still here
Ive written about anger, guilt, needing to get away and I did get away for 10 days. Had a wonderful trip with daughter and grand sons. Seen beautiful country in Oregon. Seen son I havent seen in 4 years. So yes it was wonderful but now Im back . Took LO a couple days to calm down. He gets very upset when Im gone. Thinking…
Thanks JoC
I read your response to Stewart and realized that you were not only talking to him but some of it applied to me also. I have a problem with doing my homework regarding a situation and then not acting on it. I'll figure out what I need to do and then sit and spin my wheels. I just don't take action. I guess I'm afraid I'll…
Anger issues with no doctor
My DH is so angry with me every day since I took his car keys. He has locked me out of the house, tried to disable my car and made endless threats. I am so tired. I don’t want to get up in the morning. I called the alz hotline, engaged a therapist and a gerontologist, talked with our children, all while trying to keep him…
Male spouse caregiver support group for early onset ALZ
I've started an online monthly support group for male spouse caregivers of those diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. You can get more information and register at this link. https://lorenzoshouse.org/our-model/healing-spaces/light-lounge/
Just normal evolution
Here are some news and one question as I know you always have. Since I have been to Tunisia and fixed the medical follow up, everything is fine. No more violence, he kisses everybody and is smiling the whole day long. He sleeps better. There are some slow (slow is not the good word as the global evolution is in fact very…
No more solo camping for DH
My DH loves to camp, and we have a little teardrop camper he can set up with or without hookups. Now that he’s working part time, he usually goes for a two or three night stay each month. There’s a state forest about an hour and a half from us that is quiet and he can kayak or hike. He went this Tuesday and was enjoying…
Be careful what you sign
MC Dancing Queen - 2nd Try
This is my 2nd try at posting this video. Several members said they could not view the 1st version so I reduced the file size in the hope it could be viewed. As I have stated in previous post DW is very happy at the MC. She can often be found dancing during activities and the MC staff call her the Dancing Queen. If the…
DH home from VA Psych Unit - 2 Week stay
DH was discharged home at my request (see previous posts). I'm wondering how the staff comes to their conclusions. The whole point of the Psych Unit commit was to get a handle on the hallucinations that had prompted DH to lash out at me. Every time I called that unit to ask how DH was behaving, the pat answer was: he's…
The Alzheimers long haul
It is now four full years since DW had the slightest idea who I was or who her children and grandchildren are. Even at that time she had no meaningful speech. She can still walk and chew but that is it. She is 70. She is otherwise healthy and looks lovely. Takes no medication except seroquel when needed. She likes…
What percentage have delusions?
Just wondering how many of you who are caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s have seen them experience delusions. Along with the typical memory loss, demand for my attention, constant questions, etc., my DH has delusions. In fact the delusions came years before the memory loss. We’ve been married 11 years. I talked with…
Stewart TBE - Response To Your Query In Other Thread
Good grief, this will be another long, long one. Sorry, but here we go. The hyper-extension of the Thread this belongs on, makes it too difficult to read as it runs off the Board, so I will also take off that Peer hat again. There are a lot of thoughts to be addressed; one of them bluntly is the question; have you…
Sharing a win(1)
We finally were able to have a one-on-one companion start working with my partner, and she got her started painting and drawing today. A real win. Wish I could be there, but this is better than nothing. My granddaughter also lost her first tooth today, and I'm still negative for covid after 7 days, so this was a good karma…
If you're a baseball fan, you'll enjoy this story
NY Times. May have paywall. https://tinyurl.com/2efhvbw2
Dogs can't help falling in love
NY Times. Might have a paywall. https://tinyurl.com/597deabt
Why dh points and grunts
I posted a couple weeks ago about dh just pointing and grunts and had wondered if anyone else had gone through that. Our daughter and granddaughter came out this past weekend and dh was still doing the same thing. They were of course concerned. Today I was talking to him and asked him (again) why he had decided not to try…
Wife out of her head today
Had a heck of a time getting clean Depends on. Wouldn't eat breakfast, went to McDonalds for a hamburg and malt for her. Took a bite spit it out and threw it on floor. She did drink 3/4 of malt and then threw that. Pants half on and Bra on . Once she gets out of chair that can take some time, I can get her to bathroom. You…
JO C(1)
Good day JO C I wanted to get your view on what I am going thru, anybody else that wants to add an experience. Yesterday I saw the SW and let him know that I would like to have placement in a facility that can go to Medicaid after my spend down, he asked how long I wanted to drive time wise, I said 45 minutes trying to get…
How to keep relationships being a caregiver
My mother was just recently diagnosed with Dementia and I have taken on the role to be her car egiver. When I got her diagnosis I decided to buy a house and have her live with me I was also able to get an aid to come and stay with her while I go to work. Everything was going smoothly at first and I almost didn’t believe…
A new disturbing behaviour
Today, while I was working, my husband got up went into the kitchen, opened the fridge door and drank almond milk from the container. This in itself is normal, however, now add going outside and sitting down in his underwear and T-shirt. Now repeat this string of events over and over again. I lost count of this after…
Physical Weakness?
