back to square one---or less
At the urging of the activities director I made another attempt to take lunch today, but it was even worse than Friday and I left after about ten minutes. Clearly she just does not tolerate my presence, it's too intense, all she wants is to get out of there and is upset with me for not making it happen. I was so hopeful…
Garden Pics
More later, but wanted to share these photos from our garden. The first and second one were taken yesterday and today. The other was taken a few years ago.
Geripsych update
I just wanted to give an update on how its going with my dw day 2. I called to she how she is doing and the cna told me she didn't eat lunch and she slowed down on asking about her pocketbook. I asked if she had her hearing aides and they said she did, whew, they are not broken. The cna also noted that dw was talking to…
Double Whammy
Our southern California daughter and her husband came to visit from last Thursday to this morning. Things are always a bit discombobulated when they come as they often use us as a central point for other activities and our SIL likes to keep busy. I keep a to do list for when they come. SoCal daughter is the younger of our…
Er update
I know so many of my forum friends are going thru so much so I will try to be brief. Dw was transfered to a geripsych unit this morning at 2am. They had given her 1mg of amb???? It really helped her get some sleep before they transfered her by cruiser. I talked to someone a few minutes ago and they explained the possible…
Geriatric psych admission
My husband has been admitted to geriatric psych center due to aggression. Discharge postponed due to exacerbation of aggressive behavior.
Hi Rjheld, you asked the question about your dh being cold and having balance problems. My dh is always cold! He still wears winter clothes and we are in Texas where lately the temperature outside is is over 100 degrees! He is in stage late 5 early 6 . According to his doctors they list that as moderate to severe. His…
Cautionary tale
My DW, late Stage 6, lives in Memory Care. As progression occurs her posture bending over and balance have become an issue. She forgets to use her walker and has had a series of falls lately. She is going to now use a wheelchair. She has good bone structure, not frail. But last week a more serious fall with significant…
A light sweet reprieve
Random, precious convo yesterday, with my DW’s speech clear and a couple of thoughts strung together: DW: I’d like to be like you. Me: that’s nice. Why is that? DW: because you’re good Me: thanks for saying that. You’re good too. DW: I love you.
Hiring a caregiver
Well I did it. I signed on to care.com where independent contractors are matched with care needs. Great business model. It is a subscription site so you can pay monthly quarterly and annually. I paid for one month $38.95. I found someone that matches our needs and we meet her tomorrow. Her first day will be on the 16th so…
update on husband still in hospital
DH is still in the hospital but is being discharged tomorrow. It's been 4 weeks 4 days (but who's counting). He is now bed ridden and incontinent, since the hospital staff hasn't gotten him up. I can't wait for him to get out of there. They helped with medical issues but I know they don't have the training or time for an…
What good is a dpoa
Dw managed to get the truck running with her bad key at home while I was talking to a nurse about preparing to go to the hospital. I called 911 they put out a bolo and they were filling out the paperwork at home and she showed back up. I had the police call for ems thinking she gonna go now! Guess what she answered 2…
2nd visit to see my husband
Today I got to memory care and they were playing bingo. He was sitting between two women and laughing with them. I used the time to straighten his room. He was glad to see me and I suggested a walk. He has slowed down in the past three weeks and we only did a short walk in the halls and courtyard. I think he has totally…
Weight loss(3)
While my wife was home, before MC, she went through a period of rapid weight loss. 40 lbs in 6 months, size 6 to size 2. Working with her doctors, we kept her weight stable with supplements and calorie dense food. Once in MC, she started to lose weight again, and we’ve been trying the same tactics of keeping her intake up.…
We moved
I haven't had chance to post since my DH and I moved. It has been 4 weeks now. Before we moved, my DH was showing signs of loss of executive function. I would ask him to do something and he would end up doing something else. That still goes on. We haven't gotten into any social activities in the new community yet. I am…
Need to be on the go
Hi folks! It’s Battle Buddy here. I had some security issues with my phone. Apple encouraged me to change all my passwords and somehow I lost my BattleBuddy name and photo here. I felt bad because I’ve wanted to respond to your struggles but couldn’t get in. Well anyway I’m back as Helperheart and the photo is of me and…
New at this
My husband of 45 years was diagnosed with dementia August 2021. This man is so smart, knows two languages fluently, ran a successful business with many people working alongside him. After many Neurologist visits, and testing they say he has mild to moderate dementia. He’s 73 years old. I’m frustrated and angry that this…
My husband has been taking Memantine for about 2 years, first 5mg in the am and then an additional 5mg in the evening was added later by his PCP. He is somewhere around stage 6. His Neurologist’s office added an additional 5mg to his AM dose at the end of June. We started noticing some empathy was returning within several…
Seroquel Experience
DH started Seroquel (Quetiapine) about 9 months ago due to ongoing hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia causing increased anxiety. Already on Sertraline 100mg. Started Seroquel at 25mg, then 50, then 75, and now 100mg taken at night when anxiety is worse from bedtime until morning. Experience with Seroquel has been…
I know fluctuations are to be expected, but I was so hopeful that we'd turned a corner and I would be able to spend time with my partner on a regular basis. No such luck. I tried again to take lunch yesterday, and while it had worked very well on Tuesday, it didn't work at all yesterday. She was unhappy, crying, upset,…
Finally visited my husband
My husband has been in memory care for 20 days. I visited for the first time today. When I got there he was sitting with a group of 8 people in a circle on couches and chairs and he was laughing with the ladies on either side of him. Others in the group were also engaged with each other. There were staff all around and the…
I'm pretty sure I'm not going to make it.....
DH is on one of his "I'm headed out" days and will not believe he lives here. Or that he is married to me. Wants to go home and see his mother............home is long time sold and mother is deat..........says nobody told him she died or they sold the house.........nobody ever tells him anything.........people steal his…
Follow up on robotic therapy pets
In a previous thread I asked for others' experiences with these robotic toy animals as companions for dementia patients. I have watched my wife showing interest in a robotic toy dog and cat that others in her MC facility have, so I went ahead and presented her with her own puppy yesterday morning. It moves its head, barks,…
His opinion
DH, who hasn’t showered, shaved or changed his clothes in a week, just told me the outfit I’m wearing does nothing for me. Without thinking about it, I responded TOO BAD.
Well dw thinks I have been gone for a long time and thinks I should leave this is her home. Nothing is working. Doc is out of pocket, I texted him about the depakote and he said to discontinue it. So here we go. If this doesn't clear up its gonna be an er visit. I can't believe how quick things have changed. Still don't…
She gets a little better but than it gets worse
DW has had a few good hours every so often but the bad times are getting worse. DW is in Depends but have one heck of a time trying to get a clean pair on. Cleaning her up in shower, she is hollaring etc. Bed time, she doesn't stay in it. Sleeps in chair in living room, I just put a blanket over her. Meal times are…
A day by myself
My son and his fianc'ee took DH fishing for the first time this year. My plan is to go to the mall. My DH walks so slow and hobbles, so I have not gone shopping there since the year before Covid took over our lives. I plan to shop for a dress to wear to our son's wedding next month. They are having a Hawaiian themed…
Miss Her As Was, Love Her As Is
Its been awhile since I was last here, and I offer apologies to the many Connected Companions who’ve offered support over the years. This posting is just a (fairly positive) musing. My wife and I got through the pandemic safely enough. After 400 days of lockdown in her Memory Support Center, it took awhile to re-connect…
Funeral HELP
Does anyone have experience taking their LO to a sibling's funeral and be glad you did? Anyone have experience NOT taking their LO to the funeral and regret not taking them? Why? Thanks in advance.