Today we are home alone and I have nothing scheduled I have to do work wise so I am all the way in the moment with my wife. Today she is delusional happy. I am going along with everything she is saying hallucination wise. In her reality we are at work and she is a new hire that has absolutely no idea what she is supposed…
End stage is so hard
And it seems to go on and on. DH is end stage of Alz, but not actively dying. This has been going on since Nov. He is 66 and was diagnosed 6 years ago. His decline was fast. He was relatively young and healthy so I feared he'd get to this end stage rather than die of something else. So here we are. He's been in MC two…
Starting to Feel I Need Help
My DH who’s is 18 years my senior was diagnosed in 2018 w Alz. I have gone through a roller coaster of emotions and have gone through the stages of grief. Now I accept though the continued changes are very challenging. My sons are now out of the house and being alone w my DH is lonely and stressful but still I feel I’ve…
Alternative to Colonoscy
Today we went for our annual Wellness Check. Handyman went grudgingly saying he did not need it and it is just a way for the Docs to make a quick buck. What ever. I fibbed and said we could lose our Medicare Coverage. He went, but pouted in the car the whole way. Again…what ever…he went. Things were just find until we got…
She is on to the next level
Well we had a few good days. I have learned to appreciate good days with reserve. It's never a good day trend. They seem to be calms before the next storm. My wife is 100% psychotic now. Extremely angry her reality is in another place and another time. It seems like hell. She can have a few moments of calm and right back…
Question about olanzapine
My dw has been on olanzapine which is zyprexa for about a month and a half, she take 7.5 in the morning, 2.5 at noon and 7.5 at night. I am noticing her sundowning is getting a little worse. Every thing I have read said 20mg is the daily max. Is anybody out there giving more than that? I am worried that if they need to…
Behavior and rapid decline
hi, LO was diagnosed w/AZ in April. Since then, and especially over the past month or so, I've seen his behavior spiral down. He has frequent temper tantrums that seem to last for days. Usually it's because he can't find something, or can't read numbers on his phone. But, today was way different. I heard commotion in the…
Strange What I Will Call A Win
As many of you know I placed DW 9-1/2 months ago and as I previously posted she is happy at the MC and has never asked about home. Also it has been several years since DW acknowledged that I am her husband. So yesterday when I arrived for a visit the first thing she said was, “I’m going to kill you”, I responded “what” and…
On Further Reflection
Some long-time members here might recall that several years ago I produced a photo calendar, In Her View. It featured the professional quality photographs taken by my wife before her 14 year (so far) journey in dementia began. I wanted to celebrate her talent, her ability to see beauty in a scene most of us would pay no…
Care Facility Search
Just a quick vent. I’ve used my precious free time to tour two facilities this week. I have another scheduled for Friday. The marketing of assisted living and memory care facilities comes straight from the new car sales textbook. Maybe we’ll watch Cadillac Man tonight.
First visit
I went to see my dh this evening after work. I arrived during dinner, and didn't find him at first--I had thought he was eating in a different dining room. Anyway, when I found him, he was so happy to see me. We weren't allowed to walk around in the building--either his room or outside, but I brought him a few things and…
I placed my beloved wife in an MC last Tuesday
DW was farther along than I was willing to accept and it was none to soon for her placement. I am devastated but I decided to place her when a room became available at a very highly regarded, family run MC only and I wanted to do it before a crisis. Although I've had it easy by comparison to others here, the issues were…
New behaviour
My husband has started a new behaviour. He bites himself and yells. When I asked him why he does this, he replied he just wanted to see if he still feels things. He shrieks and starts making a buzzing sound. His sounds are varied in range and it is sort of like what autistic kids do to deal with over stimulation. The…
An Update
Last week I posted that I was about to lose it. It was not a good week. DH left the house two days in a row and "went for a walk." Thankfully, he didn't wander too far and I was able to get him home safely but it shook me up. When he gets upset at me he sometimes does this. Then we had an appointment with the dermatologist…
Feminine hygiene question
My DW is just beginning to have bathroom issues. She is now often not wiping when she pees, which I know because she also often forgets to flush the toilet. My question is whether this is medically risky for any reason. I THINK she is OK with wiping when pooping and there have yet to be any UTI issues, but she sometimes…
Bending the Curve of Alzheimer's Disease
Acetylcholine is a critical compound needed for the retrieval of memory. The breakdown of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterases is a problem early in Alzheimer's disease, but as Alzheimer's disease progresses acetylcholinesterase activity declines thus limiting the effectiveness of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. The…
Behavior Changes
My partner/best friend lives with me due to her Alzheimer's. She is going into moderate level. Lately, she is getting snarky, starting fights, and tonight, was screaming furiously at me because I spoke a truth instead of staying in her fantasy. I am still learning how to do that. Now, at 1 a.m., she is storming around…
Nothing slows progression
I started this thread because Beryette posted We saw the neurologist yesterday for followup. He prescribed a patch to help slow progression. My response is If the physician said that it borders on malpractice. No medication stops the progression of this disease , What they do for a short period of time is help with…
DH doesn’t know I live with him
Any ideas on what to do when DH doesn’t know I live with him. He didn’t want me in the house today.
