Hello M1 - Thinking of You
Hello again, M; been thinking of you and your Partner and of course, wondering how you and she are and how things are going. So much happening; but hoping you are still coming here now and then. Wonder how your breathing is doing, if you have found anyone to help at home and around the property as yet, and also wonder if…
Some better news to share
Hello , After a weekend from hell, where in desperation i called hospice and begged for a solution to my huband's agitation and Insomnia, the kind nurse and doctor advised me what to do, and DH slept through the night . It was. of course, sunday, and where i live there are no 24 hour pharmacies, so we had to utilize what i…
New/old member back again
Quite a few years ago I was a member of this forum to get support helping care for an elderly family member. Unfortunately I'm back again because my DH has now been diagnosed with Neurocognitive Disorder. His issues are caused by encephalopathy caused by an autoimmune disease he's had for decades and we have been told it…
My DH was diagnosed with Parkinsonism and LBD in July. The Parkinsonism seems to be the main issue right now. He does have some cognitive issues but mild . My concern/ question is his walking and mobility are what he struggles with the most. Since June he has physically declined drastically he uses a walker in the house…
The truth is I was going to leave my husband before the diagnosis...
We have been married for 30 years, the last ten of which have been horrible and the last two of which were untenable. Then he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and of course I could not leave. Morally and ethically I just cannot see myself doing that. However, he is in the early stages, still has the capacity to understand a…
Our Story (long post)
Hello everyone, I've been lurking here forever and I decided it was time to come out of the dark. I started to add a discussion so many times, but honestly every time I did, someone else had the same problem and the answers were just what I needed. So, thank you to everyone that has posted, answered and helped me…
@harshedbuzz: regarding your mom
You mentioned in another thread that your mom is lonely. I can relate. I was never a social butterfly, but I had friends. It's very different being older. Older people don't make friends easily. I had considered moving to a 55+ active senior community, but I am no longer that active and I knew I wouldn't be able to keep…
Offered help for caregiver stress by PCP
Hello, everyone, I am wondering if anyone has ever been in the position I am in now. Twice now, both in our old location and our new one, I've had to go to a PCP for routine visits and confessed to being stressed out by my responsibility caring for my DH, and the doc has asked if I wanted something to help with the stress.…
Getting spouse to wash
I wonder if anyone has any ideas on how to get an early Alzheimer to wash. my wife is a very private person but she stopped washing herself . I took her to the pool and hot tub in the summer but what can I do in the winter?? thanks, U
One hell of a roller-coaster.
DH has been diagnosed (?) with Mild Cognitive Impairment and we are working on further testing to see what might be in the mix. He has anosognosia. Today, my DH and I discovered that yesterday he had charged $$$$s of dollars on his credit card for camera equipment. I say "we discovered this today" because DH has no memory…
Urinal? or Male Incontinence pad or both?
My DH, 78, diagnosed 2 years ago has ALZ-Posterior Cortical Atrophy and is Stage 5 going into Stage 6. Lately he hasn't been making it to the bathroom in time and slightly wetting his underwear a few times a day enough that he has to change. He may also have some visual issues but waiting for an appointment with a Neuro…
A sweet moment
My DH is in memory care and on hospice. He uses his walker and eats pureed food for all 3 meals. When I visited yesterday, I asked him if he knew who I was. He speaks very few words. He shrugged his shoulders. I pointed to my wedding ring and then he pointed to his and leaned over to give me a kiss. That was so touching.…
Hello to all, I am very sleep deprived at the moment, but wanted to post, Please excuse any bloopers. DH is having very restless nights. He has been on Seraquel 25 mg which has helped with mood , but not with sleep. So we are on a trial and error path for sleep med. The first one, Zyprexa was useless, Now switched to…
How to get DH to see his doctors
I'm new here and new to this experience. My DH, age 82, is in early stage dementia. He is exhibiting a lot of anger toward me. I'm learning that if I express my feelings, hurt and frustration it only makes things worse. He refused to meet with a neurologist last week, in spite of pleading from me, his doctor, and his best…
Unmarried partner not living together
My bf of 77yrar d has had memory issues and I asked him to get evaluated. After months and months with several steps along the way he has been diagnosed with MCI. I can’t keep track of everything he does and it seems like he is forgetting a lot of things. Seems he thought he was scammed the other day and called ti make a…
My Chuckle Today
As many of you know DW has been in MC for almost 2 years. She is in Stage 7 and is almost nonverbal usually only uttering a single word in response to a question and I can not remember the last time she spoke a coherent sentence. When I went to visit today she was very upbeat and happy. I asked her if she would like to go…
Hi guys, Just a quick post for new members who may not know. If you are looking for medical equipment , incontinence supplies, and other caregiver necessities, check out your local senior center. many of them have all kinds of things that have been barely used, eg wheelchairs, walkers, guardrails. My local branch has an…
My husband has moderate Alzheimer's. He also has some physical issues, specifically back issues. So getting him in a car to drive any distance is not an option. I'm trying to get him to go back to his MD to get another epidural which helped the last time with his back but he is adamant that walking will take care of it. I…
Time for self?
