By Ed - I'm in a quandary about something kind of off topic, and need input
You all know I visited an old friend at MC. I visited with him and his wife for quite some time. During our visit, I realized she probably doesn't know a lot about this disease, and I would like to at least send her a few links that would help her and prepare her for the future. She didn't know there were stages to…
Stopping RX insurance
Since DH is on Hospice in Memory Care I want to cancel his RX insurance since I no longer have to use it. I called the AARP United healthcare company and they said they have to hear HIM say that he wants to discontinue his insurance. he barely speaks at all. My other choice is to fax all my POA papers for his health…
My friend has an at home caregiver. She has not driven her car in four months. The aide or I take care of the driving. She had a dead battery which we fixed. Now she wants to drive it, just around the corner. I suggested I drive. She did not want that. She wants to drive with me..I do not want to be in the car with her.…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 5/8/23
Dear Friends, I so appreciate your comments. Thank you for each one. Hugs, Veronica (Ronnie) Badowski * Isaiah 30:21 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” * VICTORY THOUGHT: God communicates with me; He directs my life. * POWER PRAYER:…
From JoseyWales - Here's what's going on
Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I last posted, but I'm still here reading and following along with everyone's journey. DH's anxiety and crying are now under control, thank goodness. He still gets upset, but frequency and intensity are much less. He's been in a wheelchair for at least 7 months. Now all he can move…
Hello from a newbie
My DH was diagnosed with early stage mixed dimentia ( vascular & alzheimer's) earlier this month. It has been overwhelming and just personally heartbreaking. Trying to get support service like pt/ot set up. Also trying to get the legal stuff done too. Just feeling extremely raw but trying to stay calm for him too. I miss…
By Ed - tomorrow or the next day I will see someone I haven't seen in over 60 years
A woman saw the article about caregivers in the local paper, and asked the reporter to forward a picture of my wife and me at their wedding in 1961. We never saw them again since then. I finally got in touch with her, and I will be going with her to see her husband, who is in a MCF. She said she mentioned my name to him,…
By Beachfan: And So It Ends…..
DH passed on Friday evening. He left this life much as he lived it, quietly, with dignity, without complaint, surrounded by love. The kids and I were with him; it was what I would wish for if I had to make a plan. I will miss him every day of my life; I hit the lottery when he plucked me out of all the Freshman girls at…
By This Life Using Respite Again
My H has Alzheimer's, Stage 6, and 9 years. Last September, I placed him in respite for three weeks so could do some in person work and visit with friends. Told him the morning of placement. He argued but staff got him back to his room. Umpteen phone calls a day that did taper off. I quit taking phone calls after the third…
Hi to all my old friends, and hello to new ones. My husband is on crisis placement. The social workers and the hospital feel that a long term care home is the only option right now. I too, feel the same. I get a psw who comes in to help me with for 14 hours a week. My psw is lovely and really tries to engage with my…
my wife is 76 and has had Alzheimer's for about 11 years. Now she is ( and me ) are experiencing her having some constipation. Most medicine and vitamins she wants to chew before swallowing. Stool softeners taste terrible, laxatives say do not use if you cannot just swallow. We eat fresh fruit & vegetables every day, no…
sudden energy
After 3 months of sleeping 23 hours a day, (only awake when I feed and change him) my DH tried to get out of bed 2 times yesterday. Then tonight at 4:30 am he tried to get up to go get a cup of coffee. At 5:30 the dog woke up throwing up, so I got up and fixed my DH some coffee. He had taken his shirt off and peed all over…
I need help now.
Dear Alz Friends: RIGHT NOW My DH is at a car dealership trying to buy a car, trading in our current car! He has gone off the deep end, folks. I can't EVEN walk, I'm so disabled, and he's calling me all excited about the thousands of dollars he's going to spend! In our 61 years of marriage all of these decisions have been…
update: five days in new MC
I think we are making progress. After having to leave her upset last Friday, I stayed away the weekend, but had good communication with the staff. Went in --by myself--for two hours yesterday afternoon and again this morning, and although she was asking why she was there and how long she had to stay, she was not all over…
DeJa Vue Question
Have any of your loved ones experienced almost daily deja vue ? For example, if we go to a restaurant, he will swear we were there before and sat in exactly the same seat, when we have never been there before. I will put on a new tv show and he will tell me it is a rerun. Thank you for your incite.
