagnosed about 6 yrs ago, with symptoms for about 3 yrs before that. I had in home aides,…
OT - Post Covid Clinic
One of our daughters has been fighting symptoms for more than four months, and someone told her that Northwestern had a clinic in Chicago for people like her. She called to see about an appointment. After two or three days she finally got a call from someone who handled appointments. She could get one ------- on Dec. 20! I…
For Lady Texan: on gratitude
Lady Texan, Thinking of you today as I am cleaning up the kitchen table (bills, mail, clipped coupons, etc.). I came across an article that I had clipped from a magazine that my neighbor gave me before recycling. The magazine is Spirituality and Wellness and the article is entitled: "Seven Buddhist Lessons in Gratitude"…
I made her get the wrong hair cut
Some 5 months ago DW wanted to change her hair style to something that would be easier to manage by herself - shorter, less maintenance. Almost immediately she hated it, though it did serve its purpose early on. She wanted it put back, but understood this could not happen quickly. So she let it grow out a bit. Yesterday we…
Pause on J&J vaccine
NYT WASHINGTON — Federal health agencies on Tuesday called for an immediate pause in use of Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose coronavirus vaccine after six recipients in the United States developed a rare disorder involving blood clots within about two weeks of vaccination, officials briefed on the decision said. All six…
How to get LO to keep on Depends?
Any and all suggestions are welcomed. She is taking off the Depends more and more, soiling/wetting the bed and furniture. My Dad can hardly keep up with this problem.
When do you call hospice?
I know my DH is not there yet but he is very advanced and progressing very quickly. He is not bed ridden and my intent is to keep him home but are there signs to look for as far as calling hospice. I'm sorry if this seems like a stupid question but I am curious to know how and when others handled this. Thanks to all of you.
New med(1)
My husband is starting on a new med called Rivastigmine patches just wondering if there if any one has had side effects.
Mixed emotions(1)
My husband’s mom has Alzheimer’s. She has been declining over the years and here recently she has been declining quickly. I love her and I love my husband.The problem is that we have been married for less than 2 years; so in a lot of ways we are still newly weds. Last year was challenging because we had to deal with Covid…
VENT: some days DH is so particular
I prepare all of DH's meals. I have learned not to get exotic. I keep it simple. I am limited by my remedial cooking skills. When I come across something he likes, I include it in the rotation. When I make something he does not prefer, I remove it from the rotation. Sometimes he makes requests such as more vegetables or…
More cognitive loss, Alas
My DH no longer knows how many brothers and sisters his father and mother had or their names. He no longer remembers how many children HIS OWN brother and sisters had, nor all their names. DH also doesn't remember which of his siblings had cancer or what kind of cancer. My DH is enrolling in a Genetic Counseling program…
learning from stage 8
I now know that I can choose how to grieve . That doesn't mean that I"m not lonely each day when I realize he's gone. I cry each morning and say out loud, I"m sorry you had to go through that but honestly I"m glad you're gone. You're ok now. Then I think of you Lady Texan, and remember to feel grateful, you've always been…
small safety suggestion
My laundry is upstairs, I find it impossible to carry an ordinary laundry basket safely. So I invested in a couple of tall semi rigid laundry hampers. One hand on the rail and one on the hamper and it is rigid enough to act as a sort of cane. Plus it is always on my side so it does not affect my balance All my stairs have…
J&J vaccine
J&J vaccine is being investigated regarding blood clot complications in a small number of recipients. There is a condition called antiphospholipid syndrome aka Hughes Syndrome, that causes mini clots and spontaneous miscarriages. It is very rare. I have this condition. My hypothesis is that some women with this…
Finally found it! Our daughter couldn't remember where she got them from, but she checked her Amazon account, and it was not ordered from there. So, since she had my debit card, I went back through my bank records, and found one from protectivebedding.com. I'm reasonably sure this is where she got it. Here's the link, and…
Does this Happen
Sunday April 10th DH and I celebrated our 45th anniversary. I struggled for the last week worrying about getting through it. It went better than I thought. We looked at our wedding pictures together. I brought cupcakes and ice cream and decaf coffee. I set it up for DH and I talked to him about it being our anniversary. He…
Can it progress this fast?
My husband was diagnosed less than three months ago with Alzheimer’s. His symptoms are primarily hallucinations. He sees people in our house, he sees two of me, he talks to me in the 3rd person, she did this and she did that. (She is me.). He’s asked me who I am? How long we’ve been married? Who lives in this house? Are we…
Happy Mother’s Day
The big day finally came—two weeks after our second Covid vaccination. Yes, we finally got out to, you guessed it, WalMart. We went in by the same door we had always gone in only to be turned away because it is now an EXIT ONLY. Off we go on our motorized carts to find new slippers for DH. Not much selection this time of…
What size bed?
Im curious as to how many people here who are dealing with incontinence still sleep in a king size bed? I'm hoping Dad will switch to a queen size. Mom is getting worse. We are using a waterproof mattress protector and pee pads, then a fitted sheet and flat sheet. Any suggestions on bedding, etc. are welcomed.
Husband is getting urine on the floor around the toilet
Lately my husband gets urine all over the floor beside, in front of and around the toilet. This upsets my stepson (his middle-aged son) because he always cleans it up. My therapist tells me that any negative reaction to this "accident" will only make things worse and upset my DH. He isn't incontinent yet, but I assume this…
First real MC visit in a year
I had my first real MC visit in a year yesterday. She was clean and properly dressed. I brought in lunch for her. I fed her alone in the activity room. Her physical shape is excellent. She can walk, chew a fish sandwich if it is put in her mouth, swallow, drink with a straw and drink from a cup you hold to her mouth. She…
Looking for hope
But not the kind you might think. When I first started reading posts on this forum I would do searches to try to find anything that would indicate that DH, early stage 7, was nearing the end of his journey. Unlike many on this forum I look forward to the day when I am alone / have my freedom. It might sound unkind and I’m…
Husband very agitated,critical,and makes false accusations
I am looking for suggestions on how to deal with this. My husband has become very agitated. He becomes irate when driving or going to the store and many times even watching TV. He also is very critical of me. He used to be very supportive and kind and encouraging. Now he is critical and accuses me of doing things like…
Anyone have experience with Mirtazapine for stimulating appetite in an elderly LBD patient? My DH was just prescribed 7.5 MG for the first time, it was given to him last night, and he has slept all day today! He’s much more wiped out than the usual tiredness and only sat up and ate a vanilla shake...then went right back to…
Off topic - a funny baseball story
Comparing some Alzheimer's treament numbers
Most of these trials lacked a placebo although some had a comparator (such as low dose or compared to acetylcholinesterase treatment). Most of these trials were for early Alzheimer's disesae (the Chinese herb study also included a moderate Alzheimer's group). Some of the numbers were taken off of charts so they are not…
Is it time for 911?
Can anyone enlighten me on what the protocol is when calling 911 because DH is out of hand? He’s not violent but he’s so extremely agitated that he’s in my face repeating things loudly for long periods of time and I can’t take it any longer.
First day of Stage 8
DH passed at 1pm today. I brought him home from MC at the end of January (with a live-in carer), and feel very lucky to have spent the last nine weeks with him. I'm hoping that a brain autopsy will reveal what caused the neurodegenerative issues (starting with seizures) that led to dementia, so that future patients may…