How do you find time to think, to breath, to be something other than a caregiver? My DH has been I stage 4 for over a year and is recently show more decline. I work from home most days, and he will come in the office and sit. He asks me when I will be done multiple times. I update a dry erase board every morning with what…
LO Begs To Come Home
My husband is 86 yrs old, who was a psychiatric nurse, started having delusions in early June and it was so bad that he started threatening me and tried to hurt me. I had to get emergency help for him and he was transferred to a dementia hospital for evaluation and treatment. He was given medication that has been helpful…
New and Grieving with Questions
Thanks for adding me to the group. I am new to this beast. My DH was diagnosed July 17 (Monday) with Alzheimer’s and I am grieving. I don’t even know what to do and it’s hard to even breathe. I just cry. I’ve being seeing his decline for a couple years and when we had a defining moment, it took six months to get the…
H Placement Up Date
I have posted about my H who is 10+ years into Alzheimer's and Stage 6. Lots of agitation, anger, frustration, etc. I was tired of walking on eggshells and making myself smaller and smaller so as not to trigger him. I wanted to place but my son has been very resistant, but also very minimal help even though he had wanted…
increasing agitation and aggression
hi everyone, my dh was diagnosed with EO at 52 years old in 2020, he's 56 now. looking for any advice or similar situations regarding aggression/agitation. my dh is agitated daily, today for example he spent the day on the phone talking to the city bylaw office making complaints about all of our neighbours. yesterday we…
Need some laundry advice for beginning incontinence
Hello again, fellow travelers. We are dealing with the beginning of urinary incontinence -- usually a few hours after dinner. I have read many threads on this topic, but what I really could use is what laundry practices worked best for you. I have been soaking wet items in vinegar, then laundering as usual. Sometimes I use…
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Number of UTI’s
It seems like my husband gets a lot of UTI’s. He’s had 6 in the last year, the last two a month apart. How many UTI’s has your spouse had in the past year, if any? What do you think is the cause?
A perplexing decision!
Hello All. My first post. I need some thoughts on this. My wife has Osteoporosis, pretty bad arthritis, Sleep Apnea, and every organ she doesn't need has been removed. She also has "Moderately severe dementia and Anosognosia. Add to the list, She fell and broke her arm in two places. One down at the wrist, and the other up…
ABETA 42/40 Ratio Blood test
About 5 years ago my wife was diagnosed with MCI. In the last year or so, I've noticed that she has been loosing her short term memory. For all intents and purposes it's gone now. She's had other classic signs -- leaving the stove on after cooking and completely missing the turn in to our housing development when driving…
How to answer - "I want to go home"
My DH, diagnosed with Alzheimers, is in a Memory Care Unit. He does not communicate very much. However, he repeats several times a day, I want to go home. He asks the staff to call me to come get him. My son has explained that right now he needs to be where he is. I always tell him "I hear you", "I understand". Is this…
Back again
My hubby is still in the hospital. He lies in his bed curled up in a fetal position, his body supported by foam blocks and his feet bandaged. I visit once a week, I stay for about a half an hour and he holds my hand, I am glad of that. I was laid off my job, so don’t have that form of brain stimulation. My birthday is on…