Something constructive to fight dementia
DW is in memory care since April 29, two years after diagnosis of AD (atypical). Alzheimer's Association walk in my area is Sept. 11. I have raised $1,750 so far. It feels like something constructive to fight dementia (along with my anxiety etc.) when the options are very limited. Keep fundraising in mind for the sake of…
My DH has not driven for three years. Today I could not drive because of a surgical procedure and he said he had a license and could drive. Looking for a kind, thoughtful response.
I feel like I'm losing it this morning.
There are tears in my eyes and I feel very depressed and down this morning. His disease is getting the best of me. DH is constantly complaining about something and I'm the only one here he has to complain to. It's like a constant drip on my forehead and on my emotions. There comes a point where I feel so angry and damaged…
Wife hid her laptop
One of my wife's hallucinations is a 4 year old girl taking her stuff. She will hide stuff so the kid can't find them. She forgets she hid them from the kid and furthers the belief the kid is taking stuff. I thought I knew all her hiding spots. Dressers under clothes is popular. She hid her laptop 2 days ago and I have…
CBD interaction with prescription meds
I have been reading Hoot's question about gummies and some very helpful rsesonses, but I am wondering how they would interact with Prozac and Aricept. Has anyone seen any medical studies about the issue? Thanks
Keep getting logged off
Twice I tried to reply to a thread, and both times I was logged off just a few minutes after logging in. Gonna try to report it.
Has anyone just stopped with the meds ?
When my wife was diagnosed she was prescribed Aricept. She was obsessed with dying and depressed, psychotic, and delusional. She was prescribed an anti depressant. It worked for a while and it's as if her brain outsmarts the med and continues on its path. She started really hallucinating and waking up in the middle of the…
Been thinking about you and hoping things are working out. Did you get your portable lew?.
I saw a discussion in the CTE Facebook group about genetic testing for the metabolism of some medications. It is used to help select the ones most likely to help an individual patient. Does anyone have any experience with this? I found a general discussion on this Mayo Clinic website.…
Does anyone have experience with a patch for slowing progression?
We saw the neurologist yesterday for followup. He prescribed a patch to help slow progression. I have not picked it up yet. I could not get what I felt were good answers from this dr. What med is it? Are there side effects to watch for? Etc. He just kept saying-" we do what we gotta do". Has anyone else been given a patch?…
First weekend
On Friday I took my dh to memory care. As soon as we got there he said, "I know what this is and I'm not staying." Eventually a nice activities person took him round and introduced him to people and I populated his room and slipped out. It was smoother than I expected. Later that evening I called and the nurse said he'd…
I saw my husband!
My husband goes to bed around 7pm and doesn’t get up until around 8am. Usually we just say good night and hug and kiss each other. Last night he put his hands on side of my face and looked me straight in my eyes and said I hope you know how much I love you. I have always loved you and always will. His eyes were clear (not…
Here we go again. VA Psych Unit Admission Round 2
DH has been back home from the VA Psych Unit just under a month. The meds (Quetiapine and Gabapentin) just aren't working. Aggressive lashing out was minimally improved, but not disappeared. The hallucinations (visual and audible) have ramped up to all-day, every day. Consequently the anxiety and paranoia is worse. His…
Updating my fight about POA
I know we have some new members, so I'll briefly explain what this is about. My wife was in the hospital for a suspected TIA, but nothing found. Doctor(s) changed her medication without consulting me, even though I have DPOA, and would not have given the green light for it. And the change could possibly have had an impact…
Repatriation and back to point 0
Hello to all of you I spent 15 very difficult days. My partner hospitalized in Tunisia after a neuroleptic malignant syndrome. I spent this time organizing his repatriation with my insurance. A lot of difficulties all along - at the beginning the Tunisian doctor who said that he was not transportable (9 days) - then the…
toolbeltexpert - How Are Things Going?
Hello Stewart, just dropping by to ask how your wife is doing. Her COVID infection seemed pretty serious in symptoms and so hope she is improving. Also, how is all and sundry going and how are you doing? If you have time to update, it would be nice to hear, especially in regard to your wife's condition. J.