My husbands journey began last year when he was fired from his job for being sent on a hotshot run and being unable to find where he was supposed to go and for it taking 8 hours to do it. Also the next day he put diesel in a gasoline pickup. PCP ordered brain MRI that showed volume lose in right temporal horn and…
question on an airflow mattress
When they moved my DH to an airflow mattress, which I love, they took off the bumper cover that kept him in bed. Now he is trying to get out of bed. I will have to remember to lower the bed each time I change him. Does anyone know if the bumper cover interfers with the airflow mattress?
not sure what to believe
okay the Hospice Aide and I have been quite worried about my DH bed sores and we thought they were going to put in a catheter 2 weeks ago. Not once has this nurse looked at them. She just kept saying she had looked at the pictures and they weren't that bad. Today suddenly she looks at them because there were 2 new ones.…
Continued weight gain. By toolbeltexpert
My dw is continuing her weight gain,last year before everything happened 167 was her weight we checked it everyday then. Now she is 201 and gone from a 18wp pant size to a 24wp and her legs and feet are swollen. I checked with the charge nurse to make sure no other meds were added. She gets 20mg of Escitalopram, and 17.5…
Very anxious need advise
Hi I am new to the group and caring for my husband who is in the early stages of alzheimers almost 2 years. He is rational and conversational and still can do a lot but his short term memory is very bad not really there. I can still go out if I leave messages around the house about where I am, and he can use his cell phone…
Need advice: How do I vet Memory Care facilities when I am home all day with DH
I think I am close to having to place DH in MC. He has become aggressive to the point where it is more than 50% if the time. He screams at me, grabs me by the arms and pushes me up against the wall. A few times he has thrown me to the floor. His anger flares up without warning over nothing. Like when he said he was hot and…
Hello from McCott
I have not posted in a long time -- my husband died in Sept 2020 seven years after his diagnosis, and I wanted to forget that Alzheimer's ever existed. I also felt guilty that I had dealt with ALZ for only seven years, while people here had been doing it for so much longer. Someone here thought I had a cancer diagnosis,…
Healthy late stage 7
DW continues to confound predictions. She is late stage 7 with no obvious cognitive capability or reaction to any verbal commands. She is in a wheel chair and can stand up if gently pulled to a standing position. There is no cognitive control of hands. If you put food at her mouth she eats it, especially ice cream Sleeps…
The Alzheimers Association site has become just to complicated for me and I am really thinking
The Alzheimers Association site has become just to complicated for me and I am really thinking of giving up. I have asked for help from moderators and they just ignore you. That don car one bit about those with dementia and the caregivers. This change was a disaster and they are maying changes by the seat of their paints.…
By Ed - An unexpected benefit of the caregiver's article
This was really very surprising. A woman read the article, then sent an email to the reporter. She was looking through their wedding album, and came across a picture of my wife and me at their wedding in 1961. She asked him to forward it to me, which he did. I have never seen the picture before, since right after the…
Updates on three montelukast clinical trials
When the Alzheimers Association started the new version of Alzconnected, they did away with the Clinical trials board, which was where I have been posting most often for the last 7 years. Seven years ago was when I started taking montelukast multiple times a day. Here is an update of montelukast trials for Alzheimers and…
House guests for two weeks -- what was I thinking?
We are nearing the end of week one of a two-week visit from my two sisters, and I am wondering what I was thinking when I agreed to it. One of my sisters has been a big part of my support network - we talk on a regular basis, and she and her husband FaceTime with both of us on a regular basis. But last week she and my…
Just an update on my move toolbeltexpert
Well the farm sold last Friday and 1 hr later I signed the largest check I ever signed for my new home, to say I am busy is an understatement. All the utilities are set,got a new washer and dryer. I have started making a pad for the portable garage. Which involved making a new gravel drive so far 2 loads of rock. I started…
by Ed - O.T. - ‘The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning’ Is Your New Reality-TV Addiction
I thought some of you might be interested in this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97sG2vKgmb0
I'm a new guy here
Hello everyone, My lovely wife of 54 years was diagnosed 10 months ago with dementia, early stage. The doctor we saw, a specialist in dementia, prescribed Donepezil 5 mg for one month, then 10 mg since. I have watched with dismay as the symptoms have increased. She has short term and long term memory issues, stopped paying…