My DH decided he wanted to dust in the den. I did not stop him as any help is appreciated. He has been able to do small chores around the house just fine until today. While he was dusting the blinds his legs gave out on him and he fell. He said his arms are weak too. Has anyone experienced this weakness in the limbs with…
Short-term memory almost gone
My DW has almost completely lost short-term memory, meaning events or conversations of a few hours earlier. Does this provide any clues about the stage she is in or moving into? Handles ADL well still. Converses fine, though doesn’t participate much in small groups of friends. Are stages even important when there is so…
Anyone else dealing with probable CTE?
I think I've mentioned before that my DH probably has chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). He fell off a balcony at the age of five and ended up in the hospital with head trauma, had learning disabilities and behavioral issues in grade school, and had multiple concussions while playing sports in high school and college.…
Dad in final stage of Alzheimer’s and mom is caretaker
Hello wonderful community, I recently discovered this platform and oMa reaching out for some guidance. We were told last month that my dad is now in his last stage of Alzheimer’s. My mom and dad live with my brother in California as my mom could not handle things alone. For the last couple days he is having difficulty…
Does this sound like early Alzheimer's?
Hello, My husband is 72, a heart patient, type 2 diabetes and has a sis who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at 62. Do these sound like early Alzheimer's symptoms to you? *Started weird habit of sitting in his bedside chair in the morning. Will put on underwear, Tshirt and then pull shorts up to his knees and sit for…
Should I or not?
DH has an appointment with his Geri-psych on Wed. I have asked that he be given the MMSE test as his memory has declined substantially since he took it a year ago. They are going to do it. My concern is that DH refers to his wristwatch to answer questions regarding time, day and date which are asked on the test. In order…
He is driving me nuts
Ok I think you all know what this is about. I work from home and my husband yells and screams, bites himself and goes into the fridge a hundred times in one day. I have started to ignore him and am thinking of getting noise cancelling ear phones. I think I better phone the doc and get some more “happy” added to his meds. I…
Driving issues(1)
DH has no drivers license but he thinks he does. His license was suspended when he was referred to the DMV for a safety check. They wanted him to see a doctor but he refused. I have taken his car keys away but it has been weeks now and he is still asking me relentlessly to take him to the car dealer so he can get another…
Difficulty with comprehension when reading
I think I know the answer already, but I have noticed recently a quickening of symptoms with my DH, as has he. Last night he was going over the list of what we can and cannot put in our recycle bin. It was two lists. One list was what items you can put in and the other a list of what you can’t. He was completely stumped…
My DH is in early stages of dementia and has terrible anxieties and depression. His Neurologist has him on two medications for this. They are helping a little. Now he wants to add Namenda to help with his memory. Has anyone had experience with this drug? He was on Aricept when first diagnosed but could not tolerate it.