How to Deal With Angry Ex Spouse
My daughter and I are Co-Conservators for her Father (my ex-spouse). He has always had an angry and resentful attitude. He now has mid-level Alzheimers but denies it. He blames us for "putting him in prison" (assisted living). She lives in another state, and I am his only local contact. How can we best deal with his…
Now this behavior pops up
My DH has 24/7 care. I still work full time. His daytime CNA is quite good, but sometimes requires a lot of hand holding and sends me numerous texts throughout her shift. He does not walk independently (in the house, if he's vertical, he requires hands on with a gait belt 100% of the time) Today's text was regarding his…
Sleep Issue
Anyone have suggestions on how to improve sleep? My DH is awake often during the night. It doesn't generally disturb him (or me most of the time). If you ask him in the morning how he slept - he always says great, however he wears a fitbit so I can tell how restless he is. It's like he's awake for 10 minutes, sleeps for 10…
Has anyone obtained a ramp and other equipment through the VA?
Hi, I'm trying to get a ramp and a chair through the VA. I sent a message to VA PCP, but I'm wondering what comes next. My daughter works for a medical equipment company, and told me i need a PO from VA. Of course, i need the ramp asap as my DH has had a dramatic decline. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks, MAUREEN
Different results for men and women
Popular media has been promoting the lecanemab (Leqembi) clinical trial as slowing the cognitive decline by 27 percent, which is not much of a benefit, but it is presented as significant. What you don't see in most of these news articles is that there was a big difference in results in the latest lecanemab trial between…
The "Oh thats new" moments
I didnt know what else to call this thread. My newly diagnosed husband functions pretty well most of the time. Then moments like today happen. We pulled up to the store and he had the grocery list, but I mentioned getting coffee and he completely forgot where we where & what we were doing there. I just said "we're going to…
Rough few days... What other medication other than Risperidone??
My DH, 78, diagnosed 2 years ago, recent change in possible diagnosis to ALZ-Posterior Cortical Atrophy. (he can't have an MRI). The Neurologist put my DH on Low dose Risperidone 1/2 tab at night for hallucinations and it does help him sleep. After I mentioned his agitation & anger recently to the Geri Psy. she added 1/2…
Has anyone had experience with either of these or in combination for helping with anxiety in PWD?
Time for a Laugh
One thing that gets me through the day are the laughs I and DH still share. As you probably can infer from my handle, I and my DH are fierce Buffalo Bills fans. We have been looking forward to the Bills Jets game all week. So I turn the game on. After the very stirring 9/11 introduction, it is time for football. My DH…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 8/14/23
COMMANDMENT OF LOVE BIBLE REFLECTION Matthew 22:36-40 (ERV) “He said, ‘Teacher, which command in the law is the most important?’ “Jesus answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and most important command. And the second command is like the first: ‘Love your…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 8/26/23
JESUS SAVES US * HE IS OUR SHEPHERD Isaiah 53:6-7 New King James Version 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the Lord as laid on Him the iniquity of us all. John 10:27 NKJV 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. me: We've been compared to sheep. They…
Veterans Agent Orange Exposure & Dementia
My husband is a USMC Vietnam Veteran, 100% disabled for other service related conditions due to Agent Orange exposure. He was also diagnosed 2 years ago with Dementia. I found this information and it may help veterans diagnosed with Dementia get help from the VA. "Is dementia linked to Agent Orange? In a nationally…
Day care and Covid risk
DH attends day care twice weekly on the first floor of a continuum of care facility. The memory care unit on the 2nd floor is in quarantine because of a Covid outbreak brought in by an employee. The day care program is still running. My dilemma is that DH wants to go to the day program but I am reluctant to send him…
Any suggestions on what to do during this crazy time ?
My husband recently diagnosed, June, with dementia/Alzheimer’s. He is so irritable and angry I’m scared. He has not been violent. I think it’s triggering an abusive childhood. Maybe he is not as bad as it seems to me.
Hello dear friends this is ladypeewee.