Mixed messages from medical staff
Kids came from out of state a few days ago to take care of the POA. Their dad refused to sign the papers. Attorney says guardianship is the next step. The visit was very stressful for him. His daughter is argumentative and doesn't understand his limitations. Yesterday, FDBF got mad at me for helping give his address to the…
Another EOAD cost
I was just recognized in public by a man whose daughter I taught in 2002-2003 (5th grade). He was so excited that he called her on his cell phone to tell her and so she could talk to me. It was touching. DW was diagnosed 7.5 years ago. I've been home with her full-time for 6 years. This disease has not only robbed her, but…
Need advise on bedding products
Hi gang. I am apparently entering into the nighttime incontinence phase. Does anyone have advice on mattress protectors, mattress pads, wetness protection, and etc.? I do not see nighttime Depends as an immediate answer, but surely that will come soon enough. This is a queen bed we share, and I don't want noisy, or…
When/how to stop them from driving
My DH was recently diagnosed with ES AD. The doc said to look for problems with cooking, driving, and getting lost or disoriented as signs for the transition into the middle phase. The doc said this could be in as early as a year. DH still cooks and remembers to turn the electric (thank god) burner off, can follow a…
We saw the CELA
We got all the paperwork done, now to a place. The one I was interested in has covid ,Sign was on the door Covid postive We left. Tomorrow I start looking and hoping to find a opening for my wife. Have a idea on the spend down but will find out after she is placed. Also picked up UTI meds now if she will drink it, it was…
Downsizing and moving out of state--need suggestions please
I have recently come to the conclusion that we can no longer remain in our big old house on an acre lot in Nebraska. We need to move to our second home in Florida to be close to our son and his family (more help for me when the time comes). My husband has mild/moderate Alzheimer's. I know I cannot try to convince him or…
Facing reality
I’ve been in denial! As the days go by and I see my husband slowly changing I cannot hold onto that Hope I once had. Reading through the posts I am now aware that a tough road is ahead and there is nothing I can do to change it. I am afraid of what the future will bring ,the uncertainty of it all - I pray I have the…
Football Season
DH is an avid football fan and has always followed college and pro football games on TV. I should have realized he was declining last year when he had trouble remember the names of the teams. So far this year he's interested in the pre season games and enjoys watching them. Football season has always been very expensive in…
Can I keep it together
Hi all, DW should be placed in MC in the next 6 weeeks if all goes well. Openings etc One day at a time. I'm having a hell of a time with me , I'm suppose to stay calm cool and collected, not to raise my voice and talk in a nice way. DW threw her oatmeal on the floor and I lost it for a bit. The darn* thoughts were there…
Free resource
I think I've been on these boards intermittently for at least five years. I know I cannot solicit here, so instead I'm simply inviting you to connect with me in order to receive a few free resources including. . . * Connection to a spouse who's been at this for about a decade now. * Subscription (free) to my blog: Simple…
Just need to talk to my friends (177)
Morning, Works for me, Ron. Seems like you're feeling better. Hope so. Already pretty warm here and usually is supposed to be 100 which makes almost 30 days over 100 this summer.Heat index 105-110. I had noted that we had a calf due today so drove out to check. All was well. I do hope we don't have any while it's so hot.…
Checking In(3)
I've been away as life has been really busy here. And it has been quite the path up to today. On July 19 we saw our family doctor and he prescribed an antidepressant for DH to help with his suicidal thoughts due to the pain in his arm. As we were trying to keep DH calm he didn't have the opportunity to see how the pain…
All behavior excusable??
My DH was recently diagnosed with ES AD. His behavior has already been changing. I understand it is not his fault, he cannot help the forgetting and the moodiness. But is there any accountability for behavior and actions? Am I supposed to look the other way and just accept all his behavior? What do I do with feelings of…
Let Her Cry - Hootie and the Blowfish
This song spoke to me this morning. Hugs to y’all. https://youtu.be/1aVHLL5egRY