I’ve Changed
Taken from “Daily Comforts for Caregivers” by Pat Samples “I’ve changed since I’ve become a caregiver. I’m not sure exactly how, but I know I’m not the same. I’ll never be the same person I was before. That’s partly a good thing. I’ve learned a lot. I’m stronger in certain ways. A few of my opinions have changed. I’ve…
What is the name of the poop club?
I’m not sure if we ever named the club you join when you take over toileting jobs for your loved one. In any case I joined the club yesterday . I had been dreading it but actually it wasn’t so bad. I kept hearing various voices from here in my head ( white crane?) one said to just be business like and have wipes and…
EOAD Last Step
Nine years, two months from official Dx, ( she was 55 years old ).. and we are down to the final days. I kept her at home for six years, and the last three in LTC.. In the days following Christmas ,DW was struggling with swallowing. As of noon today DW has not taken any food or fluids for 72 hours. The LTC has granted me…
Covid vaccine for unresponsive terminal final stage
Is seems the vaccine will prolong life and suffering. Spouse is unresponsive (no sight, no hearing, no sense of touch except to open mouth if food is pressed into his lips). He wanted us to "pull the plug" well before this stage. Do I refuse the vaccine for him?
Testing Tomorrow -- UGH!
Well, DH finally has his appointment with the neuro-psych tomorrow for cognitive testing. His MRI was way back on 10/21, so it seems like we've been waiting for this for soooooo long. I've had a lot of emotions thinking about this today. DH still says he's perfectly fine. He told me he's been "studying" hard so he thinks…
Bathroom Falls
As our loved ones get more unsteady, falling in the bathroom against the door that often opens to the inside is of concern. Remove the door. If privacy is an issue, put up a tension rod and shower panel in place of the door.
DH can't sit down ?
Hi all, DH who has EOAD seems to be rapidly declining. He is able to walk. Non-stop pacing. But he is struggling with sitting down. Physically, he seems to have lost the ability to sit. This is causing trouble with bathroom, getting in bed, sitting in a chair....etc. The doctor has prescribed medicine to help sedate for…
Happy Crappy Birthday to Me - A vent with gratitude
Today is my 56th Birthday. DH wakes me up stating he needs to take a shower. This generally translates to he has had a bathroom mishap. In this instance the mishap was on the moderate to severe end of the spectrum, meaning the water closet is decorated with feces in all the wrong places. I get DH into the shower and tell…
Delusions and Paranoia
New to this forum, but on the struggle bus. My husband and I had COVID in October. Since then he has declined greatly. In the past several weeks he has begun to display paranoid and delusional behavior to the point law enforcement had to be called Monday. He was hospitalized overnight. My options at discharge were home…
Covid Vaccination in MCF
Two issues that have been worrying me may have synergy and I’d like to bounce it off you all. I have been interviewing MCFs since last fall, so that I could be prepared for the eventual placement of my DW. I know that I am not equipped to care for her at home until the end. We have no children and no relatives near by. I…
No not an old thread. Stay safe
With the enthusiasm about vaccination some folks (not here, out there) do not realize just how bad the numbers are BEFORE we hit the holiday surge. The 7 day average infections on Dec 20 were 220,000 21 days later on Dec 10 7 day average deaths were 3304 That gives a KIFR of 1.5% Our current average infections exceeds…
I'm in that painful transition time....
I'm in that painful transition time where my wife recognizes her dementia is getting worse and during her moments of clarity we can actually talk about her future need to be placed in memory care. She recognizes where this is headed and implores me to take care of my own health first. She told me that she loves me and had…
small study, very preliminary but worth watching
Alzheimer’s Drug Shows Promise in Small Trial Participants with the disease still declined, but much more slowly than those receiving a placebo, investigators say. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/11/health/alzheimers-amyloid-lilly.html?action=click&module=Latest&pgtype=Homepage
Alzheimer's deaths
This came from our local Alz Assoc....I am just the messenger... https://247wallst.com/special-report/2021/01/06/states-where-alzheimers-causes-the-most-deaths-2/9/
Thank you so much!(1)
I'm still new here, but I feel like in the week or so that I've been here, a lot has happened. I've learned much, both intellectual and emotional learning. I've reached out for more information and have made an appointment with an attorney for next week. I've read many of your stories and feel more prepared for the road…
We have a vaccine appointment
Next Wednesday afternoon we get vaccinated. And we aren't politically connected!
