Cruise report
My dh and I were able to go on our April 2020 cruise last week. A little background: In March of 2020 when the cruise was cancelled, there had been no mention of any confusion and our experience with Alzheimer's related only to our grandmothers. We were both working and suddenly working at home, back to back on our…
Still assuming dementia
I took down all my previous posts recently. Mostly as I needed to step back and absorb what I was experiencing after discovering what I believe to be a combo of DH mental state mixed with dementia. So where I am at- vacation was cancelled DH revealed mixed bag of awareness of deficits mixed with unknown of what its…
I've got Covid
I got my results from my Covid test this afternoon and I tested positive. DH tested negative but we will keep an eye on it. I'm still coughing a lot and and have aches along with sneezes and runny nose but much better then yesterday. I'm sure I must have gotten this from one of the students I substitute at a local high…
My dream
As most of you know, I've been struggling with placement. Typically I don't remember my dreams, but I remember the one from last night. I had made up my mind to place my wife, but I had to go to another guy's house for something. When I got there, his 5 kids, all of whom were severely mentally handicapped, were running…
Recent Aromatherapy Trial and Upcoming Book
These are the results from a recent clinical trial using aromatherapy to treat Alzheimer's disease (a preprint that has not been peer reviewed yet). Effect of aromatherapy in patients with Alzheimer's disease: a randomised controlled clinical trial Conclusion Aromatherapy improves sleep quality in patients with AD,…
Caregiver help in toileting
My husband has dementia. I have help 3 days a week so I can get out to get groceries and supplies or doctors appointments for myself. My problem is that my husband won’t let anyone help him to the commode or use the urinal. He had all his toes amputated and sits in his recliner all day. I don’t know what to do. I fired the…
Inspector general report on Medicaid advantage plans
note the thread title is wrong it's MEDICARE there is no such thing as Medicaid advantage There is also no way to edit a thread title New report Some Medicare Advantage Organization Denials of Prior Authorization Requests Raise Concerns About Beneficiary Access to Medically Necessary Care…
Do you tell lawyer about the dx?
Hi everyone, I am at the very beginning of this journey. I have known something is wrong for over a year. We have seen a neurologist and have a tentative diagnosis of Alzheimer's. He is scheduled to have a neuropsych but that takes several months. Most people would not realize there was anything wrong. His personality is…
Lady Texan(3)
LT, thinking about you this morning and hope you're doing okay. Memory care has ripped up my world, I can only imagine what Jesse's death has done to yours. Let us know when you can.
Connecting some more dots in Alzheimer's disease
This recent study on Alzheimer's disease has made some breakthrough connections: "The study may also help connect the dots between loss of neurons and the well-documented accumulation of amyloid-β and tau proteins in Alzheimer’s disease. The pattern of mutations the team found suggests that they are caused by reactive…
I have a Alexa speaker and smart plug in one room, Google echo min another. I am thinking of getting a good hub max, Google device with a screen for kitchen. I think it will help LO to see the weather, date, time and watch tv etc. I can watch the recipes as I cook! DH doesn’t see date on his iPhone, I watch or calendar…
Bowel Movement during the Night
This morning when I pulled the covers back from over DH, the telltale smell of a bowel movement. My DH is immobile, so he wouldn't have been able to get up. When I turned him over at 2 a.m., all was okay. He didn't remember anything, and it is my belief he slept through it. This has happened once before, but the doctor…
Why, oh why?
This is not a trick question. There are no right or wrong answers. Only honest answers. Why are you caregiving for your loved one? Why do you give so much of yourself, when it is so hard?