Phone calls make it worse?
My mom is in a board and care MC facility two states away. I call her and chat once a week at least, but our phone calls are getting harder and harder. She is starting to not really understand who I am and is barely able to have a conversation. My last call with her was so upsetting. She started crying, calling me momma…
Got my colonoscopy done
Well, I was a little surprised. I've had a colonoscopy before, but this time the prep was much easier than it was last time. No stomach cramps like last time, but it's not fun to sit and wait for might/will happen at any time, for hours. I didn't realize how uncomfortable the bidet seat was. But a laptop makes it a little…
Hospice care starting this week for my LO
My wife, 67 y.o. diagnosed 7 years ago with ALZ, is now at stage 7 and the palliative care physician recommended hospice care. She has been in the hospital for several weeks in a geriatric unit to get her meds right after some nighttime disruptive behaviors plus some underlying medical issues. She also had a couple of…
She’s gone
My dear wife passed away this afternoon. An accomplished attorney, a loving wife, and the best person I’ve ever met. 15 years after retiring from the law because of this awful disease. My dear, beautiful, caring girl is gone. I don’t know what I am going to do now. 47 years together, everything to each other, and no…
Did anyone hear from Butterfly Wings?
Did anyone ever hear from Butterfly Wings? I sure hope she’s doing okay!
Gummies to calm wife down
My wife could use some or at least try them on her. She is on no meds at all. Some on here have used them. What do I ask for? I'm to the point I will try anything and also it might help to get her calmed down for when I get her placed. Right now even to get dressed takes hours. I'm at my wits end. Hoot
refusing to do anything to feel better
My mom has Lewy-body dementia diagnosis. She has been sick with a flu/upset stomach for 12 days. At first, I let her sleep and offered her daily pills, including blood pressure as normal. She skipped quite a few days. She's been feeling nauseous, has bloated abdomen and occasional diarrhea. On Saturday I got her a pill to…
Biogen writes off Aduhelm inventory as Worthless
Biogen is trying to escape the dark Aduhelm cloud hanging over its Alzheimer's disease drug launch. So far, the launch has triggered layoffs, a CEO switch and much more.Now, Biogen has quietly unveiled a sizable inventory write-off. In a recent Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing, the company said its Aduhlem…
Today's my birthday
And it has been a good day. When I think back to where I was a year ago, it seems more like 10 years have passed. I was trying to balance home life with DH's paranoia, peeing all over the house and not sleeping and the start of a new school year that was crazy busy. I look back and wonder how I did it. DH was placed 5 1/2…
What should I say?(1)
My dh has been in assisted living for about 10 days. He calls me every day to tell me he loves me, and update me on when he's coming home. Yesterday, he was talking about coming home, and he asked, "Am I ever coming home, or am I here for the rest of my days?" To me, the kindest thing would be a straight answer, but I know…
Nursing homes and Medicare?
Hi all, Can anyone tell me if what I heard is true. I know that when you've been in a hospital and then you go to a skilled nursing facility, Medicare pays up to 100 days. But a few people have told me that if you are in an ALF and you can no longer bear weight, then you have to go to a nursing home (skilled nursing…