We Had Peewee's service today and I want to interduce you to my wonderful Husband His real name is William. I am going to share a few memories that I have of William. He was a small man with a big heart and he loved me with everything in his heart. all through our life together he always took care of me until he couldn't…
time for a hospital bed?
My dear husband is incontinent, and it is no longer reasonable to share a king size bed. He is I would say later stage 6, fully ambulatory, but has aphasia and really can do no activities of daily living by himself. Since I'm getting him a twin bed anyway, is it time to go ahead and get a hospital bed for him? I do not…
$1450 lesson
A lady who requires 24 hour care lives 3 units away from us in our condo complex. She has many aids and sometimes they take her out. Somehow her unit became infected with bedbugs. She sits in the lobby on a padded bench while waiting for the aid to bring the car around. DH likes to sit on the same bench while waiting for…
Which medicines seem to work best for symptoms of dementia,in your opinion.
Question about my wife not knowing who I am
Wondering if the next phase my DW completely forgets me She has forgotten our marriage for a while now but more and more she will look right at me and ask where Howard is, even when I'm sitting right next to her on the couch holding her hand. I'll say I'm right here and she will say I'm not him. Wondering how soon she…
Sobering development
Well its my turn to deal with serious and unexpected illness, and to have to figure out all the implications. I got abruptly short of breath today and long story short,I'm the ER waiting for a stepdown bed with a big pulmonary embolus. I fell a few weeks back and tore my hamstring, so they think the leg injury is the…
Deciding to use medications.. please advise
MY DH fell again in memory care and he injured his forehead and elbow. The hospice nurse used steri strips to stop the bleeding and gave him a morphine pill for pain. They said his head and elbow are bandaged. The hospice nurse asked me what I wanted to do if and when he gets an infection, UTI etc. Do I want them to use…
My husband has just started Aricept , it is 10 mg. at night.he was recently diagnosed with Parkinsonism/Lewy Body dementia. Have you had good results? Any bad side effects..the neurologist did say it could cause nausea or stomach issues. This is all new ...learning as we go.
physical and aggressive behavior
Hi, This is about my FIL. He is 92 and he is living at home with a full time aide. He never had a diagnosis from a neurologist (don't ask me why, I am only the DIL) but he is delusional and has dementia. His wife died 2 years ago, but he had been not well since before that. She never told anyone of his problems. Married…
airflow mattresses and pressure sore prevention
Hello everyone :-) Things with Dad are going reasonably well - all things considered. Mom and I are working to be preventative and have plans and ideas in place in case we need them: so, looking for a low pressure air loss prevention mattress. My dad did have a pressure sore before/when he fell, but that healed while in…
Money Incompetence
DH spends like a millionaire when given opportunity. Buys coins from everyone who offers them. I have limited the amount he can charge on his Costco card after he charged a very expensive coin. I called the seller while it was still a "pending" charge & left a msg not to send it. They did anyway and I refused it at the…
Trust issues: venting
I am wondering if anyone else has gone through a stage where they absolutely cannot trust their spouse as they once did. I'm so confused about whether my DH's behavior is deliberate or not. Here are two examples. The first example involves the car keys. For background, DH has been told by two doctors not to drive and yet…
The Painful Wait
My SO was diagnosed a couple of years ago with MCI; then last year with MCI complicated by severe anxiety and depression. The neuropsych talked with me, though, about how close she was to declaring it dementia, but the lack of changes in my SOs brain in the MRI kept her from moving in that direction. She recommended we…
A tip for potential UTIs
Hi y'all, I cannot believe how often I'm at this forum, and the benefits of it. My DW of 55 years was diagnosed with MCI 15 months ago after taking the 3 hour memory tests. She has been on Donepezil and Memantine. She is showing stage 4 symptoms, and I am prepared for the long battle ahead. She has always been cheerful,…
Rough Night
We had a full day yesterday and we were both tired when we went to bed. He always talks for ten to fifteen minutes after we get in bed but last night he seemed to be especially worried that the door might not be locked. I assured him time after time and we finally got to sleep. I woke up at 1:45 with him standing over me…