Dealing with my 'shadow'
My DW is driving me crazy following and finding me. If I retreat to my office - she not only comes in but stays and wants to know what I'm doing. Same if I go to the garage to work on a project, go to the closet to change clothes, try to watch a TV show, and worst of all when I'm in the kitchen cooking for us (she can no…
This morning I lost it badly
I can handle just about anything she throws (not literally) at me, but I have a hard time when she is not cooperative, and that's just about all the time. First thing this morning she gave me a problem because I insisted she get dressed. She was in the living room with nothing on but a sweatshirt. I literally had to drag…
Covid variant is extremely contagious
Covid is also ripping back because people are tired and careless and don't pay attention. My daughter and her husband were both vaccinated and boosted The two older children were vaccinated the 2 year old was not. He was at a friends house When a neighbor stopped by . No one knew she was a fervent antivaxer and COVID…
Yelling and screaming
I can deal with DH missing the toilet, going in different areas of the bathroom to urinate, but what I can' t deal with is his yelling. If he doesn't like something he raises his voice: sitting down on the toilet, shouted at a caregiver trying to give him a shower (didn't work out), putting on socks and bumped his toe and…
Plan for if something happens to me?
I am wondering if anyone has made written arrangements in case something should happen to them ( the spouse/caregiver)? I cant talk with my DH about it. He can no longer think things thru and would not remember the conversation anyway. I want to know that he will be taken care of if I were gone. But isnt that a very…
Tips for patience
My friends say to me "Oh you are so patient with your husband." - but the truth of the matter is I am not always patient and I sometimes have to consciously work at it. Two things I have tried that seem to help. (1) Analyze events in order to recognize the situations that trigger me to struggle with being patient, and (2)…
I am so sick
Well the aunt and cousin are NOT coming but in the meantime I got horribly sick. Aches and pains combined with uncontrollable shaking and chills. Up all night coughing, shortness of breath, runny nose and dry heaves. The kicker is I have a temperature of 102 which is very unusual as I seldom run a fever. I'm going to take…
Small win?
My partner actually went outside today at her new MC, tidied up, and watered the flowers. I’ll take it. Have to give her A for effort too: yesterday she snuck into the nursing station while it was unoccupied and made a stealth phone call to me (saying of course she was ready for me to pick her up). I didn’t get the call,…
Didn’t recognize friends
We went out for dinner with friends we have known for 7 years, vacationed with and see usually once a month. On the way home my husband mentioned he did not recognize them. You wouldn’t have known that from his behavior. I noticed that when he did make a comment during the conversation it was hard to understand and…
Alzheimer's claimed another
My Dearest Husband lost his 14 year battle with Alzheimer's last night. Leslie
Okay to Laugh
Married to DW for 43 years, one grandson "Micha". DW a little confused sometimes as to exactly who I am. Conversation from this morning. DW: Well.... you're...Micha's grandfather... Me: Yes DW: ....it's really a small world isn't it.
Update and uninvited houseguests
Update. I found our tax papers and got them turned in to our preparer in time for and extension. Refrigerator still out. LG has blackballed us from any tech work and won't come to our house any more because DH cursed out the tech out so badly for not fixing the frig immediately. Found a local appliance repair who will be…
Bought myself a gift - Hot Tub
I found a very nice reconditioned 5-person hot tub for $3,000 last October. It currently serves as my respite twice a day. DH is not interested, which is fine by me. It means I get 30 minutes late morning and evening to soak and de-stress, alone, while he watches old re-runs on TV. I spend 15 minutes with bubbles to soothe…
DW having a good day
DW has had Alzheimer's since 2015 ,probably earlier also but finally found out what was wrong. These topics have helped me alot. I'm not alone going thru this. These caregivers on here are part of one big family. We care, we share and we shed tears for one another. I get so darn* mad at times even though I know it isn't…
This question is for those who have attended local support groups
I joined a local support group, and there were only 4 of us there. My expectation was to have quite a few more. How many people attended the support group you attended? I seemed to be the most experienced in the group, although they were also going through some pretty hard times, and their LOs seemed to be more advanced…
About the course I took
As most of you know, I just finished a 5 day course online. It was put on by Dr. Natalie Edmonds, a geropsychologist, who also has the Careblazers videos on youtube. Here's my take on it: This interactive course ran for 5 consecutive days, and the segments were 1 hour each. The last day she stuck around for about another…
Emergency information binder
Do u know of a app that we can use to put loved ones info like medication, dr’s contact info, and other relevant info? I have added medication on my notes app in my iPhone. If a app, preferably free can do all that is required so I can carry the list in my handbag! Thanks