Vent: Outside and Inside, it's wearing on me
Inside my house, DH is declining. He can no longer dress himself. He is having problems with the mechanics of using the toilet. He is still being stubborn. Additionally, DH is having a terrible bout with hemorrhoids. Fortunately we got in to to see the doctor and are following the doctor's orders. DH is extremely EXTREMELY…
false negative covid tests.
I just want to remind people that the rate of false NEGATIVE covid tests is depressingly high. False positives are quite rare but false negatives are common. We had over 300,000 new cases reported yesterday Asymptomatic people are major spreaders adn false negative tests give a false sense of confidence that you re not a…
Never thought I would say this, but my husband won't stop doing the laundry! One towel or thirty, after he changes ALL the settings (!!!!) he's turning on that machine, so help me! lol
DH can make a sandwich, he can dress himself, albeit, inside out and backwards. I cook him breakfast and dinner every day. When I go to the store, he comes along. When I clean the bathroom, he’s by my side. When I take a nap, he takes one with me. Looking at his dinner plate last night, I had to tell him what was what…
In Florida the Rich are ENTITLED to vaccine
The call, she said, had come from Keith Myers, chief executive of MorseLife Health System, a high-end nursing home and assisted-living facility in West Palm Beach, Fla., to members of the board and major donors. MorseLife has made difficult-to-get coronavirus vaccines — provided through a federal program intended for…
Refusing Meds
My DH is currently refusing to take any of his meds. He is delusional and paranoid right now, and believes either the meds are poison or "they" won't let him take the pills. Any advice on how to get him to take his meds? He's on Memantine 10mg twice a day and 25 mg Seroquel at bedtime. Oh, he also won't eat or drink for…
Finger foods, feed him, or both?
DH has been in MC for 4 months now. While still at home just before he went there, he was eating mostly finger foods. He could sometimes use a spoon and I would sometimes feed him the last bit in the bowl as he couldn't do it himself. Or I'd scoop the food up and hand him the spoon. He has always loved food and never had a…
Just for fun - weirdest thing they have eaten
I came home from the store to discover my husband had a half bottle of calcium chews for lunch. What has your LO eaten?
hospitalizations for Covid
My 50 year old nephew died last week in Texas (not covid related) and my 75 year oold brother was hospitalized for a non Covid infection in Bethesda. In both cases getting a bed much less an ICU unit took a full court press by the family. Covid patients are simply swamping the hospitals. About 18% of all general hospital…
A terrible way to end this long journey
My Dear Wife has ended her long hard fight with this terrible disease at 61 years old. I had to put her in a nursing home back in late August ended up in hospital with pneumonia never showing any signs upon her going to rehab she just got weaker so I had to place her long term. The nursing home that I placed her at was one…
Parkinsonism approved as agent orange symptom
For Lewy Body spouses and others, therecent defense bill has approved Parkinsonism (as opposed to previously approved Parkinson's Disease), Hypothyroidism and Bladder Cancer related to agent orange exposure.…
Paranoid Spouse
My husband is acting irrationally and is paranoid. He freaks out if I try to take the dogs out or go outside for work. This is going on 3 days now. Our adult daughter came over to cut his hair and he told her he didn't want his haircut, but wouldn't let her leave. I know in his heart of heart he feels like he is protecting…
I’m impressed with the culture
New Year’s Day DH had chest pains so I called 911 and they took him to emergency at UCONN HEALTH. I was able to check on him online using his patient account because with COVID I wasn’t allowed to be with him.He has pneumonia and a UTI (first ever). He came home the same day. Today the emergency department called to…
Excessive sleeping
My husband had a ruptured cerebral aneurysm six years ago. He fought back from being on a feeding tube to taking care of himself. He never worked again as his memory and initiation were gone, but his intellect intact. Things slowly changed and we received a diagnosis of mixed dementia this summer. We are in a place he…