Not sure what to do(1)
After a big argument yesterday my DH kept harping on our finances. Kept asking if we are 50/50 owners of everything including the title on our house. I assured him we were. He doesn’t remember that the CELA had him sign the tile over to me exclusively. He doesn’t know that I’ve moved our savings to accounts he can’t get…
what to expect from the MC caregivers?
Well I'm on pins and needles. I haven't heard anything from the MC unit since about 4:30 yesterday afternoon when they let me know the bed delivery was successful. Should I call? I haven't been told when I can visit, what to expect in terms of communication. I hate that this all went down on a holiday weekend when things…
Is your LO being placed, or were they recently?
One thing that I think can be overlooked when we have so much on our minds is vaccinations. Covid is on the rise again. My wife could be close to being placed, and I'm going to have her get her booster in the next few days. I got mine done last Monday. This will be the second booster for both of us.
Does your love one talk about their loss?
Just wanted to ask if anyone else has heard thier love one talk about things they noticed they lost. Not material things though, we were driving yesterday and my dw said she can't remember anything from her 12 to 15 yr old period just out of the blue. I asked her to make sure I knew what she was taking about. Also when I…
About Hospice(1)
I want to say some things about hospice and the amazing people who provide this service. First of all, I can hardly comprehend how they do it. Their patients are approaching end of life and it is the job of hospice to help make that process as dignified and pain free as possible. It is not the job of hospice to make them…
I broke one of our rules
My stress level has been through the roof all day today. About 2 hours ago I told my wife I wanted to talk to her. I told her I knew I shouldn't say what I was about to say. I had tears in my eyes, and I told her I loved her. I told her I didn't want her to go to a nursing home, but I couldn't do it any longer. She didn't…
A little (o)bit about my DH Jesse
Hello forum family and friends. You have been by my side during this journey. I thank you and I am grateful for you. I wanted to share a little (o)bit about my DH. Jesse passed away peacefully at his home, with his wife at his side. Jesse’s life was full of adventure, shenanigans and love. Those adventures took him around…
How often should I visit?
My question of the day is, how often should I visit? 5 weeks and 2 days in memory care now. I know the answer to my question is to do what feels right. I'm visiting every other day, for 2-3 hours. It's a 35-40 minute drive each way. And yes, working full time still. He enjoys my visits, but I'm not sure he knows who I am.…
No Underwear No pants.
I talk to my mom 3 to 4 times a week on FaceTime. Yesterday when I called her the aid came in to help her to bathroom because she said her legs where hurting. She sat the tablet down waited for her to come back and I heard them take her to the bathroom. The bathroom is in her room. When she got back to FaceTime we talked…
Now the move
Committed Friday to a MC facility, the fourth one I looked at. Maybe buyer's remorse is inevitable. It's small (24 beds) and seems reasonable, at least not intimidated by the hospital events as my first choice was. Spent the weekend going paperwork, now it's on to the details, seems like it might take another week to…
The TITANIC defense and ADUHELM
I am not a neuroscientist I have no personal knowledge of whether Aduhelm works. But I have studied Science based safety regulation in particular the FDA since the early 1970s. ADUHELM backers, including the Alzheimer's Association are using the TITANIC argument that it was "approved" by government regulators. In this case…
Trouble with giving pills
I started having trouble giving DH his pills. He either spits them out or spits them in his glass of water. I tried putting them in yogurt, but some tables are large and he crunches them if they are in food. I need advice - I'll try anything. He isn't refusing them - he just can't figure out how to swallow them with water…
DH threatening to stop taking meds
I order his meds, give to him diligently each lunch and dinner time, I put the meds in a little dish, right under his nose! he forgot to take them today! I was annoyed, he threatened to stop taking them! Sometimes, he says how long he has to continue having a patch( I put the patch every am) It’s so frustrating! How should…
Cry a little every day...
... for what was, what is, and what will be.
What type of facility?
I'm finally admitting that it's getting to be too hard, too often. She knows everybody, seems to be fairly normal in a lot of ways. She does not have any other major health issues at this time. She does not wander. Her ability to communicate continues to get worse because she substitutes "three to elevens" for any and all…
Folks we were all bamboozled by government again.
Shoes from Kizik?
Has anyone here ordered from Kizik.com? The shoes look like they would be great for PWD. Just wondering how they would hold up. I'm considering either women's Prague or women's Eco-Knit.
Can delusions be a symptom of early Alzheimer’s?
My DH has Alzheimer’s, stage 5 or 6. His memory issues became apparent about 4 years ago. Here is my question- ( something that has been bothering me for a long time)- can delusions show up even before the memory loss? We’ve only been married 11 years. His first wife died, a very traumatic time for him. After we married…
Bad Week(1)
This has not been a good week. About a week ago I noticed everything in our eight year old LG refrigerator wasn't cold any more and that all the ice had melted. I called a number of appliance repair places only to be told they don't service LG refrigerators because they have something different about their compressors so I…
Kids and cops
Yesterday, the kids in the family were out in the street playing basketball. A cop came down the street, pulled his patrol car off to the side, and got in the game with them. How cool is that?
UTI driving me crazy
This is the 2 nd UTI in a year. My wife had me leave 3 days ago cause she didnt know who i was. One day later she wanted to know why i was gone. Married 50 years this Feb. my daughter was here so it was ok but first time we’ve ever been apart. Even now a week later she isnt always sure about me. We have been dealing wit…
Mild dementia/ Alzheimer’s
I asked neurologist what type of dementia does DH has, is it Lewy body, he said no. He doesn’t know what kind, thinks probably has Alzheimer’s. Is this a good answer? DH restless leg and shaking in his sleep, neurologist says to have sleep study done. DH had sleep apnea before, ok now. Is this a sign Dementia getting…
Down Syndrome, Alzheimer's Disease and Drug Trials
Stunningly; 90% of people with Down Syndrome will develop Alzheimer's Disease, much of the onset being in their 40's and 50's. Considering the recent disagreement re drug approval, this is an informative link, and in some aspects, heartbreaking. Well worth reading the entire article:…
Sleeps so much
My 88 year old DH, who I believe is into stage 6, is sleeping 18-20 hrs a day. He doesn't ever leave his chair except to use bathroom. I know to many of you this would be a blessing. I know how fortunate I am by reading what you go thru on a daily basis. He eats very little except sweets and ice cream. He is diabetic, has…
DH Forgets who I am - follows my lead
It’s difficult to accept the disease is causing DH to not know who I am. To ask if I want to sleep in the guest room or to say we can sleep together since we are both adults and ‘will behave'. Or to think I’m his girlfriend – hasn’t a clue what my name is but knows he loves me. At one point I took out our marriage license…
DH is gone. I am numb.
Jesse died this morning at 10:47 am. There are no words for how empty I feel.
Music player
I was looking for a music player that my wife could use, something really really easy for her to use. I came across the Smpl Music Player in my search. All she needs to do is lift a cover and the music plays. For her it's as easy as that. The price new is way more than I would pay but I bid on one off eBay and got it for…
Should I take DH off the ira beneficiary list
As with most couples, I have my husband as one of my beneficiaries. We have children from both our previous marriages but no children together. During 36 children of our marriage, his children have no contact with me even though they live near. My children don’t live near, one out of the country. I have my children as…
Good resources for younger kids who have to help with caregiving in a home
What a month(1)
I've surfaced from a very stressful month with DH. I thought things were under control and the main problem was that I was sleep deprived and he was wandering all over the house all night...well, he started yelling at me and with the home caregivers. He has always been so polite and sweet - but this was a real change. Then…